
A cattle man successfully rebelled, but did not become the emperor, was roasted alive by his nephew, and his descendants were not left!

It is strange to say that the Chen Sheng Wuguang Uprising at the end of the Qin Dynasty, the Yellow Turban Rebellion in the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Huangchao Uprising in the Tang Dynasty, and the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement in the Qing Dynasty all ended in failure. However, there is one person in Chinese history who has been able to lead the peasant army and overthrow an invincible unified empire from south to north, and this person is Zhu Yuanzhang! The Ming Dynasty established by Zhu Yuanzhang was praised by Kangxi as "Zhilong Tang and Song", achieving great achievements throughout the ages.

A cattle man successfully rebelled, but did not become the emperor, was roasted alive by his nephew, and his descendants were not left!

Zhu Yuanzhang may not have imagined that his super high "rebellion" gene was also inherited to his son Zhu Di, the King of Yan. Zhu Di was the first person to successfully rebel against the King of the Domain.

Although only the four dynasties of the Han, Jin, Ming, and Qing dynasties in Chinese history practiced the "feudal king system", in these four dynasties without exception, there were rebellions of the kings of the clans, the rebellion of the Seven Kingdoms, the rebellion of the Eight Kings, the Battle of Jingnan, and the rebellion of the Three Domains, and only zhu Di, the king of Yan, successfully rebelled. If the king is defeated, otherwise the "Battle of Jingnan" will probably be renamed "Jingnan Rebellion" or "Yan King's Rebellion".

A cattle man successfully rebelled, but did not become the emperor, was roasted alive by his nephew, and his descendants were not left!

The difficulty level of Zhu Di's rebellion was not easier than that of his father Zhu Yuanzhang, and even if he was strong and strong again, he would not be able to compete with the entire Daming, and moreover, the division was unknown, and it was difficult to achieve the world gathering to respond, winning grain and obeying.

Zhu Di was able to successfully rebel, and in terms of civil servants, he should thank the Daoyan monk Yao Guangxiao, and the one who made the greatest contribution to the military general was Zhu Di's son Zhu Gaoxu.

A cattle man successfully rebelled, but did not become the emperor, was roasted alive by his nephew, and his descendants were not left!

After the death of Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Gaoxu took his brother Zhu Gaoxu to steal horses to cross the river, which was not taken hostage by Emperor Jianwen. After Ming Chengzu raised an army, Zhu Gaozi and Yao Guangxiao stayed in the rear, and Zhu Gaoxu followed Zhu Di as a pioneer in his southern expedition.

The "History of Ming" records that in the Battle of Baigou River, Chengzu was within the reach of Qu Neng, and Gao Xushuai rode thousands of horses, straight ahead of the decisive battle, and beheaded the father and son in the battle. After the defeat of Chengzu Dongchang, Zhang Yu was killed in battle, and Chengzu went alone, and Shi Gaoxu led his division to repel the Southern Army.

A cattle man successfully rebelled, but did not become the emperor, was roasted alive by his nephew, and his descendants were not left!

The Battle of Baigou River was the most crucial battle in the Battle of Jingnan, Zhu Di turned defeat into victory and thus turned the defensive position into an offensive, and Emperor Jianwen lost his troops and could no longer organize a large-scale military conquest, so we can know how much zhu Gaoxu's merits are.

Zhu Gaoxu is a good general, but this person is almost useless in other aspects. Since he was a child, he did not love to learn, did not please his grandfather Zhu Yuanzhang, and had a fierce personality and a violent temper in his daily life. After the Battle of Jingnan, he was arrogant and arrogant.

A cattle man successfully rebelled, but did not become the emperor, was roasted alive by his nephew, and his descendants were not left!

Zhu Di asked Zhu Gaoxu to go to Yunnan to become the king of Han, Zhu Gaoxu was unwilling and insisted on staying in Nanjing, and later Zhu Di sent him to Qingzhou, Shandong, but Zhu Gaoxu still refused to take office. Only then did Zhu Di feel that he had the intention of taking a wife, and when he heard that Zhu Gaoxu had done a bunch of lawless things, he was furious and prepared to demote Zhu Gaoxu to a commoner.

A cattle man successfully rebelled, but did not become the emperor, was roasted alive by his nephew, and his descendants were not left!

Fortunately, thanks to the intercession of his brother Zhu Gaoxu, Zhu Gaoxu retained the throne and changed his title to Anle Prefecture in Shandong. After arriving in the Fiefdom of Shandong, Zhu Gaoxu still did not repent and plotted to seize the throne, and his brother Zhu Gaoxu's repeated letters of advice had no effect at all, Zhu Gaoxu was a hundred unconvinced, I made the most contributions, by virtue of why my brother was the prince, and I was the king of Han.

After the death of Ming Chengzu Zhu Di, Zhu Gaozi took the throne and abolished many harsh governments for Emperor Akihito, but unfortunately Emperor Renzong died after only ten months as emperor. Emperor Akihito's eldest son, Zhu Zhanji, ascended the throne as Emperor Mingxuanzong.

A cattle man successfully rebelled, but did not become the emperor, was roasted alive by his nephew, and his descendants were not left!

All this is the reincarnation of history in the eyes of Zhu Gaoxu, the king of Han, and it is another uncle-nephew duel, and the confidence is bursting, feeling that he can copy his father's line and rebel as an emperor. However, Zhu Gaoxu was not Zhu Di, and Zhu Zhanji was not Zhu Yunjiao, and in the face of Qin Zheng's nephew, the uncle still surrendered.

A cattle man successfully rebelled, but did not become the emperor, was roasted alive by his nephew, and his descendants were not left!

After Zhu Gaoxu's rebellion failed, many ministers wrote to him to bring him to justice, but they were all rejected by Emperor Xuanzong and did not lower the death penalty. One day, Zhu Zhanji went to visit his uncle Zhu Gaoxu, who deliberately stretched out his leg to trip up the emperor's nephew, and Zhu Zhanji finally had a murderous heart.

A cattle man successfully rebelled, but did not become the emperor, was roasted alive by his nephew, and his descendants were not left!

Someone sent someone to bring a large copper cylinder weighing three hundred pounds to hold Zhu Gaoxu, and Zhu Gaoxu, who was extremely powerful, made the top of the cylinder move randomly. Zhu Zhanji let people put a pile of charcoal on the copper cylinder, "the charcoal cylinder is like a mountain, but the charcoal is overdue, and the fire is blazing copper", and Zhu Gaoxu was roasted alive in the copper cylinder.

Zhu Gaoxu not only played with himself to death, but his sons were all killed, leaving no one behind.

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