
Drink it like this during extraordinary times, quickly make a honey grapefruit water, and drink it often

author:First cuisine

Hello everyone, I'm Ah Fei, follow Ah Fei, Ah Fei shares more and more common cooking skills.

Today we share a simple method that can enhance immune function grapefruit water, using the method shared by Ah Fei, drinking less than a little bitterness.

When we usually eat grapefruit, most of our friends just throw away the skin, which is a pity. In fact, grapefruit peel is a chinese herbal medicine, which has the effect of wide and rational qi and digestion. Especially for drunken friends, grapefruit peel is a good thing, not only can detoxify alcohol, but also eliminate the odor in the mouth of drinkers.

Instead of lying on the balcony every day and counting a few birds flying every day, walking downstairs with a few pedestrians, the wind blowing down a few leaves, and a few sesame seeds left at home, it is better to make a pot of honey grapefruit water for the family to drink, only the immunity is enhanced, and people have the capital to fight against the disease.

Try a different way to eat grapefruit, so come and try it

Drink it like this during extraordinary times, quickly make a honey grapefruit water, and drink it often

Yuzu honey water, enhance immunity, often drink more beneficial

Honey grapefruit tea its characteristics: easy to store, sweet and sour taste, clear and greasy, tender skin and beauty, especially suitable for friends sitting in front of the computer all day. Pro, is not much of a benefit. Let's go!

Nonsense is not much to say, take out a large grapefruit, in fact, one can not be used up, half a grapefruit is enough, boiled with water, can brew 10 cups, fragrant and not astringent and with sweetness, like friends hurry up to try it.

Step 1: Wash the grapefruit

First scrub the grapefruit skin with salt, rub it twice, wash the impurities and waxy substances on the outside of the grapefruit skin, and eat it safely and at ease.

Then rinse with water, scrape off the yellow skin of the grapefruit, and try not to bring white urns, so as not to have a bitter taste after boiling.

Drink it like this during extraordinary times, quickly make a honey grapefruit water, and drink it often


Then cut the grapefruit peel into thin wires, the thinner the skin, the better the juice, easy to boil into juice.

Drink it like this during extraordinary times, quickly make a honey grapefruit water, and drink it often

The grapefruit was cut from the middle and we used half of it. Peel off the flesh inside, just the flesh.

Drink it like this during extraordinary times, quickly make a honey grapefruit water, and drink it often

Also prepare an appropriate amount of rock sugar. If you like to drink a little sweeter, put more rock sugar.

Tips: If you are a friend with high blood sugar, you don't need to put any sugar, and the step of preparing rock sugar can be omitted directly.

After the ingredients are ready, we start boiling grapefruit water.

Step 2: Start the pot and turn on the heat.

Below, we blanch the grapefruit peel in boiling water to remove the bitter taste of the grapefruit peel and boil it for about 30 seconds to control the water.

Drink it like this during extraordinary times, quickly make a honey grapefruit water, and drink it often

Boiling grapefruit water is a crucial step, and boiling water is added directly to the pot.

Pour boiling water into the pot and add the pulp, rock sugar and grapefruit peel. Friends who can't eat sweets don't put rock candy.

The amount of water should be less than the pulp, boil on high heat, this time to stir non-stop, boil the rock sugar, about 5 minutes.

Cook until the flesh is all spread out and the grapefruit peel is soft, then turn to low heat and continue simmering for 40 minutes. Boil the water in the pulp dry and stir constantly during this time to avoid pasting the pot.

Drink it like this during extraordinary times, quickly make a honey grapefruit water, and drink it often

Finally, the grapefruit skin and flesh are directly boiled into a puree, as shown in the following picture.

Drink it like this during extraordinary times, quickly make a honey grapefruit water, and drink it often

Now we turn off the heat, pour the fruit puree in the crisper box to cool, after cooling, pour in the appropriate amount of honey and stir well.

Drink it like this during extraordinary times, quickly make a honey grapefruit water, and drink it often

Make a pomelo puree

The prepared honey grapefruit tea is refrigerated for 3 days before eating, which can reduce the astringency of the grapefruit peel and make the taste more fresh and sweet. Many friends are worried that it will deteriorate, sealed and put in the refrigerator even if it is refrigerated for more than 10 days, it will not be bad, and whenever you want to drink, take it out at any time.

Ah Fei has something to say:

1. The grapefruit peel must be carefully scrubbed with table salt to avoid residual impurities and wax.

2. When scraping the skin of grapefruit, try to avoid the white part, otherwise the finished product will have a bitter taste.

3. The boiling process should be stirred continuously to avoid boiling paste.

Ah Fei thanks everyone for their support, is not particularly simple, like friends can first collect it at home to do a try, taste to see if it is in line with taste.

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