
The origin and distribution of the surname Xu in Hubei Province

Xu surname, is one of the Chinese surnames, Xia Dynasty Xu Ruomu for the Xu surname ancestor Xu Ruomu was sealed Xu Guo (northern Anhui), is the earliest birthplace of xu surname.

The origin and distribution of the surname Xu in Hubei Province

In the pre-Qin period, the Xu surname was mainly distributed in Anhui, Jiangsu, Shandong and other places, and during the Qin and Han dynasties, the Xu surname was already distributed in most parts of the north. During the Wei and Jin dynasties, the Surname Xu began to move south on a large scale, mainly in the huai river and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The time when the Xu surname moved to Hubei was roughly during the Two Han Dynasties to the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

The origin and distribution of the surname Xu in Hubei Province

Contemporary Xu surnames are mainly concentrated in Jiangsu, Guangdong, Zhejiang and Sichuan provinces, followed by Shandong, Jiangxi, Anhui, Henan and Hubei provinces.

The origin and distribution of the surname Xu in Hubei Province

The main counties with the surname Xu are: Donghae County, Gaoping County, Gaowan County, Langya County,

The main halls with the surname Xu are: Jianta Hall, Mai Canteen, Donghai Hall, Dunmu Hall, Shide Hall, Zhongshan Hall, Nanling Hall, Wuyun Hall, Liben Hall, Benren Hall, and Yongchun Hall.

The origin and distribution of the surname Xu in Hubei Province

Xu ranked 10th in the number of names, 8th in literature, 8th in medicine, and 9th in artists.

The origin and distribution of the surname Xu in Hubei Province

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