
Juxian, come to a trip that can be walked away! (Food)

author:Lonely with red wine

1. Juxian whole sheep soup

Juxian, come to a trip that can be walked away! (Food)
Juxian, come to a trip that can be walked away! (Food)

Juxian Whole Sheep (also known as Juzhou Whole Sheep), along with the long history of Juguo and the rich cultural heritage of "Gu Mu", Juxian Whole Sheep Soup is like penetrating into the ancient civilization of the Shang Zhou And Qin Han Dynasty and the vitality and harmony of modern humanities. The wisps of fragrant "jade liquid", the heart of the smell, the seven tricks of drinking, can't help but make people feel "the delicacy of heaven and earth, all in Juxian whole sheep soup" sigh.

Second, Juxian pie

Juxian, come to a trip that can be walked away! (Food)

Juxian has a long reputation for local souvenirs, named after its size, also known as large pot cakes. Juxian pie has been made for hundreds of years, and Juxian traditional craft cake has been identified as a provincial intangible cultural heritage. It can be eaten stir-fried or stewed, and is the main food of the locals, especially in the countryside, and is regarded as a staple food all year round.

3. Juxian Baxi Dumplings

Juxian, come to a trip that can be walked away! (Food)

Juguo dumplings are one of the traditional delicacies of the Ju people. During the Three Kingdoms period, Zhuge Liang conquered Meng, "crossing the lu in May, going deep into the barren", because "the miasma was too strong", and the soldiers were sick. In order to improve the lives of soldiers and strengthen their health, Zhuge Liang remembered the hometown delicacy "Juguo Long Bao", so he ordered the soldiers to slaughter pigs and cattle, chop beef and pork into meat paste, put in thousand-year-old ginkgo fruits, and wrap them into meat buns. According to the combination of gossip, it is steamed in a cage, so that the soldiers can eat one group per meal. After eating, the soldiers were greatly energized, and the patients were quickly eliminated, and the crowd praised the "Eight Joy Dumplings". Because Zhuge Liang commanded the army of Liu Huang's uncle Liu Bei, and Liu Bei was also a descendant of Liu Bang, the true dragon Tianzi Han Gaozu, he was called Baxi "Dragon" Bao.

4. Mullet eggs

Juxian, come to a trip that can be walked away! (Food)

Mullet egg is a unique sea treasure of Rizhao, with a long history, well-known at home and abroad, and has been a good food for emperors in previous dynasties. Mullet egg, which is processed from the egg glands of the golden squid produced by Rizhao, is milky white in color and shaped like an egg, and can be processed into a high-grade food shaped like petals and as thin as a piece of paper by the hand of the chef. According to the 54th year of the Kangxi Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty, "The squid fish has eggs in its mouth and is one of the eight treasures in the sea." "Until the end of the Qing Dynasty, mullet eggs were listed as tributes.

Fifth, floating green

Juxian, come to a trip that can be walked away! (Food)

The growth period of Fulai green tea is long, and it has the unique flavor of northern green tea such as "thick leaf teeth, high chestnut aroma and resistance to brewing", as well as the main characteristics of "green, fragrant, mellow and net" of Floating Green Tea. Fulaiqing brand tea has won the first prize of the "China Tea Cup" National Famous Tea Competition.

6. Dry steamed yellow croaker

Juxian, come to a trip that can be walked away! (Food)

Wash the sides of the yellow fish with cooking wine, salt, green onion ginger, pepper and marinate for half an hour; start the pan under the oil, sauté the shredded meat, under the bubble chili shreds, onion and ginger shreds stir-fry, and then add shiitake mushroom shreds, winter shoot shreds, squeezed vegetable shreds, add soy sauce, pepper, cooking wine, monosodium glutamate stir-fry evenly, pour on the fish after cooking, basket steamed, take out and sprinkle shredded shallots on the surface, pour some hot oil to serve.

7. Lily field chicken porridge

Juxian, come to a trip that can be walked away! (Food)

The chicken is peeled, eviscerated and chopped; the lean pork is washed and sliced. Wash the ginseng, lilies, rice, green onions, green beans, etc. Put the rice (or japonica rice) in a pot of boiling water, bring it to a boil, add taizi ginseng, lilies, green beans, etc., boil over a low heat, then add lean pork and chicken, cook over low heat until porridge is formed, and add green onions to taste. Features: moisturizing lung dryness, beneficial to lung vitality, pure heart and calm.

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