
【New Yunfan Poets】Liu Yining Volume

【New Yunfan Poets】Liu Yining Volume

【New Yunfan Poets】

Liu Yining Selected Poems

【New Yunfan Poets】Liu Yining Volume
【New Yunfan Poets】Liu Yining Volume

About the Author

Liu Yining is a third-year student majoring in Chinese Language and Literature at the Normal College of Eastern Liaoning University.

【New Yunfan Poets】Liu Yining Volume

Selected poems of Liu Yining

【New Yunfan Poets】Liu Yining Volume


Sunset idle embankment, small hills cooking smoke far away.

Push the door to call the old man, and the light boat will not return late.

Also home

The oars shook the autumn water, thinking of returning to the night boat.

The wind tightened and the clouds dispersed, and the moon was full.

Yong Ho

Red sleeves dipped in spring rain, pavilions and ties and tisheng.

Dust leaves its true color, and the sun and moon hide its name.

Wing Chun (new rhyme)

A yellow wind, a willow lock west wind.

Who said that autumn frost is cold, lonely and clean in the wild color.

See osmanthus flowers for the night

The wind shook the dream, and the cloak was left alone for a long time.

But under the window, the fragrance is full of autumn.

Nostalgia at the end of the year

Reverie sent the evening wind to the moon wheel.

The years are like a dream, and the frost is empty.

【New Yunfan Poets】Liu Yining Volume

Dengsanjing Pavilion

Outside the wind pillow forest, the clouds and mountains are beautiful.

The weeping yang shades the swallow shadow, and the distant flower stream reflects the flower stream.

It will be late to see the sky, and the road will be lost.

Where there was no one to clear, there was a cry.

Casual Traveler (New Rhyme)

Ride the wind for hundreds of miles, get up early and take advantage of the autumn.

The new rain is far away, and the cold smoke trail is quiet.

He should dispel the epidemic and sit together and discuss poetry.

Toward this place, the heart of the river is a little boat.

【New Yunfan Poets】Liu Yining Volume

New pool after rain

A rod of flowers accompanied by fishing songs, the wine invited neighbors to draw lotus.

Dragonflies are not seen waving their small wings, only the spring waves of rhombus leaves.

Mid-Autumn Festival

The lone shadow resents the frost on the ground, when the autumn moon shines softly.

Chang'e finally made a sad song, such as Xu Qingguang's most broken intestines.

Don't buddy

A little rain and a plough song, a peach dipped in wine and three cups.

And he will hide his sorrow in a lonely pillow, and he will come to the east wind day by day.

Hope snow

The north wind swept across the paraffin, and the clouds and moon beads were seen in the distance.

He waited for Liangchen to play with him, laughing at his white jade beard.

【New Yunfan Poets】Liu Yining Volume

Autumn memories of young wei

The little girl of the fish family was young, so she quoted poetry to write chapters.

In the past, the good people invited cinnamon wine, and now the lonely shadow accompanied by autumn frost.

The green lanterns are scattered toward the evening, and the autumn leaves are cool with the wind and rain.

Even if you have a phoenix and a flower under the moon, it is difficult to escape the thin heart of the world.


Spring to sell wine on the waves, the morning light cage caixia.

The young man hangs down the rod to find the wild crucian carp, and the old man Dai Kasa forages for green shrimp.

The small bridge runs through thousands of households, and the flowing water flows into thousands of homes.

The crescent moon is covered with affection, and the insects are noisy and call the crows.

Sigh Spring (New Rhyme)

When he was young, he lost his mother and was sad, but his father drowned in cultivation.

The bleakness is still like the month of the household, and the desolation is not like a full court.

A pot of turbid wine is still weeping, and three green lamps are even more broken.

Helpless to the eunuchs of the capital city, she lay alone next to the ancient Buddha.

【New Yunfan Poets】Liu Yining Volume

Bu Operator Spring Rain

The smoke and rain are as fine as hairs, passing through the clouds. In a flash, the morning fog broke through, and a few points jumped with the wind.

Silent pure Fang Fei, want to pity the grass. The yellow oriole under the forest is lightly silky, and it also brings spring to trouble.

Bu Operator Yong Zhu

Outside the creek, I met Qing Ru wash. The wind under the fence knocked Xiao Xiao bamboo, and the shadow shook the breath.

Fear the cold of the half-window, as if draped in greenery. Do not change the humble and leave the true color, the world is called a true gentleman.

Dotted lip climbing

The day is cold in the spring, and the cane is slowly walking on Qingshan Road. Gordon looked around. The sea of clouds is foggy.

The two swallows flew together, and the nickname was like a whisper. Nostalgia. A little breeze. Divide this flower fun.

Dotted lips and water villages

Ink dyes Jiangnan, and walks through the forest stack. Idle banks are chaotic, and spring water is as green as a stalk.

The door is slanted, and the sunset moves half of the mountain. Willow bank, the sound of paddles is far away, and the smoke is late.

Huan Xi Sha Feng old friend

Yesterday idle tour of the Lonely North Pavilion, Jinyun Meixue accompanied by junxing, incense burner wine to put the golden robe.

Mo Dao said goodbye to people and talked together, only to talk and laugh. Those who know my heart are good friends.

【New Yunfan Poets】Liu Yining Volume


The work is provided by the submitted author, the copyright belongs to the author, the appreciation does not return to the author, some pictures are transferred from the network, only for appreciation, communication, sharing and use, the copyright of the picture belongs to the original author, if the copyright owner has objections, please contact the editor to delete.

【New Yunfan Poets】Liu Yining Volume

Yunfan team

Consultant (in the order in which the invitation was accepted)

Xiong Dongao Xiong Shengyuan Yang Yiming Li Shuxi Zhong Zhenzhen Zhou Xiaotian Deng Shiguang Zhang Haiou Zhou Yanting Xinghan Jiang Lan BaoPu Shusheng Fang Wei Ding Xin Duan Wei Lin Feng (Hong Kong) Hu Yingjian Wei Xin Chen Rende Liu Nengying Nan Guangxun Ma Jianxun Zhou Da Yang Ziyi Wang Yuming Ling Zexin Tang Shuangning Huang Youfu

Legal adviser

Lee Ching An

Planning (in no particular order)

Southern Bagpipes Luo Qi Hu Chaofeng Li Jun He Qisan Li Jing Wei Shuding Xing Taotao Han Baohui Xiao B

Poetry teaching

Aju Duan Wei

Outreach (in no particular order)

Wu Jin Jing Ru Zuo Qishun Yuan Xiaohong Chen Xing Sun Wen Cao Jiangning Fei Ye

Editor (in chronological order)

Safety East Cui Dehuang Half Hermit BaoPu Shusheng Song Shanling Xiao Yuhan Lang Xiaomei Cui Xinghua Tang Haoyu

Edited in United States

Zhang Xiaohong Niu Yingping


Niu Yingping Mu Xi Zou Zhihong Lei Yan Zhao Wenhan Han Mo Tong is considerable

Executive Editor-

Lu Yu poems

Yun Fan Shiyou personal album collection number (constantly adding)

【New Yunfan Poets】Liu Yining Volume

【New Yunfan Poet Friends】Liu Yining Selected Poems

Masthead inscription: Wei Xinhe; Masthead GIF: Deng Lixuan (Malaysia)

Editor: Lang Xiaomei; Editor: Fan Xiaomei

This album is exclusively presented by the Yunfan Poetry Friends Association and may not be reproduced without authorization

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