
[In-depth study and implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China] always maintain a sober and firm approach to solving the unique problems of the big party

author:Jian'an financial media

We should always remain sober and firm in solving the problems unique to the big party

In the report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "As the largest Marxist ruling party in the world, our party must always be sober and firm in solving the unique problems of the big party in order to always win the support of the people and consolidate its long-term ruling position. This is a sobering admonition and solemn demand for the whole party, which reflects our party's deep insight into the historical law of the rise and fall of chaos, a profound summary of the arduous struggle, a deep grasp of the historical position of the new era and the difficulties and challenges it faces, and a high sense of historical responsibility and a strong sense of distress. We must profoundly study and comprehend, constantly maintain strategic sobriety, strengthen strategic self-confidence, enhance strategic consciousness, and promote the development of the cause of the party and the country with strong political determination.

To ensure the long-term rule of the party, it is necessary to remain sober and firm at all times

The advanced nature of a Marxist political party is not innate, but has been tempered in the course of continuous self-revolution. Being advanced in the past does not mean being advanced today, and being advanced today does not mean being advanced forever. General Secretary Xi Jinping admonished the whole party, "The most terrible enemy in the world has always been yourself." Our party has made achievements that have attracted worldwide attention, and now it is all the more necessary to have an attitude of 'the bigger the more fearful, the stronger the more fearful.'" The so-called big party mainly refers to the large number of party members and the large scale of the organization. After more than 100 years of development and growth, our party has grown from a small party with only 50 or so members to the largest Marxist ruling party in the world, a big party with more than 96 million party members and more than 4.9 million grassroots party organizations, and a big party that has been in power for more than 70 years in a large country with a population of more than 1.4 billion. In a broad sense, the so-called big party problem mainly refers to the complexity and arduousness of the difficulties and challenges faced by the party in the process of development. In a narrow sense, it mainly refers to how our party, as a large party with a long history, a large scale, and a long ruling party, should always win the support of the masses of the people and how to achieve long-term governance as a large party in party building.

First, the volume is large, and it is difficult to maintain unity and centralization. In order to govern our big party and our big country well, it is very important to ensure the unity and centralization of the party, and to safeguard the authority of the party Central Committee. General Secretary Xi Jinping once used the "seven haves" to summarize the problems faced by the party and governing the party, "there are those who engage in cronyism and exclusion of dissidents, those who engage in gangs and gangs, those who engage in anonymous false accusations and rumors, those who buy people's hearts and pull votes, those who make official wishes and celebrate with crowns, those who do their own thing, those who act in defiance of the yang and the yin, and those who do not make a big deal and discuss the central government in vain." These problems have seriously undermined the party's unity, centralization, and unity, seriously affected the party's image and prestige, and seriously damaged the relationship between the party and the masses and between cadres and the masses.

Second, the difficulties and challenges facing the administration of the country are enormous, and the complexity and arduousness of the cause of the party and the state are rare in the world. At present, the world is undergoing major changes unseen in a century, the impact of the pandemic of the century is far-reaching, the trend of anti-globalization is on the rise, unilateralism and protectionism are on the rise, the world economic recovery is sluggish, local conflicts and turbulence are frequent, global problems are intensifying, and the world has entered a new period of turbulence and change. At the same time, our party has led the people to carry out the great social revolution, covering a wide range of fields, touching on the profundity of the adjustment of the pattern of interests, involving the sharpness of contradictions and problems, the arduousness of breaking through the obstacles of the system and mechanism, and the unprecedented complexity of the situation in the great struggle, and the risks and challenges that need to be dealt with, and the contradictions and problems that need to be resolved are more complex than ever.

Third, the party's self-building is faced with some deep-seated problems, and it is difficult to maintain the party's advanced nature and purity. General Secretary Xi Jinping warned the whole party: "Such a big party, in a ruling position and controlling governing resources, is easy to ignore its own shortcomings and ignore its own problems under the illumination of the halo of governing performance, and fall into the situation of 'it is easy to reform other people's lives, but it is difficult to reform its own lives'." "Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, our party has unswervingly promoted the comprehensive and strict governance of the party and solved many outstanding problems within the party, but the party is facing the test of governance, the test of reform and opening up, the test of the market economy, and the test of the external environment will exist for a long time, and the danger of mental slackness, the danger of insufficient ability, the danger of detachment from the masses, and the danger of negative corruption will exist for a long time.

The party in the new era has become stronger and more powerful in solving the problems unique to the big party

With such a long history, such a large scale, and such a long reign, how can our party jump out of the historical cycle of the rise and fall of chaos? In response to this question of history, the question of the times, and the question of the people, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a resounding answer in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China: "After unremitting efforts, the party has found the second answer to self-revolution, which jumps out of the historical cycle rate of the rise and fall of chaos, and the ability of self-purification, self-improvement, self-innovation, and self-improvement has been significantly enhanced, and the loose and soft situation of governing the party has been fundamentally reversed, and the political ecology of the party has been continuously formed and developed, ensuring that the party will never change its quality, color, and taste." This important exposition not only marks that our party's understanding of the laws of the self-building of the Marxist party under the condition of long-term rule has reached a new height, but also shows that the century-old party has become stronger and more powerful in the revolutionary forging of solving its own unique problems.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has put forward a series of groundbreaking new concepts, ideas and strategies for governing the Party based on the new internal and external situation and in response to the new realistic requirements, and has achieved major theoretical innovation results, providing a fundamental basis for solving the unique problems of the big party. In November 2012, Comrade Xi Jinping, who had just been elected General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee at the First Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, solemnly declared when meeting with Chinese and foreign journalists: "Our responsibility is to work with all comrades in the Party to insist that the Party should manage the Party, govern the Party strictly, and earnestly solve its own outstanding problems." From this point on, from putting forward that the courage to self-revolution is the "most distinctive character" and "greatest advantage" of our party, to clarifying that party building in the new era should "take strengthening the party's long-term governing capacity building, advanced nature and purity construction as the main line", from putting forward the important thesis of "leading the great social revolution with great self-revolution" to emphasizing the decisive role of the new great project of party building in the "four greats", a series of theoretical achievements have deepened our party's scientific understanding of the law governing the Communist Party and the law of the party's self-building. Lead the Party to continuously strengthen the revolutionary forging in the process of solving the problems unique to the big party.

Over the past 10 years of the new era, the Communist Party of China (CPC) has proceeded from the strategic height of jumping out of the historical cycle of the rise and fall of chaos and chaos, and has opened up a new realm for the century-old party to solve its own unique problems in the process of deepening the comprehensive and strict governance of the party, and has made historic achievements and accumulated historic experience. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in the face of the shaking political beliefs of some party members and cadres, the repeated prohibition of the "four winds" problem in some regions and departments, some shocking corruption phenomena and the "seven haves" that seriously affect the party's image and prestige, and seriously damage the relationship between the party and the masses and the cadres and the masses, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core insists that the iron must be its own, starting from the formulation and implementation of the eight provisions of the Central Committee, and incorporating the comprehensive and strict governance of the party into the "four comprehensive" strategic layout. Under the main tone of adhering to strictness, we have played a set of "combination punches" of self-revolution, promoted the whole party to strengthen ideals and convictions, tightened the organizational system, and strictly enforced discipline and rules, so that the party will radiate new and powerful vitality and vitality in the revolutionary forging of the new era, and have demonstrated the political nature of the Marxist party in the process of turbidity and purity, especially the overwhelming victory and comprehensive consolidation of the anti-corruption struggle, and eliminated the serious hidden dangers existing within the party, the state, and the army. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "ten years of grinding a sword", "the situation of lax and soft governance of the party has been fundamentally reversed, and a successful path of relying on the party's self-revolution to jump out of the historical cycle rate has been explored".

Solve the problems unique to the big party with the sobriety and firmness of rushing for the exam

Our party is determined to devote itself to the great cause of the Chinese nation for a thousand years and to the noble cause of peace and development of mankind, and if we want to jump out of the historical cycle of "its rise is also vigorous, and its demise is also sudden", it must be particularly sober-minded and take a particularly firm stand, and in the tempering of self-revolution, we must build our party into a Marxist ruling party that always walks in the forefront of the times, is wholeheartedly supported by the people, has the courage to self-revolution, and can withstand the test of all kinds of winds and waves, and is full of vigor and vigor, and hand over new excellent answers to history and the people on the new road to the examination.

We must always be sober and firm in keeping in mind the "three musts." From the "people's supervision" proposed by the "cave pair" to the "self-revolution" proposed in the new era, the two answers that jump out of the historical cycle reflect the same truth - the party's style is the party's image, and the people's support is related to the party's life and death. In the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "The whole party must keep in mind that the comprehensive and strict governance of the party is always on the road, and the party's self-revolution is always on the road. "On the new journey, we must not forget our original intention, keep our mission in mind, be modest and prudent, work hard, dare to struggle, be good at struggle, maintain the flesh-and-blood ties between the party and the people through continuous self-revolution, continue to win the trust and support of the people, and write a more brilliant chapter of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

We must always maintain a sober and firm spirit of struggle. The boat is more urgent in the middle of the stream, and the road is steeper in the middle of the mountain. On the grand road to realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, there are still various risks and challenges that can be predicted and are difficult to predict. These risks and challenges are both intra-party, domestic and international, political, economic, cultural, social and other fields as well as from the natural world, both traditional and non-traditional, and "black swans" and "gray rhinoceros" will come unexpectedly. In seeking the development of the cause of the party and the country in an even more unstable and uncertain world, we must strengthen our sense of danger and bottom-line thinking, enhance our full understanding of the situation, be highly vigilant against risks and tests, and have a profound grasp of the protracted, arduous, and complex nature of the struggle, and struggle against all difficulties and challenges that arise with a strong will to struggle with the strong will to "hold fast to the green mountains and never relax."

We must always remain sober and firm in our unity and struggle. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "Unity is strength, struggle to create the future; Only a nation that can unite and struggle can have a future, and only a political party that can unite and struggle can be invincible. "For a big party, how to maintain the unity of the party, how to maintain the ideological unity within the party, how to form the authority of the party central committee, and how to strengthen the loyalty of the whole party to the party determine the life of the party. To promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation under such conditions, it is necessary to think in one place and work hard in one place, unite and unite the whole party to unite and unite the nation, and form a highly unified will and authority. The whole party and the people of all ethnic groups in the country should unite under the banner of the party to form "a piece of hard steel", always maintain a high degree of consistency with the party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments", further enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", and achieve the "two safeguards", unite as one, work hard, and promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation to ride the wind and waves and sail away.

Source: Learning Power

Editor: Guo Caixia

Editor-in-charge: Hu Junhua

Review: Zhang Jiangling, Li Min

Producer: Zhang Xiangchao

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