
This vegetable can nourish the face and lose weight, anti-aging, etc.? Not many people in China know

author:Burning Man Station

This is because it has a lot of nutrients and medicinal effects that you can't expect, which is why it is widely spread in Japan.

Many friends eat fruits and vegetables, or drink tea, then you may have seen such a vegetable. Saying it's a vegetable and feeling like it's not that good-looking, kind of like an herb! Say it's an herb, but it can be eaten as a dish! It's burdock!

Burdock was originally Chinese, but it became Japanese "ginseng". Also known as Oriental Ginseng! The Japanese regard burdock as a high-grade vegetable and supplement with excellent nutritional and health value, which is a must for every household! It is very popular in Japan and South Korea, especially women like to drink burdock tea and lose weight easily.

This vegetable can nourish the face and lose weight, anti-aging, etc.? Not many people in China know

Burdock delicacies

In fact, burdock is native to China, mainly wild, the cultivation of Burdock in China is mainly distributed in Jiangsu Province and Shandong Province, Xuzhou Feng County and Pei County in Jiangsu Province, and Cangshan in Shandong Province has a long history of cultivation and a large area.

Burdock, a biennial herbaceous plant, the basal leaves are broadly ovate, up to 30 cm long and up to 21 cm wide, the cephalic inflorescence is mostly or a minority in the umbel or conical umbel inflorescence, the lean fruit is inverted ovate or obliquely inverted long ovate, flattened on both sides, light brown.

So why is burdock called Oriental ginseng! What about every household?

This vegetable can nourish the face and lose weight, anti-aging, etc.? Not many people in China know

Burdock root

First of all, burdock leaves contain inulin, cellulose, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other vitamins and minerals needed by the human body, of which the carotene content is 150 times higher than that of carrots, and the content of protein and calcium is the first in the rhizome category.

Secondly, burdock root contains inulin and volatile oils, burdock acid, a variety of polyphenol substances and aldehydes, and is rich in cellulose and amino acids.

Finally, burdock root also contains a variety of essential amino acids, and the content is high, especially the amino acid content with special pharmacological effects, such as aspartic acid with brain-healthy effect accounts for 25%-28% of the total amino acids, arginine accounts for 18%-20%, and contains Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn and other essential macro elements and trace elements.

What else does it do? In fact, it has a great effect, and there are many effects that you can't think of.

This vegetable can nourish the face and lose weight, anti-aging, etc.? Not many people in China know

Close-up of burdock root

The first is the weight loss effect, burdock is rich in food fiber, can promote blood circulation, remove gastrointestinal garbage, facilitate laxative, reduce cholesterol in the body, reduce toxins, waste in the body, but also achieve weight loss effect.

The second whitening effect is anti-aging and the removal of black spots from the body. In our daily lives, we will produce substances that promote cellular aging, and burdock can effectively relieve this substance in the body. It can clean up blood garbage, prevent aging, make the skin beautiful and delicate, and eliminate stains.

The third antihypertensive, burdock root is rich in dietary fiber, dietary fiber has the effect of adsorbing sodium, and can be excreted with feces, so as to achieve the purpose of lowering blood pressure.

This vegetable can nourish the face and lose weight, anti-aging, etc.? Not many people in China know

Burdock HD image

The fourth is the anti-cancer effect. Burdock is known as nature's best blood cleanser, it can strengthen immunity, has a good preventive and inhibitory effect on cancer.

Burdock can also be used as a dish, can be fried, mixed, fried, steamed, boiled, burned, stewed, made soup, stuffing, porridge, using different cuisine processes and ingredients, can make different burdock dishes, such as cold mix burdock, burdock rib soup, burdock stewed black chicken, spicy burdock shreds and so on.

Therefore, burdock is really a good thing, and we should pay attention to the good things left by our ancestors!