
Old uncle bull break! Trailing by 8 points in the last quarter, the sacrifice of the magic trick to turn the tide and reverse Zhejiang, the ability to surpass Li Chunjiang

In the 20th round of the CBA regular season, the civilian team Guangzhou led by Guo Shiqiang reversed the game and defeated the recently popular Zhejiang team 113-104, ending the opponent's 7 consecutive wins, creating a small miracle, and staged a classic battle for fans to win with a weak victory.

Old uncle bull break! Trailing by 8 points in the last quarter, the sacrifice of the magic trick to turn the tide and reverse Zhejiang, the ability to surpass Li Chunjiang

Although Guangzhou had a slight advantage in the first half, the Zhejiang team showed their true level in the third quarter, playing with speed and more methodical offensive ends, winning Guangzhou by 11 points in the single quarter. By the middle of the fourth quarter, Zhejiang was also 8 points ahead of Guangzhou.

Seeing that the general trend of the game has been decided, but at this moment Guo Shiqiang called a timeout and made tactical adjustments, he sent three defenders to circumvent the Zhejiang team, and the three backcourt combinations of Mason, Chen Yingjun and Wang Zhengbo launched a counterattack. Guo Shiqiang's move was very effective, and in the short 3 minutes and 30 seconds to follow, Guangzhou played a wave of terror 19-0, and finally surpassed the opponent.

Old uncle bull break! Trailing by 8 points in the last quarter, the sacrifice of the magic trick to turn the tide and reverse Zhejiang, the ability to surpass Li Chunjiang

Guo Shiqiang was not in danger, the adjustment was very timely, the five small lineups of the three defenders were more speedy, the pressing was more effective, the tactics were more flexible, and the characteristics of Mason, Chen Yingjun, Guo Kai, Zhu Mingzhen and others were brought into full play and achieved a great reversal.

Old uncle bull break! Trailing by 8 points in the last quarter, the sacrifice of the magic trick to turn the tide and reverse Zhejiang, the ability to surpass Li Chunjiang

It should be noted that before this game, Zhejiang ranked second in the standings, and it was the unbeaten team in the second stage and became a favorite to win the championship. As a civilian team, the Guangzhou men's basketball team only ranks tenth, and the gap between the strength of the two teams is large. But this game Guangzhou team won the weak victory over the strong, highlighting Guo Shiqiang's ability, he has become a master coach in terms of on-the-spot response and tactical application. Although Guo Shiqiang did not win as many championships as Li Chunjiang, from now on, his command ability was slightly better.

Old uncle bull break! Trailing by 8 points in the last quarter, the sacrifice of the magic trick to turn the tide and reverse Zhejiang, the ability to surpass Li Chunjiang

Guo Shiqiang is now becoming more and more mature, and his coaching ability is getting more and more progressive. After the game, he also received rave praise from the fans.

"Before this game, few people may have guessed that Guangzhou team can win the Folding River team, Guo Shiqiang is really good."

"This ball is really a textbook-level reversal game, the favorite team is Guangzhou, other coaches really have to learn Guo Dao, especially Adi Jiang and Li Nan! No contrast, no harm! ”

Old uncle bull break! Trailing by 8 points in the last quarter, the sacrifice of the magic trick to turn the tide and reverse Zhejiang, the ability to surpass Li Chunjiang

In the author's opinion, now Guo Shiqiang's coaching ability has surpassed the seven-crowned coach Li Chunjiang, and the Guangzhou team with fish belly in the first year broke into the playoffs and overthrew the Zhejiang team to the top eight, even if Li Chunjiang came to lead the Guangzhou team, it may not be able to play such a result. When evaluating Guo Shiqiang after the game, the words that appeared most frequently were "bull break" and "real cow", and Guo Shiqiang was praised.

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