
"The Story of Roses" Rose heard Fang Xiewen calling, and only then did she know the real reason why he helped Fu Jiaming


Even the most heinous people are very protective of their calves, which stems from the family blood engraved in the bones of the Chinese people.

Fang Xiewen's first quarrel after divorcing his ex-wife was when he learned that Rose conveyed the knowledge about death to his daughter.

As a father, I don't want my daughter to be exposed to such negative things at such a young age.

It was also because of this incident that he decided to take his daughter back to Shanghai.

During that time, Fu Jiaming happened to be hospitalized, and Rose went to Shanghai to renegotiate custody with her ex-husband in order to give her daughter a better growth environment.

I thought it was an inevitable quarrel, but Rose's mood was very calm, and as long as she was good to her daughter, she would compromise.

It's just that on the way back to send Rose, he gave her a business card, and made a special reminder: the best heart specialist in China, he will go abroad next week.

Rose was also surprised, he and Fu Jiaming were rivals, why would they help him?

Fang Xiewen explained at the time that in order to help his daughter, he actually lied to Rose, and the real reason was elsewhere.

Cut off the road later

Before helping Fu Jiaming, Fang Xiewen had a phone call with his mother in his hometown.

On the phone, he made it clear that he hoped she could move to Shanghai?

The old mother was busy playing cards and asked why.

"The Story of Roses" Rose heard Fang Xiewen calling, and only then did she know the real reason why he helped Fu Jiaming

Fang Xiewen said bluntly:

The old mother was not happy:

In less than 10 minutes of phone calls, Fang Xiewen's goal was not achieved, but he was urged to marry again by his mother.

He has always known his mother's patriarchal thinking, and this road is still blocked.

He didn't have a family, he was busy with work, his mother didn't want to help, and she wanted to pick up her daughter, so she put herself in a dilemma.

So when talking about custody with Rose, his attitude was also very gentle, after all, without the help of his family, and turning against his ex-wife, it was not good for him.

His daughter's words reminded him

Fu Jiaming was sick, and he knew about it through his daughter.

Once during the video, Fang Taichu said to his father:

Fang Xiewen asked: Is Fu Jiaming going to die?

"The Story of Roses" Rose heard Fang Xiewen calling, and only then did she know the real reason why he helped Fu Jiaming

Fang Taichu, who was unscrupulous, said yes.

Fang Xiewen knows that once a heart attack occurs, the situation is not optimistic.

He also probably knows Fu Jiaming's situation, but out of humanitarianism, he has a relationship, even if it is a stranger, he will lend a hand.

From this point of view, Fang Xiewen is still very kind.

Besides, he helped Fu Jiaming, and after he died, Rose would definitely miss him.

After all, there is a daughter between them, and she has been single all these years, isn't it just to wait for Rose to change her mind.

Warm moments

Fu Jiaming has been hospitalized for so long, why didn't he give the doctor's contact information in advance, but waited for Rose to come to Shanghai?

The main reason is that after Rose and Fang Xiewen negotiated in the restaurant, Rose wanted to take a look at her daughter and made it clear that she wanted to be too early.

"The Story of Roses" Rose heard Fang Xiewen calling, and only then did she know the real reason why he helped Fu Jiaming

After meeting, she said to her daughter:

Fang Xiewen stood beside him, his expression mixed.

He has always competed with Rose for his daughter in a tough way, but he didn't expect that Rose would educate his children in this way.

At that moment, he felt as if there was really something wrong with his own way.

In the relationship between the two, one party shows weakness, and the other party will unconsciously let go of hostility.

Fang Xiewen is most worried that Fu Jiaming will take his place, after the divorce, he can't control the rose, he can only keep his daughter from being affected.

But Rose's words to his daughter made him see clearly that he had thought too much, even if Fu Jiaming was there, Rose would not instigate his daughter to ignore him.

Let go of prejudices, and naturally you will also lend a hand.



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