
Wang Jinshan loved to march barefoot, known as "Wang Madman", and was posthumously appointed as a military adviser by Deng Xiaoping


Wang Yuanyuan, The daughter of Wang Jinshan, recalled the story of her father's Long March, mentioning that her father was nicknamed "Barefoot Immortal", when the conditions were more difficult, the soldiers lacked clothes and wore less, and they were barefoot everywhere they went.

Although barefoot, Wang Jinshan ran very fast, no matter where he went, he ran in leaps and bounds.

At that time, it was said that rotten feet were not diseases, and marching was going to die.

Wang Jinshan loved to march barefoot, known as "Wang Madman", and was posthumously appointed as a military adviser by Deng Xiaoping

Figure Wang near the mountain

In a fight, Wang Jinshan ran fast, the troops behind him struggled to catch up, some people even ran away with hats and shoes, so many people ran barefoot into the city like Wang Jinshan, and the local people saw that the soldiers were barefoot and running fast, and they laughed and praised:

Unexpectedly, the Red Army was a barefoot immortal.

The origin of "King Madman"

Wang Jinshan, born in October 1915 in a poor peasant family in Xujiatian, Gaoqiao, Huang'an County, Hubei Province, was bullied by landlords when he was young.

He had seen his companions being slashed to death by local bullies

After that, the little Wang Jinshan sowed the seeds of hatred for the landlord in his heart.

In 1930, at the age of 15, Wang Jinshan joined the Red Army and began his career as a horseman, and in 1932 the Red Army was in a low period.

Chiang Kai-shek's elite troops of nearly twenty regiments launched the fourth "encirclement and suppression" campaign.

in an attempt to wipe out the Red Army completely.

Wang Jinshan loved to march barefoot, known as "Wang Madman", and was posthumously appointed as a military adviser by Deng Xiaoping

Figure Three kings on the left near the mountain

At a moment of utter crisis, Xu Qianqian led the Red Army, braving the enemy's gunfire and bullets and the indiscriminate bombardment of aircraft, flowing across the pouring river and fighting with the enemy

Time the whole battlefield was filled with gunshots, cannons, and shouts

Under the heroic struggle of the Red Army, the enemy's aircraft and artillery have all lost their former power.

In this battle, Wang Jinshan repeatedly charged the battle despite the danger, and soon grew from a soldier to a deputy regimental commander, at this time, both sides had already killed the red eye

The battlefield is a blur of flesh and blood, and the sound of killing is overwhelming

Deputy regimental commander Wang Jinshan led the soldiers in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy, and found an enemy to start fighting,

But the enemy grows tall, his body strong, his body sinks vigorously,

Wang Jinshan saw that the enemy could not be seen, so he held the idea of ending up with the enemy and rolled into the cliff with the enemy.

Wang Jinshan loved to march barefoot, known as "Wang Madman", and was posthumously appointed as a military adviser by Deng Xiaoping

Figure Wang Near Mountain Han Xiuyan and his wife

In the process of rolling down,

Wang Jinshan's head was unfortunately pierced by a sharp stone, but he killed the enemy with tenacious willpower

Before that, Wang Jinshan had been injured 7 times in succession, and this amazing move immediately caused a sensation in the whole army.

Everyone is worried and admired,

Laugh and scold him "King Madman."

So the nickname "King Madman" spread throughout the army.

After the battle, because Wang Jinshan was heroic in this battle, he was promoted to regimental commander, and for the title of "Wang Crazy Maniac", Xu Xiangqian explained it like this: "

This madness is not ordinary madness, but revolutionary heroism. ”

In October 1935, Wang Jinshan became the deputy commander of the 10th Division of the Fourth Army of the Red Army. Becoming Chen Xilian's right-hand man, it is reasonable to say that Wang Jinshan's position is already very high.

But he was still like an ordinary soldier, and when he fought, he personally led people to charge the battlefield.

Once when rushing to cross the Dajin River, he was ready to lead the assault platoon to cross the Jinchuan River by boat, but others could not stop him, he was supposed to be the first boat to cross the river, but the boat was attacked by the enemy as soon as it went out, and finally the boat was washed away by the water.

Wang Jinshan loved to march barefoot, known as "Wang Madman", and was posthumously appointed as a military adviser by Deng Xiaoping

Figure Wang Jinshan commanded the battle

Wang Jinshan had no choice but to board the second boat, at this time the enemy army could not attack for a long time, Wang Jinshan was a little anxious in his heart, he picked up the machine gun next to him and said to a small soldier next to him: "

You carry it for me and rush to the opposite side and beat it


At this time, the enemy found the trace of the second ship and concentrated its fire on the second ship, Wang Yunzu's third ship had successfully landed, and Wang Yunzu looked back at the past.

Wang Jinshan's boat had been leaked and crumbled in the river, looking like it was about to sink.

Wang Yunzu shouted anxiously in his heart:

Commander, come here

。 At this time, Wang Jinshan was still struggling in the water, Wang Yunzu saw that the situation was not right, rushed into the river, and rescued Wang Jinshan, just like this, under the cover of Wang Jinshan, the main force of the Red Army successfully crossed the river, and then hit the enemy position in Sichuan County.

Wang Jinshan loved to march barefoot, known as "Wang Madman", and was posthumously appointed as a military adviser by Deng Xiaoping

This city was garrisoned by the "model division" of Liu Xiang, an elite unit of the Kuomintang, and the enemy was well-equipped and stubborn, and the whole county was impregnable, and Liu Xiang boasted of haikou."

Even if there are tens of thousands of Red Army troops, it is difficult to fly over natural dangers.

Just when the enemy army was triumphant, Wang Jinshan tacitly cooperated with his friendly neighbors, and led his soldiers to attack the enemy from the flank before dawn, and soon after, he killed the enemy regimental commander and followed the remnants of the troops into the city to occupy the enemy's "division headquarters".

After this battle, Wang Jinshan became the commander of the Ninth Division of the Red Thirty-first Army, at this time, he was only 21 years old.

After the end of this battle, Wang Jinshan always treated Wang Yunzu as his benefactor, and after a period of time, the Red Army had to cross the meadow and climb the snow mountain, and Wang Yunzu was broken by the enemy army before this, and his movement was inconvenient, so Wang Jinshan asked several people to carry Wang Yunzu on a stretcher.


The Red Army had to climb over a high mountain at an altitude of more than 4,000 meters, the conditions were relatively difficult, and the two seventeen and eighteen correspondents responsible for carrying the stretcher were really tired on the road

He sat on the ground and cried.

Wang Jinshan loved to march barefoot, known as "Wang Madman", and was posthumously appointed as a military adviser by Deng Xiaoping

Wang Yunzu really couldn't bear to drag his companions along, and kept shouting "No."

Use it, just put me here."

Wang Jinshan was in a hurry, and specially transferred 12 strong cooks and breeders to take turns to carry them. He said, ".

You can rest assured, anything can be left behind, that is, Wang Yunzu cannot stay."

Later, when the Red 10th Army crossed the Jiajin Mountain, Wang Jinshan also found a horse, at first Wang Jinshan rode a horse, Wang Yunzu pulled the horse's tail to go, but not long after leaving, Wang Yunzu could not walk.

At this time, Wang Jinshan took the initiative to get off the horse and let Wang Yunzu ride a horse, Wang Yunzu resolutely refused, how could he sit on the division commander's horse, but under the insistence of Wang Jinshan's third, Wang Yunzu still rode on the horse.

Wang Jinshan climbed the mountain barefoot and pulling the horse's tail.

The people who saw it said, ".

The secretary was so big on a shelf, the deputy division commander walked, and his secretary rode on horseback

Wang Jinshan turned a deaf ear to this, and Wang Yunzu was forced to ride on a horse and cross the snowy mountain to reach Zhan Hua before going to the hospital for treatment.

Struggle against the Japanese army

Wang Jinshan loved to march barefoot, known as "Wang Madman", and was posthumously appointed as a military adviser by Deng Xiaoping

Figure Wang Jinshan and his wife

After the Lugou Bridge Incident in 1937, the Japanese army invaded China in an all-round way, and on the anti-Japanese battlefield, wang Jinshan's most famous battle was the Battle of Hanluo Village, and in the autumn of 1943, the Japanese army was at the end of its rope.

Acting even more brutally and violently, he launched the largest and most brutal attack on the Taiyue region

Iron Roll Sweep"

It has also been called the "new tactics of the iron rolling three-tier position".

This was personally planned and commanded by Ninji Okamura, commander-in-chief of the North China Dispatch Army of Japan.

For this sweep, the Japanese army gathered 16 brigades of the Sixty-ninth Army, the Thirty-seventh and Sixty-second Divisions of the First Army, plus more than 20,000 Japanese puppet troops

, placed on the front in three lines, about 100 kilometers.

The first line is to divide and attack the troops, focusing on finding the Eighth Route Army to fight in a vain attempt to eliminate the Eighth Route Army; the second line is the "rapid sweeping" of troops, mainly to burn and loot in the villages, and to do evil; the third line is mainly responsible for "clearing up the surrender" and capturing the remaining Eighth Route Army and the small units of the Eighth Route Army scattered in various places.

On the afternoon of October 23, after learning of the Japanese plan,

Wang Jinshan commanded the cadres of regiments, battalions, and companies participating in the battle, disguised as local villagers

Near the village of HanLuo, to explore the terrain and check the enemy situation, local underground party members and government cadres heard the news and assisted in the battle.

Wang Jinshan loved to march barefoot, known as "Wang Madman", and was posthumously appointed as a military adviser by Deng Xiaoping

At 3:00 a.m. on the 24th, Wang Jinshan commanded 4 teams to hide in the ambush area, but waited for half a day

The Japanese army was slow to come

At this time, the soldiers began to wonder whether the intelligence was wrong.

But Wang Jinshan has been patiently waiting, staring at the distance, not daring to make a slight difference, and finally at 8 o'clock in the morning, the lookout finally got good news:

On the road in the direction of Linfen, the Japanese army was found

After the news spread, the soldiers who ambushed here were invigorated, and even if they had not slept all night, they were still energetic at the moment, grinding their fists and shaking their palms, ready to do a big job.

Before long, the road was dusty and shaded,

Thirteen enemy cars (three of them cars) sped toward this side,

Walking toward the ambush area of the Sixteenth Regiment, just as the Japanese army was overwhelmed, the Six Companies of the Sixteenth Regiment took advantage of their lack of preparation to drop grenades and grenadiers.

Instantaneous time,

Fire broke out, smoke filled the air, and incendiary bombs hit the enemy's second car at the end, blocking the enemy's retreat

At this time, the bullets of the Sixteenth Regiment fell like raindrops, and the Japanese troops were shot and fell to the ground.

Zhao Zhenyu, the squad leader of the Sixth Company, saw that the time was ripe and immediately led the entire squad of soldiers to rush down the road from the cliff and take the heavy machine guns from the enemy's cars.

Following the car is a wild bombardment.

Wang Jinshan loved to march barefoot, known as "Wang Madman", and was posthumously appointed as a military adviser by Deng Xiaoping

This battle was fierce and completely defenseless for the Japanese army.

When he saw the People's Liberation Army take down its heavy machine gun with lightning speed

Most of the Japanese troops had already been killed before they could react.

At this time, the leading car was the first to reflect on it, and seeing that the situation was not good, it rushed forward, just in time to be stopped by the Ninth Company

At this time, the Japanese army had been caught between the front and the rear, and there was no way to retreat, and then, the brothers of the fourth and fifth companies came down the mountain like fierce tigers and rushed to the road.

After a long three-hour battle with the enemy, all 120 ghosts in the car were killed

Only three little devils hiding in the cave escaped the disaster and became the fish that slipped through the net

This victory has brought confidence to the military and people in the base areas to resist the war, and the Japanese army is not invincible, and justice will eventually triumph over evil.

When commander Okamura heard the news of the defeat of the communists, he became angry and slapped the table and shouted: "

Even if two more companies were sacrificed, the sixteen regiments would be completely destroyed

。 Therefore, he took the 6 aircraft serving as battle reconnaissance and drew 500 elite troops from the "clearance" troops to reinforce, comprehensively tracked the Sixteenth Army, and attacked Han Luo Village twice.

Wang Jinshan loved to march barefoot, known as "Wang Madman", and was posthumously appointed as a military adviser by Deng Xiaoping

However, in this way,

Okamura Ninji's "iron rolling three-tier position" collapsed completely, and it was chaotic

The victory in this battle effectively contained the enemy army, cooperated with the anti-sweeping operation in the hinterland of the People's Liberation Army, and smashed the Japanese army's "iron sweeping" of the Taiyue base area.

Wang Jinshan pulled out again and rushed to Yan'an.

Liu Bocheng said that the "Wang Madman" is not the kind of reckless person, especially in the battle to capture Xiangyang.

He was heroic and courageous, shrewd and meticulous, and was a brilliant conductor.

In late June 1948, when the two armies of the Kuomintang and the Communists were glued to the battlefield in eastern Henan in the Central Plains, the Kuomintang invested a large number of troops here.

At this time, the 15 appeasement area of Xiangyang Kangze in northwest Hubei fell into a state of isolation and helplessness.

Wang Jinshan loved to march barefoot, known as "Wang Madman", and was posthumously appointed as a military adviser by Deng Xiaoping

Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping, the two chiefs, judged the hour and sized up the situation, mastered the fighters, and immediately launched the Xiangyang Campaign.

Wang Jinshan was ordered to command the Sixth Column of the Central Plains Field Army, the 28th Brigade of the Tongbai Military Region, and the 2nd Brigade of Southern Shaanxi to capture Xiangyang.

Fight with the Kuomintang

Although Wang Jinshan's Sixth Column was a relatively strong unit of the Central Plains Field Army, it had just come out of Dabie Mountain.

People are trapped and the consumption of personnel and weapons is relatively serious

The brigades also left a small regiment at Dabie Mountain to insist on mediating with the enemy. The six regiments of the whole team had almost no decent heavy weapons.

There were only a few mountain guns, and fewer than 50 shells

In addition, the entire army of the 12th Brigade and the 28th Brigade was only 10,000 people, which was comparable to the number of troops left by the enemy in Xiangyang.


Xiangyang is an ancient city, the city wall is high and thick, there is a moat outside the city, the Han River surrounds the northeast on both sides, and the south side is barriered by Dabie Mountain.

It was already easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the enemy army had been preparing for half a year, and strong fortifications had been built up and down the mountain.

After receiving the task, Wang Jinshan rushed with his troops, but in the face of the impregnable Xiangyang City, he also made a difficult mistake, and he thought about it for several days without results, since ancient times, attacking Xiangyang City, he must first seize Nanshan, and eliminate the enemy's troubles after the South Mountain is condescending.

Wang Jinshan loved to march barefoot, known as "Wang Madman", and was posthumously appointed as a military adviser by Deng Xiaoping

But if you play this way,

The People's Liberation Army will not only have a serious loss of troops, but also take a relatively long time, once it cannot be attacked for a long time.

The enemy's reinforcements arrived, and the victory was even smaller.

Wang Jinshan looked at the map of Xiangyang City and fell into contemplation for many days, and decided to personally explore the terrain and observe the mountains west of the city.

He saw that there was a narrow corridor leading to the west gate without any natural barrier,

It was a favorable passage to Xiangyang City, but the enemy army had long expected that the field army would come to Xiangyang City from here, and had already built a bunker and heavily guarded it.

Thinking about it, Wang Jinshan decided to take a risk, and he came up with a more daring method of warfare, that is

Adopt the tactic of "digging out the heart" and "withdrawing the mountain and attacking the city"

Directly pound the enemy's west gate.

After the unremitting efforts of the troops and the correct command of Wang Jinshan, Xiangyang City was finally breached.

Capture alive the head of the secret service, Lieutenant General Kang Ze of the 15th Army's Appeasement Zone

Commander Zhu De called this battle a "small model battle", and the sixth column also became famous in the battle and enjoyed the reputation of "the best at attacking strong points".

In October 1948,

The Battle of Huaihai began, and Wang Jinshan raised an army at the han river, chased the Huangshan Corps for thousands of miles, and annihilated his ace army, the Forty-ninth Regiment of the Eighteenth Army

In 1949, Wang Jinshan served as the deputy commander of the Third Corps of the Second Field Army and concurrently served as the commander and political commissar of the Twelfth Army, and participated in the Battle of Crossing the River and the Southwest, and when he went to Shashi, Hubei Province, he followed the instructions of his superiors.

The Twelfth Army should enter the river from the direction of Shimen and Sangzhi, and the three divisions should go all the way.

Wang Jinshan loved to march barefoot, known as "Wang Madman", and was posthumously appointed as a military adviser by Deng Xiaoping

When the chief of staff convened the meeting and made operational arrangements, everyone waited for Wang Jinshan to issue instructions, but Wang Jinshan fell into contemplation and did not speak, and after the meeting, Wang Jinshan was thinking: "

According to this way of playing, carrying grain, carrying a backpack, attacking one mountain after another, when can we reach Chongqing!

Therefore, he asked the chiefs for instructions and changed the original plan: concentrate all the cars, send the main force to arrive by car first, and often insert Yongsui directly; carry as many people and ammunition as possible, take less luggage, and keep the cars moving forward until they annihilate the enemy; when the troops attack and advance, the cars return to the second unit.

According to this suggestion of Wang Jinshan, the execution of the troops was greatly accelerated, and they were inserted from the flanks of the enemy army.

Soon the enemy army was completely defeated and could not be defeated

In a hurry, the Twelfth Army broke through the enemy's defensive line and won valuable strategic time.

The Twelfth Army traveled 50 kilometers a day and reached Chongqing by a short cut in one day, which greatly surprised Chiang Kai-shek, who led his remnants and government officials to flee in a hurry, and when the Thirty-fifth Division of the Twelfth Army rushed to the airport, two enemy troops were about to take off.

Our army immediately hit its wings, and the enemy on board surrendered, capturing a total of 15 enemy aircraft.

Wang Jinshan loved to march barefoot, known as "Wang Madman", and was posthumously appointed as a military adviser by Deng Xiaoping

Figure Xiao Yongyin

After entering Sichuan, Wang Jinshan served as the commander of the Chongqing Municipal Police Department and the commander of the Eastern District of the Sichuan Army, becoming the "Red Prince of one side." ”

In 1953, Wang Jinshan returned from the Korean Campaign and successively served as deputy commander and acting commander of the Shandong Military Region, deputy commander of the Beijing Military Region, vice minister of public security, deputy chief of staff of the Nanjing Military Region, and member of the Standing Committee of the Fifth CPPCC National Committee.

September 1955,

Wang Jinshan was awarded the rank of "Lieutenant General" and was awarded the "August 1st" Medal of the First Class, the Liberation Medal of the First Class, and the Order of Independence and Freedom of the First Class

In November 1974, Wang Jinshan was unwell and went to the hospital for examination, and was diagnosed with advanced gastric cancer, which had spread to the whole body, and in 1978, Wang Jinshan's condition became more and more serious

On May 10, 1978, Wang Jinshan died of illness at the age of 62.

Wang Jinshan's former friend Xiao Yongyin was so sad that when he summed up the eulogy for Wang Jinshan, he was sad and sighed:

Could Wang Jinshan, who was once a great name, only be able to use the name of the deputy chief of staff of the military region to explain this vigorous life?

。 The more Xiao Yongyin thought about it, the more uncomfortable he became, so he called Deng Xiaoping's office.

Wang Jinshan loved to march barefoot, known as "Wang Madman", and was posthumously appointed as a military adviser by Deng Xiaoping

Figure Deng Xiaoping

However, Deng Xiaoping quickly replied: "

When a person has passed away, he cannot but engage in fame, so he should be called a consultant.

"On May 14, 1978, the Nanjing Military Region received a telegram:"

With the approval of Chairman Hua and the Party Central Committee, Wang Jinshan was appointed as an adviser to the Nanjing Military Region, but in view of his death, he did not publish the order, and the subsequent affairs were handled in accordance with the advisers of the Military Region. ”

On May 17, Wang Jinshan's memorial service was officially held, and Deng Xiaoping, Liu Bocheng, Ye Jianying and other central leaders sent wreaths to express their condolences. His former friends and the masses of the people spontaneously came to send Wang Jinshan on his last journey.

Fifteen years after Wang Jinshan's death, Deng Xiaoping wrote an inscription for him:

A generation of warlords!

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