
In the Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the 5 people who are most worth befriending, maybe they are by your side, please cherish them more

author:Kui Ge said history

In the Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, after the 46 friends of Jia Liulou bowed down, most of them went to Wagangzhai and established the Great Demon Kingdom, which could have done a vigorous career, but because the Demon King of the Great Demon Kingdom Cheng Biting Jin made a bad friend Li Mi and gave up the throne to Li Mi. Li Mi was able to Lixian Corporal at first, and later exchanged the jade seal for Xiao Meiniang, and since then he has sunk, and in the end, the huge Wagangzhai collapsed, and the brothers who worshiped Jia Liulou went their separate ways.

In addition to Li Mi, a bad friend, there are two other people who are also the most unbefriendable, they are Xu Maogong and Luo Cheng, because you don't know when you will be calculated and framed by these two people, and you don't know how to die.

However, in the Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, not all of them are friends like Li Mi, Xu Maogong, and Luo Cheng, and there are five of them who are the most worthy of befriending, maybe they are by your side, who are they?

In the Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the 5 people who are most worth befriending, maybe they are by your side, please cherish them more

The first: Qin Qiong

In the Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Qin Qiong has the best reputation, known as "filial piety and dedication, making friends like Meng Wei", as long as Qin Qiong is mentioned, no one in the rivers and lakes knows about it, and everyone will give him a thumbs up and praise him. In terms of morality and good deeds, no one in the entire Sui and Tang Romances can compare to Qin Qiong. Qin Qiong once saved Li Yuan's family who were robbed and killed by bandits, became the benefactor of the Li family, selflessly helped Du Wenzhong, and so on. As long as you raise difficulties, Qin Qiong will do her best to help you tide over them, and if you can make a friend like Qin Qiong in real life, you will make a lot of money. It is Qin Qiong who does good deeds everywhere and helps others, so that others can give him face, when Qin's mother celebrates her sixtieth birthday, so many relatives and friends came to celebrate Qin's mother's birthday.

In the Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the 5 people who are most worth befriending, maybe they are by your side, please cherish them more

The second: Shan Xiongxin

Shan Xiongxin is the chief scoop of the green forest in the nine provinces of the Great Sui Dynasty, that is, the chief leader of the national underworld during the Sui Dynasty. The heroes of the green forest took the lead, stuck a knife in the ribs for their friends, and went to the soup and fire, at all costs.

Shan Xiongxin walks the rivers and lakes, very righteous, and he will lend a helping hand to the heroes in the past. For example, he once rescued Qin Qiong, who was sick and sold horses, and became Qin Qiong's best friend. On the 60th birthday of Qin's mother, Shan Xiongxin went to Licheng County, Shandong Province with heavy gifts to celebrate Qin's mother's birthday. A friend like Shan Xiongxin is very sincere to people and will not harm his friends at any time.

In the Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the 5 people who are most worth befriending, maybe they are by your side, please cherish them more

The third: Cheng Biting Gold

Cheng Biting Jin is a big old man, but he is interesting enough to his friends. In order to repay Li Mi for saving his life, he gave up the emperor's throne to Li Mi without blinking his eyes. If you change someone casually, it is impossible to give up the throne casually like Cheng Yanjin. For Qin Qiong, Luo Cheng, Shan Xiongxin and other sworn brothers, Cheng Biting Jin is also very interesting, and he is a friend worth making.

Cheng Biting Jin is still a lucky general, no matter what danger he encounters, he will turn evil into good fortune, and become auspicious in trouble, such as he explores the crypt, gets a dragon robe, and becomes the demon king of the big demon country.

In the Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the 5 people who are most worth befriending, maybe they are by your side, please cherish them more

Fourth: Luo Shixin

Luo Shixin has well-developed limbs and a simple mind, but after he recognized Qin Qiong, the "righteous brother", he followed Qin Qiong with all his heart, as long as Qin Qiong had any orders, he would report for duty without hesitation and solve problems for Qin Qiong.

Luo Shi's faith is infinite, and it should be the highest martial arts in Wagangzhai. When Qin Qiong encounters an enemy that cannot be solved and cannot be dealt with, he will send Luo Shixin to battle. Luo Shixin obeyed Qin Qiong's words, and defeated the enemy many times, such as capturing Pei Yuanqing alive and killing Laihu'er. Therefore, Roesson is a qualified friend and a friend worth making.

In the Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the 5 people who are most worth befriending, maybe they are by your side, please cherish them more

Fifth: Li Yuanba

Li Yuanba, is Li Yuan's third son, before he was born, it happened that Li Yuan's family was robbed by bandits pretended by Yang Guang, fortunately Qin Qiong passed by after finishing business, beat away the bandits, and saved Li Yuan's family, and that night, Li Yuanba was born. If there was no Qin Qiong, Li Yuan's family would probably die at the hands of bandits during the day, and Li Yuanba would naturally not be born. If there was no Qin Qiong, there would be no Li Yuanba, so Qin Qiong is Li Yuanba's life-saving benefactor, and even a reborn parent.

The idea that Li Yuanba has accepted since he was a child is to be respectful to his benefactor Qin Qiong, and he can't hurt Qin Qiong no matter what. In the Battle of Siping Mountain, Li Yuanba showed mercy to Qin Qiong and the people in Wagangzhai, and Qin Qiong and others escaped smoothly. A simple-minded friend like Li Yuanba, but who knows how to repay his kindness, is worthy of deep friendship.


In the romance of the Sui and Tang dynasties, some friends are worth making, some friends are not, and the most worthy friends are the above five people, they are Qin Qiong, Shan Xiongxin, Cheng Yanjin, Luo Shixin, and Li Yuanba. It's the same in real life, maybe they're right next to you, if you meet them, please cherish them.