
When Emperor Hirohito died in 1989, he said six words before his death, which was the greatest reluctance in his life


In 1989, Emperor Hirohito, who enjoyed a "great reputation" in China and Japan, died of illness.

Chinese all clapped their hands and applauded,

In Japan, it is "miserable and miserable", and even worse

Raise a knife and kill yourself and follow

Emperor Hirohito, who single-handedly planned the war of aggression against China, thought about his "exploits" over and over again before he died, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt unwilling, and for a long time, he sighed.

Slowly said six words to the children who were guarding around, and then gave up,

There was a lot of crying in the Imperial Palace of Japan.

When Emperor Hirohito died in 1989, he said six words before his death, which was the greatest reluctance in his life

Time flies, and when Chinese learned the six words spoken by Emperor Hirohito of Japan before his death,

I felt very angry in my heart.

This can't help but make people feel very confused, what did Emperor Hirohito say before his death, and why did the Chinese people feel so angry? What kind of psychology did those six words expose to Emperor Hirohito? Next, let's take a look at the relevant content, before that, please watch the officials a little bit of attention and praise.

Emperor Hirohito's childhood

Among Japan's many emperors, Emperor Hirohito is undoubtedly one of Japan's most influential emperors, especially sought after by Japan's fanatical militarists, all of which stemmed from his reign.

The "great achievements" praised by the Japanese.

When Emperor Hirohito died in 1989, he said six words before his death, which was the greatest reluctance in his life

Emperor Hirohito, also known as Emperor Showa, was the 124th Emperor of Japan. Hirohito was born on April 29, 1901, his father was Emperor Taisho and his grandfather was Emperor Meiji.

Emperor Meiji attached great importance to this emperor, and in a country full of militaristic ideas, Meiji consciously wanted to train Hirohito to be a militarist.

However, due to genetic reasons, Hirohito has had many problems in his body since childhood.

In order to change Hirohito's physique, 70 days after Hirohito's birth, Emperor Meiji fostered him in the home of Vice Admiral Junji Kawamura for four years.

In the past four years, Hirohito has gradually developed a martial personality.

I am very much in favor of force.

When Emperor Hirohito died in 1989, he said six words before his death, which was the greatest reluctance in his life

At the age of 6, Hirohito entered the Imperial Academy, and his dean was the "Meat Bomb General" General Nogi Kitenori Army General in the Russo-Japanese War, and Emperor Meiji personally instructed Nogi to work hard to cultivate Hirohito into a "solid and strong" generation.

This Nogi Washinomi was a fanatical militarist who, even though he understood Emperor Meiji's meaning, inculcated militarism in his education of Hirohito. Under such an education,

From an early age, Hirohito was planted with the bane of advocating force.

Hirohito respected Nogi Andi and always referred to him as "Your Excellency the Dean". It was also at this time that Hirohito, in order to get rid of the image of "sick and weak" among other people, began to look up to his grandfather, Emperor Meiji.

When Emperor Hirohito died in 1989, he said six words before his death, which was the greatest reluctance in his life

In 1912, 45 meiji, Emperor Meiji died and was succeeded by Hirohito's father, Prince Kahito, who became crown prince. Two days before Emperor Meiji's funeral, Nogi met with Hirohito and, after giving him two copies of the Facts of the Middle Dynasty and the History of the Empire of Japan, written by Yamaga Suyuki, he committed suicide at home and died for Emperor Meiji.

The death of his revered grandfather and the self-cutting of "Yan Shi" caused great irritation to the young Hirohito, who slowly became autistic and withdrawn, often alone.


Hirohito became interested in biology.

Spending a lot of energy on biological research, I gradually forgot about militaristic ideas.

When Emperor Hirohito died in 1989, he said six words before his death, which was the greatest reluctance in his life

Biological research is the foreshadowing

Instead of studying military expansion, the Crown Prince engaged in biological research, which was not a proper business in the eyes of the Japanese high-level, in order to pull Hirohito back to the "right path".

In 1914, Hirohito, who graduated from the junior department of the Gakuin Academy, was immediately sent to the "Togu Imperial Academy" to study. The president of the "Togu Imperial Academy" was also an avid militarist, no less than Nogi Nogi.

Therefore, this place is very suitable for Hirohito who has "gone the wrong way" to study and study. Hirohito studied at the "Togu Imperial Academy" for seven years, and during these seven years, Hirohito was gradually pulled back to the path of militarism. However, he did not give up his biological research,

Even more crazy ideas,

Combining biological research with militarism

This also laid the groundwork for the Japanese puppet army to arrest innocent Chinese people everywhere and do biological research when Japan invaded China later.

When Emperor Hirohito died in 1989, he said six words before his death, which was the greatest reluctance in his life

In 1921, Hirohito decided to study in Europe. After World War I, Europe was in ruins and waiting to be revived, which was a good place for Japan to learn. Hirohito first chose to travel to The United Kingdom. Choosing the old monarchy of the United Kingdom as a place to visit is quite a Hirohito graduation trip plus field trip.

On the day Hirohito arrived in England, King George V personally went to the London train station to greet him, during which the two had a long talk. Later, Hirohito recalled:

"At that time, most of the British royal family was my contemporaries, and I was born in it, which simply made me feel like a 'second family'. King George V, in particular, personally had a long conversation with me and pointed out the concept of monarchy under a constitutional monarchy. ”

When Emperor Hirohito died in 1989, he said six words before his death, which was the greatest reluctance in his life

During the visit, Hirohito not only studied the political structure of the West, but also showed great interest in the Military of the West, visiting the historical sites of the World War I period several times and expressing his military views.

Hirohito also made a special trip to the site of Napoleon's cemetery, Invalides, and brought back a bust of Napoleon, which he later placed in his study.

During his subsequent visit to Verdun, Hirohito was dressed in a military uniform, riding on top of a cannon, with a leisurely expression, which was evident in his martial heart.

When Emperor Hirohito died in 1989, he said six words before his death, which was the greatest reluctance in his life

During this visit, Hirohito's heart for military expansion grew, and he set his sights on China, which Japan had been studying.

At that time, China was poor and weak, but it had a vast territory, and after the Meiji Restoration, Japan became the first in Asia, but the land was small, and it was eager to expand the territory, at this time, China that "knew the roots and knew the bottom" naturally became the target.

So Hirohito received more than a dozen Japanese military attaches stationed in Europe in Europe, and obtained the oath of allegiance of the young Japanese officers led by Nagata Tetsuyama, Toshishiro Obata, and Ninji Okamura, so that he used these people as a team to carry out the operation of seizing power from the elders of the army and at the same time preparing for the war of aggression against China.

When Emperor Hirohito died in 1989, he said six words before his death, which was the greatest reluctance in his life

Make good preparations for the war of aggression against China

But the support of only the military attaché was not enough, what Hirohito wanted was to keep the shogun in his hands firmly in his hands.

In ancient Japan, the emperor never had real power, and the real power was held by the shoguns.

Although by the time of the Meiji Restoration, the relevant political status of the shogunate was gradually replaced by the prime minister, but the shogunate still had a great influence.

So Hirohito ordered the opening of a university in the palace, and trained young generals with the ideas of Shumei Okawa, trying to take the army into his own hands. meantime

He also used Prince Zaijin of the Imperial Palace and Prince Bogong of Fushimi Palace to control the land and sea armies, and raised the power of the imperial soldiers to an unprecedented height. By the later stages, Hirohito had actually taken control of the personnel power of the military department.

When Emperor Hirohito died in 1989, he said six words before his death, which was the greatest reluctance in his life

On July 7, 1937, the July 7 Incident broke out, and Hirohito believed that the time was ripe, so he used this as an excuse to launch a full-scale war of aggression against China.

Soon, Japan annexed most of China.

and clamored for "the destruction of China in three months",

At the same time, It was also approved that Hideki Tojo, together with Nazi Germany Hitler and Italian Mussolini, would form a fascist Axis power to launch the Asian theater of World War II and further expand the war situation.

During the war of aggression against China, the Japanese army slaughtered 300,000 Chinese in Nanjing, and this came at the behest of Hirohito.

At that time, Hirohito issued instructions to the Invading Japanese Army: "Wouldn't it be better to concentrate a large number of troops in the fortress area to carry out an overwhelming blow?" So the Japanese transferred their forces to the vicinity of Shanghai, and after breaking through the defenses of the Chinese army, he indulged the blood of King Hatohiko of the Xianggong Palace to wash Nanjing, creating the horrific Nanjing Massacre.

When Emperor Hirohito died in 1989, he said six words before his death, which was the greatest reluctance in his life

At that time, the Chicago Daily News newspaper in the United States, the Chinese correspondent Steele, filmed the crimes of the Japanese army, organized an article, and sent it to the "Chicago Daily News", which read: "

When we left the city of Nanjing, we witnessed another 300 Chinese killed by the Japanese near the city wall along the Yangtze River. Before the 300 men fell, knee-length bodies were piled up near the city walls... The fall of Nanjing was a cruel and chaotic scene that was indescribable. ”

At the same time, Emperor Hirohito summoned the chief of the General Staff of the Japanese Army, Konoin, and the chief of the Military Command, Fushimi, and declared: "I am very satisfied that the units of the Army and Navy on the Central China Side have continued to fight bravely and decisively near Shanghai, taking advantage of the victory and pursuit, so that the capital of (China) Nanjing has fallen. This message is conveyed to all the soldiers. He also said that he would reward and comfort the officers and men of the army and navy who invaded China.

When Emperor Hirohito died in 1989, he said six words before his death, which was the greatest reluctance in his life

Conduct biological experiments to establish Unit 731

After that, the Japanese army was directly allowed to carry out biological experiments in China, establishing the infamous Unit 731.

They not only researched and manufactured a large number of bacteriological weapons and poison weapons, but also used live experiments to test the killing effect and seek the best means of killing, the so-called live experiments, that is, when the victims are still alive, the experiments.

For example, in order to test how much water the human body contains, the victim is locked in a heated chamber, roasted dry, and observed how much moisture there is.

At the same time, these victims were infected with diseases such as plague and cholera, and then cut off the internal organs from the living to study how the infection spread collectively.

When Emperor Hirohito died in 1989, he said six words before his death, which was the greatest reluctance in his life

According to the recollection of the 731 unit personnel, about 3,000 people died during the experiment, but this number actually reached at least 10,000 people, and the crimes committed by the Japanese army were really uncountable, and later when faced with trial, Japan was still defending, declaring that the biological living experiment was not a crime against humanity.

When Emperor Hirohito died in 1989, he said six words before his death, which was the greatest reluctance in his life

However, Emperor Hirohito, the executioner who slaughtered tens of millions of Asian people, eventually escaped the sanctions he deserved.

In 1941, due to the excessively long front, Japan's logistical supplies could not keep up, so it self-righteously launched the Pacific War, which gave the United States a reason to declare war, the United States immediately joined the Second World War, and the Allied powers grew rapidly.

By early 1945, Japan's defeat had been decided, but Hirohito remained stubborn, and as two American atomic bombs landed on Japan's Hiroshima and Nagasaki, respectively.

Japan finally announced its unconditional surrender.

When Emperor Hirohito died in 1989, he said six words before his death, which was the greatest reluctance in his life

After the war, the United States and the Soviet Union fought openly and secretly for their own interests in Asia, and in order to control Japan and achieve the goal of containing the Soviet Union, the United States promised many conditions to the Japanese emperor and cabinet, including the protection of Emperor Hirohito. In this way, Emperor Hirohito escaped the trial of the military court,

Nor has he ever acknowledged the war of aggression and considered himself a criminal. Countless Asian people are indignant about this.

When Emperor Hirohito died in 1989, he said six words before his death, which was the greatest reluctance in his life

Hirohito died without remorse

At 6:00 a.m. on January 7, 1989, Emperor Hirohito died of duodenal cancer at the age of 87.

Before his death, Hirohito said:

"I underestimated China!

"The face is full of unwillingness. These six words showed Hirohito's lack of remorse

It should be known that he planned to launch a war of aggression against China, which directly or indirectly led to the tragic deaths of countless Chinese and committed tens of thousands of crimes, but Hirohito did not admit the war of aggression against China until his death, let alone apologize to the Chinese people.

When Emperor Hirohito died in 1989, he said six words before his death, which was the greatest reluctance in his life

Thinking again, after Emperor Hirohito escaped the trial of the International Tribunal, he visited the Yasukuni Shrine many times.

Between 1952 and 1975, he visited the Shrine eight times. It can be seen that Emperor Hirohito was a fanatical militarist from beginning to end, and

He has no regrets about launching a war of aggression against China

How does this not make people angry?

After the death of Emperor Hirohito, even ordinary people who learned of the news committed suicide and were martyred, which is not difficult to see that Japanese militarism has always existed in Japan.

To this day, there are more and more right-wing elements in Japan, and the Japanese prime minister has visited the Yasukuni Shrine many times, and while we feel angry, we should always be vigilant against the revival of Japan's militarist ideology.

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