
In 1979, during the counterattack against Vietnam, the founding general Xu Shiyou went out on a campaign, and Wu Yuanjia learned that he had spoken two words

On February 17, 1979, the People's Daily published "It is tolerable, it is intolerable!" The editorial officially announced that the Chinese People's Liberation Army will carry out self-defense counterattacks and defend the frontier in a limited time, space, and scale. At this point, the Chinese people's self-defense counterattack against Vietnam has officially begun! As we all know, the commander of our army was General Xu Shiyou, the founding general and commander of the Guangzhou Military Region at the time; the commander of the Vietnamese army was General Wu Yuanjia, who was personally trained by Ho Chi Minh. The war was imminent, and when Wu Yuanjia, who had gone out of the mountains for the second time, learned that our army was commanded by General Xu Shiyou, he actually sneered and said contemptuously, "Victory!" ”。 But everyone Chinese know how brave General Xu Shiyou is! Not only brave, but also wise and courageous, courageous and strategic. How could such a general of the Republic, who was loved and appreciated by even Chairman Mao Zedong, be so out of The Eye of Wu Yuanjia? Is Wu Yuanjia too powerful or too ignorant? Of course, we all know the outcome of the Vietnamese self-defense counterattack, so the answer is also obvious - not that General Xu Shiyou is too ordinary, but that Wu Yuanjia is too arrogant, too ignorant, and too arrogant.

In 1979, during the counterattack against Vietnam, the founding general Xu Shiyou went out on a campaign, and Wu Yuanjia learned that he had spoken two words

In March 1969, Soviet troops invaded Zhenbao Island on the Chinese side of the main channel of the Ussuri River in Heilongjiang Province several times, and Sino-Soviet relations deteriorated. After the reunification of Vietnam in 1975, it sold Cam Ranh Bay to the Soviet Union, which had become at odds with China, to gain its support, and then embarked on the wrong path of aggression and expansion. They first squeezed out the pro-China generals of the Ho Chi Minh era, deleted the "Mao Zedong Thought" section of the party constitution, and then saw "anti-China" activities everywhere in Vietnam. As the saying goes, "The enemy of the enemy is the friend!" "With the support and support of the Soviet Union, Vietnam has become more and more wanton, constantly creating incidents on the Sino-Vietnamese border, and even sending armed personnel to cross the border to injure our border people, pushing them to the boundary between the two countries, encroaching on China's border, and creating incidents such as Pu nian Nian Ling and Ting Mu Shan. What is even more heinous is that it shamelessly and openly tore up the declaration signed by the Vietnamese Government in 1958 that the Dongsha Qundao, Xisha Qundao, Zhongsha Qundao and Nansha Qundao belong to the territory of the People's Republic of China, in an attempt to occupy more than 96 percent of the islands in China's Nansha Qundao. After a century of humiliation and ravages by the great powers, the Chinese people, who have stood up from the aggression and oppression of the enemy and are well aware of the vital importance of territorial integrity and sovereign independence for a country and a nation, how can they tolerate vietnam's wanton indifference on the side of the bed? Absolutely impossible!

In 1979, during the counterattack against Vietnam, the founding general Xu Shiyou went out on a campaign, and Wu Yuanjia learned that he had spoken two words

China has a long history of more than 5,000 years and an extremely rich cultural heritage, and the descendants of Yanhuang have a thorough understanding of the operation law and development trajectory of everything in the world than any other nation in the world. For example, "the sky is crazy and the wind and rain, and people are crazy and bad", such as "Night Lang is arrogant" and so on. With the military assistance and secret support of the Soviet Union, little Vietnam unashamedly claimed to be "the third largest military power in the world!" ”。 They have harassed and encroached on China's borders to the north and invaded China's ally Cambodia to the south, and all the Chinese people and the vast number of border officers and men have become intolerable to this. On December 8, 1978, the Central Military Commission issued a decision and order for self-defense and counterattack operations against Vietnam. On February 14, 1979, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China publicly issued a notice to the whole country to prepare to start self-defense counterattack operations, and the order for all units of the whole army to enter the first level of combat readiness was also transmitted to the soldiers of the whole army at the same time. On February 17, The prelude to China's "self-defense counterattack against Vietnam and defense of the frontier" officially began. In accordance with the instructions put forward by Deng Xiaoping, then vice chairman of the Central Military Commission and chief of the general staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, to "strike more and attack less" and "kill chickens with cattle knives," the entire front was divided into two operational directions: the western front and the eastern front. Xu Shiyou, commander of the Guangzhou Military Region and founding general of the People's Republic of China, was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the eastern front troops, and General Yang Dezhi, deputy commander of the Volunteer Army who participated in the "War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea," was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the border defense forces on the western front. In total, nearly 560,000 troops were mobilized to launch a surprise attack on Vietnam on a front of about 500 kilometers. The whole war was divided into the following three stages:

The first phase began on February 17, 1979, and ended on February 26, 1979.

On February 17, the People's Liberation Army on the Eastern Front entered the Vietnamese mainland in three ways, and the Vietnamese 346th Division was completely encircled; on February 18, the People's Liberation Army occupied Qingshui, the missile positions around Lang Shan and Dong Deng were completely destroyed by our army, and the Vietnamese army in Lai Chau began to retreat to the south bank of the Black River; on February 19, our army raided and occupied Changbai Mountain in Helu County; on February 20, our army captured Lao Cai and Dong Deng, and at the same time launched a fierce battle with the Vietnamese army in Bao Le; on February 21, our army occupied Gao Binh, Vietnam; in the early morning of the 25th, our People's Liberation Army occupied Gao Binh, Vietnam. However, only the local troops of the Vietnamese Army were eliminated, and the whereabouts of the Vietnamese 346th Division were unknown.

In 1979, during the counterattack against Vietnam, the founding general Xu Shiyou went out on a campaign, and Wu Yuanjia learned that he had spoken two words

The second phase began on 27 February 1979 and ended on 5 March 1979.

Our army began to attack Lang Son on February 27, and by March 1, the whole of Lang Son was in a sea of fire, and the Vietnamese army used chemical weapons to return fire on our army; on March 2, the northern urban area was captured by our army, and then the Chinese People's Liberation Army crossed the Qi qian river and completely occupied the southern city. In the Battle of Lang Son, our army annihilated more than 10,000 enemy troops, and most of the 308th Division of the Vietnamese Army was annihilated by our army. At the same time as the PLA's eastern front campaign was launched, the 13th Army of the western front took the lead in forcibly crossing the Red River. By the 25th, the Vietnamese army in Gantang annihilated the 345th Vietnamese Division and severely damaged the 316A Division; on the 3rd, the People's Liberation Army occupied Sabah and cleared the surrounding area.

In 1979, during the counterattack against Vietnam, the founding general Xu Shiyou went out on a campaign, and Wu Yuanjia learned that he had spoken two words

The third phase began on March 6, 1979, and ended on March 16, 1979.

Since March 6, in fact, the strategic objectives of our army have been basically realized, and the war is not "good courage and fierceness", but "stopping the war with force". Therefore, from March onwards, the strategic direction of our army was to fight and withdraw at the same time. In the process of withdrawal, although a small number of troops of our army were attacked by local Vietnamese troops and armed militias, and caused certain losses, our army also carried out a large amount of damage to the infrastructure of some towns in northern Vietnam, taking away a large number of industrial and mining materials and weapons by the way; on March 16, the Chinese army had all withdrawn to the territory of the country, and the war of self-defense and counterattack was over.

Punch a punch, so as not to have a hundred punches coming. Chinese people's liberation army's self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, it is not difficult to see from the literal sense that it is a "self-defense counterattack", so it is a war of a punitive nature: first, to punish Vietnam's ignorance of the depth and strike at their arrogance; second, to relieve a little pressure for our ally Cambodia, let them breathe, and then look for opportunities to fight back; and finally to tell the Soviet Union and all the countries in the world that like to cause trouble, Chinese are peace-loving, and the Chinese nation needs peace. But if someone provokes it repeatedly, there is a limit to the patience of the Chinese, and once it is intolerable, as Chairman Mao Zedong said- "it is not easy to Chinese the people are in a hurry!" ”。 Therefore, once the effect of war is achieved, we must not fall in love with war. Because for the Chinese nation at that time, it was more important than anything to use the strength of the whole country to develop the economy and make the lives of the people rich as soon as possible. It is ironic that after the war, Vietnam declared them victorious, which is really ironic and incomprehensible.

In 1979, during the counterattack against Vietnam, the founding general Xu Shiyou went out on a campaign, and Wu Yuanjia learned that he had spoken two words

Vietnam's superficiality and ignorance are like Wu Yuanjia's view of Admiral Xu Shiyou, who does not know the depth and does not know why, so it will only inflate itself and be self-righteous. Sun Tzu's Art of War says: "Know yourself and know the other, and never lose a hundred battles." And Lao Tzu also said in his Tao Te Ching: "Those who know others are wise, and those who know themselves are wise." Before the war, Wu Yuanjia only knew that General Xu Shiyou was a famous military general, and in his ideology, all military generals must be "reckless men", and I do not know which of those military generals who have experienced the Long March of the Red Army, participated in the War of Resistance Against Japan and the War of Liberation are not "revolutionary fires" that have been tempered with thousands of hammers? Which one is not the backbone of a republic? Wu Yuanjia did not even do the simplest "knowing the other", is there a reason for being undefeated? Vietnam does not even have the most basic "self-knowledge", how can it become a country respected by the people of the world? Although the country is great, it will die if it is belligerent. No nation or country in the world, no matter how developed its economy is, no matter how strong its military is, it must not engage in military hegemony, and it must never be "a fox and a tiger!" "Otherwise it is not the tiger who will suffer in the end, but yourself; it will not be anyone else who will suffer, but the common people of your country." In fact, in a country like Vietnam, instead of shouting all day long, it is better to calm down and study Chinese culture well, and then talk about war. However, at that time, it is estimated that it will not be like a beam-jumping clown who will go around provoking others, because the core of Chinese culture is "peace", "peace" and harmony, "harmony" and "harmony"!

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