
Martin: There is a Black Iron Mountain in Zibo

Martin: There is a Black Iron Mountain in Zibo

Iron Mountain majestic

In the northeast of Zibo High-tech Zone, there is a black iron mountain, known as Shangshan in ancient times, also known as iron mountain, which is the birthplace of the famous anti-Japanese armed uprising in Shandong Province at the beginning of the War of Resistance Against Japan in the last century, and is an important patriotic education base and red tourist attraction today.

Black Iron Mountain, the mountain is not large (295 meters, or 254 meters), but it has a long history and is not small. The Shang Dynasty was called Shangshan and was famous for its abundant iron ore production. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the Duke of Qi Huan once cast copper and iron here, so it was called Iron Mountain.

At the top of Iron Mountain, there is a furnace shrine, which is said to commemorate a girl who sacrificed herself to the fire to melt iron cattle and eliminate harm for the people.

When I was a child, I heard the story of the furnace goddess that was passed down by the people, which was concise and bright, and tragic, poignant and moving. In ancient times, at the foot of the Iron Mountain, a bison appeared, lying day and night, eating and chewing crops everywhere, and the people were miserable, and the government (also known as the Duke of Qi Huan) ordered a group to rise up and arrest and arrest them. The result was an iron cow. The government ordered the four-square furnace smith to melt the iron bull within a time limit of 7749 days. Those who disobey or cannot melt as scheduled are chopped. As a result, I don't know how many furnace makers died, but the iron bull still stands as usual.

It was the turn of Li Yan (also known as the sword casting master "Ou Yezi"), the most famous furnace smith in the Iron Mountain area, and the whole family was worried. Daughter Li E delivered food to her father every day, looking at her father's sad face, tea and rice did not think, she turned around the stove several times, tears rippled, teardrops fell into the fire, and the bull's eyelid turned into juice.

Li E, mixed with sorrow and joy, took off the silver hairpin and threw it into the furnace, and the two horns melted again. Then, she took off her earrings, took off her embroidered shoes, and threw them in continuously, looking at the ox tail, the ox hoof, the ox leg, the cow head... Melted one after another. She wept with joy, prostrated her head three times toward her father, looked back at the iron bull that was slowly melting in the fire, smiled, and jumped toward the raging fire.

Along with a fierce woman with iron bones, all the iron bulls in the fire melted into a soaring flame and rose up into the air towards the top of the Iron Mountain!

The people around the Iron Mountain all saw this raging flame and heard the story of the martyr woman saving her father and saving the people in all directions. As a result, the martyr's father was thus spared the death penalty. Therefore, people built the "Furnace God Temple" at the top of the Iron Mountain, and built a tomb for their parents at the foot of the Iron Mountain to show permanent remembrance. It is said that the title of "Furnace God Gu" was also sealed by the Duke of Qi Huan.

The Furnace Ancestral Hall is not only at the peak of Black Iron Mountain, but also in Yeli Village (Li E's hometown) at the eastern foot of Black Iron Mountain, and even Huantai County also has a "Furnace Garden". There are hand-held earrings in the garden, and the "hearth girl statue" of the foot-stepping demon cow. And there is a Yang Lian: "The oven flame refined gold and forged a thousand autumn swords, and the ice qing jade jie gave up herself as a father and filial daughter wanshi beautiful name." "Shanglian praises Li Yan (one says Ou Yezi) as a famous sword casting master during his lifetime; xialian praises Li E as a filial daughter of the world who refines by fire and saves the people from water and fire.

In my hometown of Ziyi in my childhood, every year during the Chongyang Festival, there were some old ladies who were devout to the Buddha, and they went to the Iron Mountain to worship the furnace goddess. In the year of the great drought, they all choose the birthday of the furnace goddess - the nineteenth day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar, and pray for rain.

The ancient Shang Mountain is also famous for its special geographical location and beautiful landscape. According to the Northern Song Dynasty Geography Tongzhi "Taiping Huanyu Record", "Shangshan is in the north of Zichuan County, seventy miles, there is iron ore, ancient and modern casting. There is Panlong Ridge in front of the mountain, Iron Bull Peak in the back, Jinshan Ancestral Hall on the left, Lotus Cave on the right, and the Furnace Gu Ancestral Hall at the top, and there is a holy water spring next to it. ”

It is said that an emperor of the Ming Dynasty found on the map that all the counties belonging to the Qingzhou capital in Shandong had mountains, except for Gaoyuan County (formerly Gaoyuan and Qingcheng, the two counties merged into the current Gaoqing County of Zibo City), and on a whim, he assigned the Shangshan Mountains a hundred miles away to Gaoyuan, and specially marked a five-mile-wide passage, allowing Gaoyuan to extend a hundred miles long.

During the Ming Jiajing period, a Gaoyuan Zhixian named Ge Chen (Zi Liang, a native of Henan) triumphantly wrote a poem "Shangshan Jixue" Yun: "Yunji group mountains are built, and Shangshan white is more." ...... Dongpo looked at Mar, and Shixing was even more so. Borrowing the beautiful scenery of the peak of Shangshan Mountain after heavy snow, the clouds and mist are reminiscent of Su Shizhi of the Song Dynasty," looking forward to the Nine Immortals Mountain of Mal (mountain name, southeast of present-day Zhucheng) ... The real is transcendent" ("Jiang Chengzi") sighs, expressing heroic poetry. Therefore, "Shangshan Jixue" is listed as one of the eight scenic spots in Gaoyuan County.

During the Reign of Qing Yongzheng, another Gongsheng of Xincheng (present-day Huantai) named Cheng Yu (kai) wrote a poem called "Evening Illumination of Iron Mountain", saying: "The Iron Mountain towers over a peak and is lonely, and the smoke lock is clear and slippery." No is the sunset should be taken closely, and the west window is green with a mixture of qu shu (a blanket of wool and linen). The author wrote the Iron Mountain under the sunset as colorful, beautiful and magical, so the "Iron Mountain Evening Photo" was listed as one of the eight scenic spots in the old new city.

Tieshan's even more peculiar geographical location lies in the fact that it has long been a boundary marker for dividing prefectures, prefectures and counties, and is located at the junction of the four counties of "Chang (Shan), Huan (Tai), Yi (Du) and Lin (Zi)" in central Shandong. As mentioned above, Iron Mountain once "made great strides" for a hundred miles in Gaoyuan County. In modern times, it was also an "enclave" sixty miles away from the original county seat of Changshan (merged with Zouping County).

Based on this special geographical advantage, in the early days of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression of the last century, in 1937, under the leadership of Liao Rongbiao, Yao Zhongming, Zhao Mingxin, and other Communists, together with Ma Yaonan, former principal of Changshan Middle School and a progressive figure (that is, the head of the "one horse and three commanders" who became famous in Shandong), patriotic youths from surrounding counties and districts mobilized the "Black Iron Mountain Uprising", one of the famous anti-Japanese armed uprisings in Shandong Province, at Taiping Village at the foot of Tieshan Mountain. Therefore, today, the "Monument to the Anti-Japanese Armed Uprising of The Black Iron Mountain" standing on the top of the Iron Mountain, the "Memorial Hall", "Memorial Wall", "Martyrs' Square" and other patriotic education base complexes standing on the top of the Tieshan Mountain have been built, forming a group of red tourism landscapes.

From Shangshan - Iron Mountain - Black Iron Mountain, in the long river of history, it has always been a strange treasure in the homeland of the Qi State.

January 9, 2022

Martin: There is a Black Iron Mountain in Zibo

About author:Ma Ting, born in October 1933, is a native of Zhangdian District, Zibo City. Graduated from the Chinese Department of Shandong Normal University (now Shandong Normal University). Since 1960, he has served as a Chinese teacher in Zibo No. 6 Middle School and No. 11 Middle School. The first batch of teachers in Zibo City to obtain the title of senior teacher of middle school. He has published more than 200 teaching papers, essays, poems, etc., and has published essay collections such as "Miscellaneous Notes and Long Talks", "Polishing Anecdotes", "Farmer Yang Yukuan", "Sunset Collection", "Holding Hands Collection", "Harvest in Winter" and so on.

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