
One of Yongzheng's wisest sons has been pretending to be crazy and stupid all his life, but he has let future generations enjoy wealth forever

It is said that ruthlessness is the most imperial family, since ancient times, how much bloody storm can a throne set off. In the court, in order to compete for the throne, brothers cannibalism, father and son turned against each other, which is a true portrayal of the imperial family under the feudal system. No matter how holy and wise a wise man is, he will always have his hands stained with blood in the process of ascending to the throne. However, there was such a pair of imperial brothers, who lived in harmony for 35 spring, autumn, winter, and summer, until the other party died of illness, and did not turn against each other, which was undoubtedly unprecedented in feudal history. What kind of brothers are these? They were the Qianlong Emperor Ai XinJue Luo Hongli and the Prince of Heshuo Ai Xin Jue Luo Hongzhi.

One of Yongzheng's wisest sons has been pretending to be crazy and stupid all his life, but he has let future generations enjoy wealth forever

Through modern TV dramas, we all deeply understand that the Qing Palace is extremely cruel and ruthless. Whether it is the concubine dispute between the harems or the struggle between concubines under the imperial power, there is no emotion at all. Stepping on the throne of brothers and sisters is something that every emperor has ever done, and Hongzhi can be said to be the wisest son of Yongzheng, but he has been pretending to be crazy and stupid all his life, away from the struggle for the throne, which makes his descendants enjoy wealth forever. In 1711, Hongzhi was born, as yongzheng's fifth son and Qianlong's younger brother, he received widespread attention from birth. Most of the sons of the Yongzheng Emperor died early, only Hongli and Hongzhi were in good health, and there were no big twists and turns, which made Yongzheng very fond of the two children. Both Hongzhi and Honglixiao were very studious and able to write and fight, which also made Yongzheng often take them to show Kangxi and win the favor of the old man. However, the personalities and personalities of Hongli and Hongzhi are very different. Hongli is a steady and down-to-earth person, diligent and studious, and deeply respected by Yongzheng. Although Hongzhi had also read poetry and books, he behaved with eccentricities and exaggerations, extremely absurd, and acted as evil at various times, but he was safe with Yongzheng's favor.

One of Yongzheng's wisest sons has been pretending to be crazy and stupid all his life, but he has let future generations enjoy wealth forever

According to historical records, Hongzhi had a very strange habit - doing funerals. At that time, when the feudal traditional thinking was unbreakable, Hongzhi not only did not shy away from death, but also advocated that people would always die and have nothing to fear, which was very strange in the eyes of ordinary people, and bluntly said that Hongzhi had gone crazy. Hirohito often held funerals, sent people to cry and mourn, and was pleasing to the eye on his own. He also held a funeral for himself, instructed the people of the whole house to cry and mourn, and recruited friends to come to pay tribute, saying that the prince was dead. When a large number of guests came to pay their respects, Hirohito sat in the mansion eating the offerings and laughing. This kind of behavior, which is no different from madness, makes Hongzhi gradually fade out of people's sight.

Hongzhi likes fine wine very much, so he often appears in public as crazy or drunk, which also makes Yongzheng see that Hongzhi has no intention of seizing power. After drinking with Hongli once, Hongzhi wrote a poem "Golden Bottle" through drunkenness: "The world is impermanent and the golden bottle is delayed, and the cup and cup Arelang drunk and red dust." Life is rare to have a confidant, push the cup for the cup of words ancient and modern. This poem seems to be beyond reproach, but it reveals between the lines that Hongzhi has no heart for the throne, and is bent on fulfilling his brother's feelings and aspirations, which also makes Hongli very moved. In the eyes of later historians, this poem is called a "life-saving poem", no prince will be merciful in the face of the struggle for the throne, Hongli himself and Hongzhi have a deep affection, since his dear brother has clearly stated that he has no intention of taking the throne, it is natural to avoid the danger of life.

One of Yongzheng's wisest sons has been pretending to be crazy and stupid all his life, but he has let future generations enjoy wealth forever

In the thirteenth year of Yongzheng (1735), Yongzheng died, and Hongli succeeded to the throne as the Qianlong Emperor. After Hongli succeeded to the throne, he did not attack his brother first like other emperors, but instead gave all the property of Yongzheng Province to Hongzhi, so that he could be a happy prince without worry. After Qianlong ascended the throne, Hongzhi still maintained that crazy style. Qianlong asked him to come to the former dynasty to participate in politics, and Hongzhi went, but because of the disagreement, he had a dispute with the military minister at the time, Ne Qin. Seeing that Li Qu was unable to argue, Hongzhi beat up Ne Qin in front of Qianlong on the spot. Ne Qin's aunt was the Kangxi Emperor, and I have to say that this Hongzhi really dared to fight. However, Qianlong did not say a word above, nor did he blame Hongzhi, and when the matter was over, he continued to start the government. This scene was tantamount to telling the courtiers that I Qianlong tolerated all of Hongzhi's actions. If this kind of thing had changed to a single emperor or courtier, it might have been a different result.

In the thirty-fifth year of Qianlong (1770), Hongzhi died of illness, and Qianlong gave Hongzhi the title of Gong. For thirty-five years, the two Brothers are still on good terms, and they can still sit and drink together from time to time. Even if Hongzhi's performance is ridiculous, Qianlong will still guarantee Hongzhi a decent position, not only in terms of money and wealth, but also in Hongzhi's reputation. In the folk, it is always said that Hongzhi is a confused prince and a ridiculous prince, but on the other hand, this is not a great wisdom. Hongzhi was the most intelligent of Yongzheng's three heirs, and his literary talents and knowledge were greatly appreciated by Yongzheng, and his evaluation once exceeded that of Hongli. But why would he act crazy and ridiculous?

One of Yongzheng's wisest sons has been pretending to be crazy and stupid all his life, but he has let future generations enjoy wealth forever

Since the ancient ruthless imperial family, as two brothers of similar age, Hongli and Hongzhi of course know what will happen in order to compete for the throne. However, Hongzhi was not bent on imperial power, and he could not tolerate brothers fighting, all of which was vividly expounded in the "Golden Bottle" issued by drunkenness. As long as it is clear that he has no intention of taking the throne, even if he looks at his deep feelings with his brother, Hongli will not attack him, and in fact, it seems that Hongzhi is right. From the perspective of later generations, Hongzhi's madness and absurdity really reassured Qianlong's doubts, and also won an insurance for the rest of his life. My closest brother was bent on my own good and was willing to pretend to be crazy and sell a stupid and self-destructive image, and I guess Qianlong was also quite moved. Great wisdom is foolish, but so, but then again, in the end, in the end, Hongzhi's life, after all, the ruthless imperial family forced him to do so.

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