
Directly can't stand a good family of three was successfully attracted by this small crispy meat shop in Xi'an

author:Confucian chefs make home-cooked meals

Every time you go to Xi'an, you always have to make a foraging plan in advance, the food you want to eat usually has to be written on two full pages, but usually less than half of it has to return, this time is no exception, this trip in Xi'an on the fourth day, we are ready to buy some specialties or something, and there is no way to taste all the Xi'an snacks.

Directly can't stand a good family of three was successfully attracted by this small crispy meat shop in Xi'an

In the two pages, pick a few of the most inseparable to try to think about it, what is the most inseparable? There's a name that's been around in his mouth for more than a year, no, he has to try anything, little crispy meat.

Directly can't stand a good family of three was successfully attracted by this small crispy meat shop in Xi'an

Dingjia small crispy meat, the spring festival of the previous year to Xi'an, we went to four times did not eat the Dingjia small crispy meat, this time is also a special trip twice. All caught up with no coincidence, sold out and closed the door. On the last day in Xi'an, try your luck again, in the early morning, through the Drum Tower to huimin street to the big pi courtyard, the early morning Muslim snack street is the quiet we have never seen before, because these days are The Muslim Eid al-Fitr. The first time you see that there are no snacks, specialty stalls and crowded crowds here, it feels more intimate and intimate, which is the most natural face of this small street, right?

Directly can't stand a good family of three was successfully attracted by this small crispy meat shop in Xi'an

Before ordering the small crispy meat, the three of us were ready to drink a bowl of peppery soup from the old Liu family in the big leather courtyard. It is also last year to beat its home through, living in the early morning, quiet big leather courtyard, surprisingly only this store is lined up, the seats outside the store are full of people, this spicy soup is so delicious what can be so hot? So this time I have to try anything. The shopkeeper unveiled the steaming hot pot of spicy soup, a spicy spicy smell came along the hot air, scooped a bowl, and the boss asked us: "Do you want spicy?" want! Absolutely!" A bowl of spicy soup with red oil was delivered to us. Entrance – Hey! So beautiful! Drinking such a warm, slightly spicy, thick and moderately spicy soup in the winter morning, the definition of happiness is no more than that. As for the taste, compared to the Jia Jia Hu spicy soup that surprised everyone last year, it is indeed higher. After drinking the peppery soup, the body that was somewhat cooled by the cold wind warmed up, and the sense of taste was completely activated by the spicy and hot peppery soup.

Directly can't stand a good family of three was successfully attracted by this small crispy meat shop in Xi'an

Moving on, set the small crispy meat! The door of the small crispy meat finally opened, this is already the seventh time I came, the last time I came to Xi'an, in four days we came to five times, who knows how to catch up with the Dingjia small crispy meat New Year's closure, this time and then ate two consecutive closed door soup, enough to run seven times and did not give up, what kind of spirit and difficulty is this? The two people asked for a small crispy meat, and then a bowl of rice, and the child's mother saw that there was a plate of kimchi next to it, and couldn't help but ask for another plate, saying that it could be dissolved, and the small crispy meat was filled with a small enamel basin. The crystal clear little crispy meat under the thick oil soup is shining, although I already know that the small crispy meat is large enough, I am still a little surprised by this small basin, this real bowl of meat, can you finish eating?

Directly can't stand a good family of three was successfully attracted by this small crispy meat shop in Xi'an

The taste of the small crispy meat is really good! Unlike the traditional small crispy meat I have eaten, this crispy meat is softer, and the hemp and aroma of peppercorns are in the mouth, which stimulates people's mouths to start beating involuntarily. Dingjia's small crispy meat is made of pure lean beef, which is slightly tough to eat and oily but not greasy. Grab a piece of crispy meat and eat it with rice and kimchi.

Directly can't stand a good family of three was successfully attracted by this small crispy meat shop in Xi'an

Bao Er's mother is a child who has a special love for such food as crispy meat, and the small crispy meat of the Dingjia is full of praise, the Dingjia small crispy meat is indeed completely different from the crisp meat that I have eaten, wrapped in too thick batter and has no meat taste, and even the outer layer of flour has become golden and translucent after being steamed, and it is particularly delicious to eat. After eating the meat, don't forget to skip the oil layer and take a few sips of the soup below, a lingering spicy aroma rushing into your mouth. Special care must be taken because the thickness of the surface oil blocks heat dissipation and can easily be burned. The two of them still couldn't finish eating a whole portion of the small crispy meat, maybe they had drunk the peppery soup first. Small crispy meat is indeed too oily, there are kimchi to eat, to the later still feel a little tired, it seems that the next time four people have to come together, wiping their mouths out of the store door, just happened to encounter a local special trip to pack small crispy meat to take home, are at least two at a time.

Directly can't stand a good family of three was successfully attracted by this small crispy meat shop in Xi'an

Don't think that the small crispy meat is enough to become the last taste memory in Xi'an, as long as there is still a little time, it is enough to discover more. Delicacies such as: Galao San hot rice peel, Qishan noodles, and beans and flowers. There is still a spicy and hot aroma of small crispy meat in the mouth, and the slight acid that lingers on the Qishan manic noodles, and finally a Fan Ji meat sandwich steamed bun and Liu Jixiao roast chicken for the supper on the train, a trip to Xi'an is truly complete.

Directly can't stand a good family of three was successfully attracted by this small crispy meat shop in Xi'an

I was really fond of it, and this time I was really attracted by this little crispy meat. I will eat it again when I have time next time, although I have packed two portions this time, and I always feel that I have not eaten enough.

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