
8 comparison charts reveal the most dangerous family education: do not want to destroy the child, these behaviors parents please check themselves

Source| Mom Handbook (ID:jqfans)

I once heard a saying: "Parents can become a role model for their children, and children can become the pride of parents." ”

In today's increasingly important parent-child education, parents' education methods are crucial.

Therefore, if we are fortunate to be parents in this life, we must practice well in order to be worthy of excellent children.

The following 8 comparative photos reveal the different ways of education we parents have, the different influences on children, and the way to educating children, we encourage you.

The life of a child is not your life

8 comparison charts reveal the most dangerous family education: do not want to destroy the child, these behaviors parents please check themselves

There is such a kind of parent who places all his time, energy, and hope in his life on his children.

Everything is done for the child, everything is solved for the child, and the child's life is treated as if it were his own life.

This kind of parent is called nanny type parent.

They often give love and time to their children, but they do not get the respect of the children.

Children will eventually grow up slowly, and they need their own private space and time.

Only by living your own life as a parent can you win the respect and love of your children.

Parents talk well

Education is half the battle

8 comparison charts reveal the most dangerous family education: do not want to destroy the child, these behaviors parents please check themselves

Talking to children is an art.

When faced with the same situation, different levels of parents deal with it differently.

Ordinary parents, when their children shrink back when they encounter problems, often use a slightly reproachful tone, hoping to motivate their children with blows.

Higher-level parents will use encouraging and guiding language to encourage their children to do it again.

The first type of parent transmits questioning and attacking, while the second type of parent transmits love and trust.

Children, of course, are more willing to accept encouraging and positive language from their parents than harsh rebukes.

The ability to talk well to children cannot be lost by every parent.

Own children

It's the best kid in the world

8 comparison charts reveal the most dangerous family education: do not want to destroy the child, these behaviors parents please check themselves

On the way to growing up, children always encounter various contrasts.

From infancy, who has more hair, speaks before anyone, walks before;

In kindergarten, who is taller than whom, who is more popular, who listens to the teacher more.

A little older, than grades, than work, than who gets married first...

Life is only once, why not let the child live in the shadow of other people's children?

Parents who love to compare their children will never be able to raise a confident and sunny child.

The greatest significance of family education is to find the advantages of children and encourage children to become the best version of themselves.

Parents are the most important professions in the world to grow

8 comparison charts reveal the most dangerous family education: do not want to destroy the child, these behaviors parents please check themselves

The moment you become a parent, the journey of training with your baby begins.

In the first year of a child's life, learn how to breastfeed, change diapers, and bathe your child.

When children go to kindergarten, they must teach children to follow the rules, how to dress themselves, how to get along with others...

When the child is older, the parents will start answering the child's various whimsical questions, start tutoring homework, do homework, and so on.

Parents have too many things to do, if they do not often self-improvement and self-learning, then in the process of educating their children, it is easy to be helpless, it is easier to get angry with their children and hurt each other's relationship.

Fan Deng said: "Only when parents grow can they help their children grow. ”

The problems surrounding the child are endless, and every time the problem occurs, it is also a common opportunity for parents and children to grow.

Learn to be considerate of yourself

You don't have to be the perfect parent

8 comparison charts reveal the most dangerous family education: do not want to destroy the child, these behaviors parents please check themselves

More and more parents, aware of the need to be a good example for their children, do their best to hope that they can become the perfect parents.

But a parent who pursues perfection everywhere will inevitably squeeze himself and his children in disguise.

As the well-known writer Mai Jia said: "Imperfect is life." ”

Try to make yourself a little more open, a little more natural, a little more relaxed to face life, to face family.

Enjoy the process of raising children, reconcile with imperfections, and how many obstacles on the road to parenting can survive.

High-scoring parents focus on process

Failing parents demand results

8 comparison charts reveal the most dangerous family education: do not want to destroy the child, these behaviors parents please check themselves

A common misconception in homeschooling is that parents value results too much.

I remembered a story about a mother who came home and saw the house in a mess.

His heart was burning with anger, and he was about to roll up his sleeves and scold his son.

But the little boy did not say a word, silently shedding tears himself.

After carefully understanding the reasons, she knew why.

It turned out that the son knew that she had been working a lot of overtime recently, and he wanted to help his mother with housework, but it backfired and made the room more messy.

When the mother knew that she had misunderstood her child, she was full of remorse.

A visionary parent must have a big picture view and focus on the process more than the result.

If parents care too much about the results, they will ignore the efforts made by their children in the process and hurt their children's enthusiasm.

Allow children to make mistakes

Children have a chance to grow

8 comparison charts reveal the most dangerous family education: do not want to destroy the child, these behaviors parents please check themselves

When it comes to children's love to make mistakes, many parents' faces have changed.

But asking a child not to make mistakes is almost impossible.

Montessori said:

"Every child must first and foremost be in a period of spiritual disorder, and mental activity moves from chaos to order."

It is the nature of children to be full of curiosity and always can't help but explore.

There are no children who are born without mistakes, and every child grows up in stumbling.

What parents should do is to allow their children to trial and error, to experience, within the scope of what they can bear.

When you are a child, let the child know that making a mistake needs to bear the consequences by himself, then when the child grows up, he will know where the bottom line is and where the boundaries are, so that he will not make a big mistake.

What you are like, the child is like

8 comparison charts reveal the most dangerous family education: do not want to destroy the child, these behaviors parents please check themselves

Is it difficult to educate children? It's actually quite simple.

What you do, the child will do.

What you are like, the child is like.

If you want your child to be filial, then you must be filial to the old man.

I hope that the child will keep his promise and he will do what he says.

I hope that children will study hard, and they will always recharge their batteries and study hard.

Parenting expert Wang Ren usually said:

"Changes in children's behavior are often just a byproduct of changes in parents' attitudes.

Expect what changes the child has, first let yourself be that change, change our attitude and way of treating the child, the child will naturally change. ”

The child's life is a copy of the parent's life.

A parent with the ability to reflect and learn is the starting line of a child's life.

No one is born to be a parent, just as a child learns to walk in a stumble, we need to communicate with our children to slowly learn how to become qualified parents.

This process may not be easy, but through timely reflection and change of yourself, you can harvest better children and obtain a happy and satisfying family life.

8 comparison charts reveal the most dangerous family education: do not want to destroy the child, these behaviors parents please check themselves

These 8 cartoons hope to remind every parent that when educating their children, they should have more patience, more self-examination, and meet a better self while accompanying their children to grow up.

Click "watching", use more distractions in education today, and tomorrow the children will be better.

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