
Yue'er bent over the window Text/Ginger Bei

Moon bends over the window

Text/Ginger Shelle

Yue'er bent over the window Text/Ginger Bei
Yue'er bent over the window Text/Ginger Bei

The moon bends overhangs the treetops

Bend over the window sill

Pulling the lonely shadow

Sit quietly

Sing its beauty

Bright world

Like clear eyes

Yue'er bent over the window Text/Ginger Bei

Happiness quietly grows

Crooked moon

In line with the stars

Ode to romance

Cloud girl


The sky is dark and deep

Bend over the top of your eyebrows

Thick and dense

Count the roots

Miss the past

I do not know

Where have you gone

Where is it

The moon illuminated the black night

It was open all over the place

Feel another light in life

Firmly believe in the joy of life

Only strong appreciation

Show the thickness and tenacity of life

Yue'er bent over the window Text/Ginger Bei

Anti-epidemic heroes

Text/Ginger Shelle

Yue'er bent over the window Text/Ginger Bei

This spring we are fighting the same battle

Bravely move forward in the face of difficulties

Countless heroes like to go backwards

Together, we face disasters

Unknown resistance from instant noodles to green vegetables

From newborns to elderly people living alone

Every family has a common love

In exchange for this beautiful city

Happy home

Every life is so precious

Unite and fight for love

Yue'er bent over the window Text/Ginger Bei

Brilliant power keeps the footsteps of spring

We return to nature

Enjoy freedom and stability

The warmth of condensed light and heat

Deep imprints

Tired and bloated faces

A set of protective clothing that is repeatedly soaked with sweat

It was dried again and again by the amorous wind

A makeshift tent everywhere

It's the best place to live

In the face of life and death in the epidemic

Heroes also shed tears

Those tears were full of responsibility

The tears were filled with simplicity

When to put down the armor

Get out of this silent battle

May the motherland be well

Meet a new future

Yue'er bent over the window Text/Ginger Bei

Jiang Bei is a member of huaxia short literature and a writer of short literature. Professional teachers. Online poet of China Love Poetry Society.

The poem "Mai" won the Excellence Award in the national "Remembering Spring Light Flower Notes" competition. His works include "New Highlights", "Writer Artist Sunshine Media", "Pipe Network 2021 Sinology All-Round Author Program", "Kyushu Scattered Poetry Topic", "Yerba Buena Collection", "Chinese Literature", "The Most Beautiful Modern Poetry Collection", "China Wenyuan Toutiao", "Chinese Headlines", "Chinese Love Poetry Journal", "Chinese Cup", "Huaxia Elite Cup Excellent Creation Award", "Old City Poetry Garden Today's Headline News", "Chinese and Foreign Classic Literature and Art", "Golden List Headline", "Ordinary Poetry ● Poet Counter", "Seven Stars Gathering Poetry Journal", "Taiwan Good News", "New Poet", "Minsheng Poetry Journal", "Minsheng Poetry Journal", "Old City Poetry Garden" Qilu Evening News

One point number Wenfeng Mountain Wenyuan

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