
Why did Qianlong have to depose the empress dowager? A big case appeared 12 years later, revealing the real reason!

The Qianlong Emperor was one of the most popular emperors in the entire history of our country, not only because he loved poetry and painting, but more importantly, because of his emotional history of the Qianlong Emperor. According to the "Draft History of the Qing Dynasty", the Qianlong Emperor had a total of 42 concubines in his lifetime, which at first glance does not seem to be many, his grandfather the Kangxi Emperor had 39 concubines, and his father the Yongzheng Emperor had 31 concubines. It is only in many folk histories that the Qianlong Emperor's six journeys to Jiangnan have caused a lot of affair, and many folk women or wind and dust women have an affair with Qianlong, such as the classic character in "Huan Zhu Gege": Xia Yuhe on the shore of Daming Lake.

Why did Qianlong have to depose the empress dowager? A big case appeared 12 years later, revealing the real reason!

Therefore, many people are studying the emotional history of the Qianlong Emperor, hoping to discover the true story from those folk histories, and many people are studying who the Qianlong Emperor's favorite concubine is. In fact, this question does not need to be studied and considered at all, and the favorite of the Qianlong Emperor in his life must be his first empress, Empress Xiaoxianchun, why would he say so?

Empress Xiaoxianchun was qianlong's first wife, and was the most honorable of the Eight Banners of the Manchus. In 1727, he married Hongli, who was still the fourth prince at the time, as Zhengfu Jin. Qianlong and Fucha's relationship has always been very good, and as soon as he ascended the throne, he made Fucha empress, and Fucha has always been virtuous and frugal. Unfortunately, in 1748, Empress Fucha fell ill on her way to the east with the Qianlong Emperor and died of illness in Dezhou.

Why did Qianlong have to depose the empress dowager? A big case appeared 12 years later, revealing the real reason!

After Fucha's death, Qianlong was very sad, and in order to express his sorrow, he also let the people of the Qing Dynasty serve the mourning of the mother of the country together: according to the "Draft History of the Qing Dynasty", Qianlong demanded that all the people and officials stop using red objects, and officials should not shave their heads within 100 days, stop marrying within 27 days, and the people were forbidden to entertain for 7 days. Before the palace had been prepared to store the empress's body, Qianlong felt that it was too small and too shabby, and added silver 91300 to expand Jing'an Zhuang, and also built a golden coffin.

As soon as Empress Fucha's mourning period arrived, Qianlong wrote "Shu Sorrowful Endowment" to commemorate the empress, and also ordered people to maintain the Changchun Palace where the empress lived in accordance with the previous appearance, Qianlong would go to Changchun Palace every year to sit alone to remember Empress Fucha, and Qianlong wrote at least 200 love poems or memorial poems for Fucha in his lifetime. Compared with the treatment of Empress Fucha, the second empress of Qianlong, known as the successor empress, was really miserable.

Why did Qianlong have to depose the empress dowager? A big case appeared 12 years later, revealing the real reason!

According to the "Qing History Manuscript", the coffin of the empress was made of fir wood, and there were only 64 people carrying the coffin, according to the etiquette specifications of the Qing Dynasty, this funeral level should have been the funeral of a concubine. Moreover, the tomb of the empress is still the underground palace of the borrowed pure Hui Emperor's noble concubine, and the whole funeral only took 200 taels, which is a world away from the luxurious funeral of Empress Xiaoxian. Even if Qianlong didn't like the empress, don't "insult her" so much, right? What the hell is going on?

Why did Qianlong have to depose the empress dowager? A big case appeared 12 years later, revealing the real reason!

In fact, Qianlong was still respectful of the empress dowager before, and in 1765 he took her on a trip, but in February of the same year, qianlong immediately stripped the empress of all the glory and favor, and the following year the empress died in the cold palace. And Qianlong's reason for his abolition has been secretive, saying that it is because the empress cut her hair privately, which is undoubtedly absurd, and the real reason is not until a case 12 years later.

In 1777, Yan Chen, an alternate minor official of the Duchayuan, borrowed the hand of the scholar Shu hede to write a recital to Qianlong, writing "Empress Na is virtuous and beautiful, and Domon is favored... It is for this reason that it is easy to touch lightly. Qianlong saw that someone was criticizing the matter of the empress dowager, and arrested Yan Chen, only to learn that there was a rumor in the people about the empress: when the Qianlong Emperor went to Jiangnan, he fell in love with the prostitute Xueru and was deeply fascinated, and wanted to bring her back to the palace.

Why did Qianlong have to depose the empress dowager? A big case appeared 12 years later, revealing the real reason!

After Qianlong learned of this, he directly sent people to Shanxi to arrest and spread "rumors", that is, one of the largest literary prison incidents during Qianlong's reign. Qianlong's behavior is somewhat irritated by people to expose the ugly things into anger, combined with folk history, perhaps the empress dowager was really deposed because of this.

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