
Crescent bend in ancient poetry

Crescent bend in ancient poetry

The ancients were naturally extra concerned about heaven and earth, and they were also very sensitive. The moon also occupies an important space in ancient poetry, and the moon not only brings light to people in the dark, but also affects people's lives, but also illuminates people's inner world. The moon is cloudy and cloudy, and every time it is round in the middle of the month, the so-called "full moon", the crescent moon generally appears at the hazy dusk, also known as the "new moon".

A remnant of the sun paved the water, half of the river is half red.

Poor three nights in the beginning of September, dew like a pearl moon like a bow.

- Don Bai Juyi, "Twilight River Yin"

As the sun sets, the brilliant and soft sunlight spreads on the water, which is very dazzling, and the river is reflected in half of the crimson and bright, while the place where the sun is not reached is still a rolling dark green. The night of the third day of September is so beautiful, the dew is as crystal clear as a pearl, and the moon is bent like a delicate bow. Sunset and moonrise, thick sun and clear moon, this evening is too charming.

The crescent moon is characterized by its thinness, which is thin but bright.

The crescent moon holds the silver hook, when Xuan Net desires flow.

The stars are still timid, and the clouds are thin and floating.

--Ming Han Shanggui, "New Moon"

The crescent moon is like a silver hook, like the moonlight of the water shining on the pavilion, a clear, as if it is slowly flowing. The stars are sparse, the light is faint, and there are thin clouds floating in the air, snuggling up to the winding moon if there is nothing.

Crescent bend in ancient poetry

When the new moon rises into the sky, the night also opens, and the moon is appreciated regardless of the season, and the new moon is also appreciated.

When watching the moon by the pond, the good wind blows the branches of the ten thousand years.

Whose jade box opened a new mirror, revealing a clear light.

- Song Ludoson, "The New Moon"

The poet waits for the moon by the pool, and the wind blows the branches, wandering around. The beginning of the new moon appeared, as if the jade box of the family had been opened, revealing a brand new mirror, revealing some clear light, causing people to look up. This is the treasure mirror of the Heavenly Palace!

The new moon, playful and agile, quietly appeared in the sky!

The first beat of the forbidden drum, at first glance, the crescent moon emerges from the forest.

Who is the treasure of the new grinding, the box small jagged cover does not hand over.

--Song Cao Xiyun, "New Moon"

The first forbidden drum was heard, and suddenly the crescent moon appeared in the forest. The moon came as promised. This is whose new treasure mirror, crystal sparkling, but the box is too small, where can you cover it!

Crescent bend in ancient poetry

The crooked crescent moon, like the moth eyebrows of a very beautiful person, gives people unlimited reverie.

A faint trace of the west of the pavilion, Yu Liang building head is not drunk.

Most of them are watching late at night, but they have seen this as a coincidence.

- Song Shijujian, "The First Moon of Fengquan"

To the west of the pavilion, a crescent moon loomed, and this faint crescent moon made the poet look fascinated. People always watch the bright moon in the middle of the night, where have you seen such a delicate crescent moon! New moon, really has a special charm!

The new moon appears at the beginning of the month, increasing with time and decreasing with time.

The first moon is like a bow unwinded, and it is clearly hanging on the edge of the blue night.

When the moths of the time are small, the three or five reunions shine all over the sky.

- Don Miao's Son, "Endowed with a New Moon"

The moon rises, like an unthruffled bow, but hangs in the blue sky. Don't say that the moth's eyebrows are too thin and too small, until the fifteenth night, it will be full and full, and the bright moonlight will sprinkle all over the world. Waiting, with anticipation, will always meet the beauty of the world.

Crescent bend in ancient poetry

Under the curved crescent moon, how much poetry has been evoked.

God is also playful, grinding out the frost sickle only one eyebrow.

Hanging towards the skinny plum tree in the west garden, the heart is timid and the south branch is damaged.

--Song Chen in "New Moon"

The poet joked that God also likes to play, and was supposed to grind a frost-like scythe, but only a thin eyebrow. Hanging on the skinny plum tree in the West Garden, people can't help but worry, don't break the plum branches! It should be a plum blossom, accompanied by a faint moon color, and the endless grace is moving.

The moon shines on you and on me, and the heavens and the earth are great, but where can it not shine?

The moon bends and bends to illuminate Kyushu, a few joys and a few sorrows.

Sorrowful killing comes to the menstrual affairs, and must take a break and rest.

——Song Yang Wanli, "Bamboo Branch Song, Moon Bending and Bending in Kyushu"

The crooked moon shines on the land of Kyushu, and some people are happy and some are sad. But what about the sorrows of the world, about the moon? Let's look a little wider!

Crescent bend in ancient poetry

Some people love the full moon, but some people pity the new moon.

In the first three months of life, the situation is that the pool is soaked in jade hooks.

Old people are old and young, who is worried about the words?

——Song Luyou, "Three Nights of the Leap Moon"

I love the moon on the first three nights of my life, not to mention the calm pool, soaked with jade hooks. It's just that, the world is difficult to follow, old and frail, friends are getting fewer and fewer, raise the wine glass, but do not know who to talk to about the sorrow in their hearts. Why don't you talk to Yue'er and treat it as an old friend.

People who are wandering outside are afraid of seeing the moon, and the full moon and the new moon are all lovesickness.

The crescent moon is like a silver hook, bending and hanging on to the guests.

Thousands of miles away, Twilight leans on the floor.

——Ming Yuqian, "Seeing the Crescent Moon"

The crescent moon is like a silver hook, and the sorrow of the wanderer hangs in the bend. Acacia is thousands of miles away, and in the evening, I can't help but lean on the tall buildings and look into the distance. Perhaps, the hometown also has a crescent moon hook, but what hangs up is the family's thoughts about the wandering people. When the moon is full, I hope to go back to my hometown.

Crescent bend in ancient poetry

In ancient times, women had the custom of worshipping the moon, facing the moon, making their hearts' wishes, maybe, which day will be realized?

When the curtain is opened to see the crescent moon, it is time to go down to worship.

Whisperers do not hear, the north wind blows nepotism.

- Don Lee Duan, "Worship the New Moon"

I opened the curtain and saw a crescent moon. I couldn't help but walk down the steps, fold my hands on my chest, and worship deeply. Whispering to the moon, others could not hear clearly. Only the cold north wind blew up the gentle skirt. How much is this woman who worships when she sees the moon? At this moment, perhaps she regarded the moon as a confidant, as a lover, and as an omnipotent god, and the moon should know her heart.

The scenery embellished by the crescent moon is beautiful, but it is also sad.

Rain and smoke in the evening, green water new pool full.

Double swallows flew to the weeping willow courtyard, and the small pavilion painted the curtains high.

At dusk, the southwest crescent is bent.

The falling flowers are windy, and the green clothes are particularly cold in spring.

——Wudai Feng Yanmi, "Qing Ping Le, Rainy and Smokey Night"

The rain is clear, the smoke is faint in the evening, and the pond is full of turquoise spring water. Swallows flew to the weeping willow flowing courtyard, and the pavilion was high and rolled up the curtains. It was already dusk, leaning alone against the vermilion railing, looking at the crescent moon in the southwest. The flowers under the steps were blown up by the wind, and suddenly I felt a light chill.

Crescent bend in ancient poetry

What if the new moon is not yet full, what the world is most afraid of is not the lack of the moon, but the scattering of people.

At the beginning of the painting, the moon was hung, and the lonely light was not yet full.

Remote recognition of the jade curtain hook, Tiansun grooming building.

The beauty is good at words and does not want to seek new tricks.

This hatred should be known, and may there be no separation.

--Song Sushi, "Bodhisattva Man, Crescent Moon"

On the eaves of the painting, a crescent moon has just hung up, and the moon has not yet been reunited, and the people of the world cannot help but be sad. From a distance, the crescent moon in the sky is a jade hook hanging from a jade curtain, right? The Weaver Girl should freshen up in that pavilion. And the moon-worshipping women in the world are not praying for spiritual ingenuity, but hoping that people who love each other will always be together, and there is no separation.

When the moon rises into the sky, how many things are on its mind, but it does not know?

Who's going to throw around for a long time? Every spring comes, the sorrow is still there.

Before the day and day flowers, he often fell ill with wine, and he did not quit the mirror to be thin.

Willow on the qingwu embankment on the riverbank, in order to ask the new sorrow, what is the matter every year?

The independent bridge is full of sleeves, and the Hirabayashi Crescent people return.

——Wudai Feng Yanmi, "Que Ta Zhi, Who Abandons Idle Feelings for a Long Time"

Who says I've let go of my sorrows? When spring comes, everything is revived, spring is good, but the mood of sorrow is the same as before. Every day in the flowers, I often borrow wine to water sorrow, and the face in the mirror becomes more and more emaciated. May I ask you about the grass on the riverbank, the weeping willows on the riverbank, why are there new sorrows every year? Without an answer, standing alone on a small bridge, the wind blowing up the sleeves, looking wordlessly at the miserable crescent moon in the woods, or, it could understand, the sorrow in my heart.

Crescent bend in ancient poetry

When will the new moon be round?

The crescent moon song is like an eyebrow, and there is no circle of meaning.

The red beans were unbearable, and their eyes were full of tears.

Splitting peaches all day long, people in the heart.

The two ears are separated by wall flowers, morning and evening.

--Wushiro Niu Xiji, "Sheng cha zi crescent moon song like eyebrows"

The crescent moon is curved like an eyebrow, and there is no meaning of reunion. I can't bear to look at the red beans, and my eyes are full of tears of acacia. Chopping walnuts all day, I have a crush on my heart. Two small flowers that bloom across the wall will form a connection sooner or later!

The moon rises and the moon sets, the full moon is missing, the time is leisurely, how to recall the water age?

The wind returns to the courtyard and the willow eyes continue to spring.

With half a day alone, there is still a bamboo crescent moon like that year.

The song is not dispersed, and the ice on the pool surface is first solved.

The candlelight is dark and the painting is deep, and the sideburns are full of frost and snow.

——Wudai Li Yu, "Yu Meiren, Wind Returns to the Courtyard Of Wulu"

The spring breeze returned, blowing green the weeds in the courtyard, and the willow trees sprouted new shoots, and the spring became stronger. Leaning alone on the railing, silent, the sound of the bamboo forest and the crescent moon in the sky are still the same as in the past, but the mood cannot go back to the past. The music is still playing, the wine feast is not yet dispersed, and the ice on the pool surface has just melted. In the middle of the night, the candlelight is reflected, the fragrance is dark, the gorgeous room is even darker, I am already full of sideburns and white hair, how can I bear such sorrow again!

The crescent moon, a shallow hook, and unconsciously, the night came again. Full moon, moon missing, moon missing, full moon again. Who sees?


Heyu, a woman who likes poetry, looks for beautiful details in the four seasons, and may time leave warm memories.

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