
What's new in CBA! The Basketball Association banned Li Chunjiang from making a comeback, the four left the national team, and Guo Shiqiang will be dismissed

What's new in CBA! The Basketball Association banned Li Chunjiang from making a comeback, the four left the national team, and Guo Shiqiang will be dismissed

China Basketball Express

2024-06-29 13:25Creators in the field of sports

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In this offseason of the CBA League, many teams have changed coaches, Liu Wei has officially taken up the post of Xinjiang men's basketball team, and the Shandong men's basketball team is about to officially announce the signing of Qiu Biao. In addition to the news of the change of coach, there are three other latest news in the CBA league, the first is that under the intervention of the Basketball Association, Li Chunjiang is sure that he will not be able to come back; The second is that four players have left the Chinese men's basketball team, and finally Guo Shiqiang will leave class.

What's new in CBA! The Basketball Association banned Li Chunjiang from making a comeback, the four left the national team, and Guo Shiqiang will be dismissed

Some time ago, the news that the Shanxi men's basketball team invited Li Chunjiang to re-emerge was revealed by insiders, but then it was reported that the Shanxi men's basketball team's contact with Li Chunjiang was stopped by the Basketball Association, saying that the specific situation of Li Chunjiang should be "studied and studied". At present, this matter has finally had a definite result, and the Basketball Association has made it clear that Li Chunjiang is prohibited from making a comeback, and the Shanxi men's basketball team can only accept it helplessly. According to the original plan, the Shanxi men's basketball team will change coaches this summer, and the young coach Pan Jiang will officially take office, plus Li Chunjiang's assistance, the coaching staff will not have much of a problem. However, a ban from the Basketball Association made Li Chunjiang unable to make a comeback, and the Shanxi men's basketball team could only hire foreign coaches to enrich the coaching staff. In this matter, many Shanxi fans think that the Basketball Association has not been fair and just, why when Li Nan joined the Beijing men's basketball team, the Basketball Association turned a blind eye, and the Basketball Association had to interfere when he came to the Shanxi men's basketball team. To tell the truth, Li Chunjiang and Li Nan were punished together, and the Basketball Association's approach is indeed a bit unreasonable.

What's new in CBA! The Basketball Association banned Li Chunjiang from making a comeback, the four left the national team, and Guo Shiqiang will be dismissed

The Chinese men's basketball team has officially departed for Australia, and will play several warm-up games with the Australian team next. Australia has also announced the list of warm-up games with the Chinese men's basketball team, including 10 NBA players, such a squad is very terrifying, and the Chinese men's basketball team may suffer a huge defeat. Before going to Australia, the Chinese men's basketball team adjusted the lineup, and four players, including Lin Wei, Chen Guohao, Liu Lijia and Duan Angjun, left the national team and missed the next overseas training. For the adjustment of the Chinese men's basketball team, many fans have very big opinions, thinking that Guo Shiqiang's problem in selecting people is very big, Gao Shiyan, Zhu Mingzhen and other players are not too young, and there is no room for improvement in terms of ability.

What's new in CBA! The Basketball Association banned Li Chunjiang from making a comeback, the four left the national team, and Guo Shiqiang will be dismissed

Guo Shiqiang's current identity is the acting head coach of the Chinese men's national basketball team, according to the news revealed by the media, after Guo Shiqiang and the Guangzhou men's basketball team end their contract, the Basketball Association will officially announce that he will become the head coach of the national team. The Guangzhou men's basketball team has responded to this, and according to many sources, the team's veteran Zheng Zhun has been determined to replace Guo Shiqiang and become the team's new head coach. When Guo Shiqiang returns to China, he will be removed from the Guangzhou men's basketball team. Zheng Zhun is a meritorious veteran of the Guangzhou men's basketball team and a well-known high battery in the CBA league, he once decided to retire in June 22 and served as the team's assistant coach. However, due to the needs of the team, Zheng Zhun made a comeback in August of the same year. In April this year, the Guangzhou men's basketball team held a retirement ceremony for Zheng Zhun. At present, Zheng Zhun has officially taken office in the Guangzhou men's basketball team, leading the players to summer training, and when the team ends the contract with Guo Shiqiang, the news will be officially announced!

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  • What's new in CBA! The Basketball Association banned Li Chunjiang from making a comeback, the four left the national team, and Guo Shiqiang will be dismissed
  • What's new in CBA! The Basketball Association banned Li Chunjiang from making a comeback, the four left the national team, and Guo Shiqiang will be dismissed
  • What's new in CBA! The Basketball Association banned Li Chunjiang from making a comeback, the four left the national team, and Guo Shiqiang will be dismissed

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