
Suggestion: These 4 "big items" in the living room, if you want to buy them, you can buy expensive ones, and cheap ones are really not practical

author:Retired foreman
Suggestion: These 4 "big items" in the living room, if you want to buy them, you can buy expensive ones, and cheap ones are really not practical

The living room is a very important functional area in our home, where leisure, entertainment, and hospitality are usually carried out.

Suggestion: These 4 "big items" in the living room, if you want to buy them, you can buy expensive ones, and cheap ones are really not practical

However, the design of the living room is very particular, most people don't understand, always follow the trend to install, resulting in the living room becoming bells and whistles, but also affect your use experience, add more troubles.

Suggestion: These 4 "big items" in the living room, if you want to buy them, you can buy expensive ones, and cheap ones are really not practical

Especially the 4 "big pieces" in the living room, it is recommended to buy the expensive ones as much as possible, the cheap ones are very chicken, don't take it seriously.

Suggestion: These 4 "big items" in the living room, if you want to buy them, you can buy expensive ones, and cheap ones are really not practical

Projector (give up the projector if you don't have enough budget)

I have to say,The practicality of the projector is very strong,Its screen is relatively large,You can enjoy the movie-like viewing experience at home,Improve comfort。

Suggestion: These 4 "big items" in the living room, if you want to buy them, you can buy expensive ones, and cheap ones are really not practical

It's just that when you buy a projector, don't buy it if you don't have a budget, it's really hard to use low-priced models:

(1) Inability to continue watching movies

Cheap projectors are of poor quality and cannot be watched for a long time, usually no more than two hours,

Otherwise, the projector will be used for a long time, the projector will be hot, and there will be a problem of jamming, and the heat dissipation effect of the high-priced projector will be better, so you don't have to worry about the problem of heating!

Suggestion: These 4 "big items" in the living room, if you want to buy them, you can buy expensive ones, and cheap ones are really not practical

(2) Low resolution

The resolution of cheap projectors is very low, which leads to blurry pictures when we watch movies, and the blue light quality cannot be reached, and such projectors cannot protect the eyes, which will irritate the eyes.

Therefore, when you buy a projector, its quality is very important.

Suggestion: These 4 "big items" in the living room, if you want to buy them, you can buy expensive ones, and cheap ones are really not practical

If you are not short of money, the living room can fix the projector on the ceiling and design a curtain on the background wall, which is more convenient for watching movies.

Suggestion: These 4 "big items" in the living room, if you want to buy them, you can buy expensive ones, and cheap ones are really not practical

Robot vacuums

Nowadays, people are lazy, usually busy outside for a day, and they don't want to do anything else when they come home.

In order to solve the housework troubles, many people will add sweeping robots at home.

Suggestion: These 4 "big items" in the living room, if you want to buy them, you can buy expensive ones, and cheap ones are really not practical

It's just that when we buy a sweeping robot, we have to avoid ordinary styles, and it's not convenient to use:

(1) Poor cleaning ability

The cleaning ability of cheap robot vacuum cleaners is very poor, and sometimes ordinary stains are not clean, let alone stubborn dirt in the kitchen and bathroom.

The high-priced sweeping robot has its own sweeping and mopping integrated design, which can quickly clean and sterilize.

Suggestion: These 4 "big items" in the living room, if you want to buy them, you can buy expensive ones, and cheap ones are really not practical

(2) Not intelligent

The intelligence of cheap sweeping robots is very poor, for example, they can't avoid obstacles, and the carpet can't be cleaned.

And the high-priced robot is more intelligent, it will automatically clean according to your cleaning needs,

Suggestion: These 4 "big items" in the living room, if you want to buy them, you can buy expensive ones, and cheap ones are really not practical

Leather sofa

The sofa is an indispensable piece of furniture in the living room, and the easy-to-use sofa is comfortable to sit on, and it can also play a decorative role!

And among the most popular sofas on the market, leather sofas are one of the most popular.

Suggestion: These 4 "big items" in the living room, if you want to buy them, you can buy expensive ones, and cheap ones are really not practical

Just about leather sofas, we must not choose cheap models, because leather sofas with low prices have many disadvantages.

Suggestion: These 4 "big items" in the living room, if you want to buy them, you can buy expensive ones, and cheap ones are really not practical

When you buy a leather sofa, don't just buy it from the Internet, there is a certain risk in online shopping.

If you don't choose well, don't talk about spending money in vain, and it's not comfortable to use, which is related to the comfort of use.

Therefore, it is recommended that you buy leather sofas as much as possible offline, choose regular brands, and you can also experience it in person, so as not to be deceived.

Suggestion: These 4 "big items" in the living room, if you want to buy them, you can buy expensive ones, and cheap ones are really not practical

Smart door locks

Smart lock is a very popular design in recent years, and its emergence has helped us solve the problem of forgetting to bring the key when we go out!

The anti-theft coefficient of the smart door lock is high, and at the same time, it can also give us a new experience, but the smart door lock is also divided into good or bad quality, I didn't understand it before, and the choice in the home is the optical fingerprint lock, which has been eliminated now.

Suggestion: These 4 "big items" in the living room, if you want to buy them, you can buy expensive ones, and cheap ones are really not practical

And the poor quality smart lock to the back to Nantian, may frequently fail, it is better to use an ordinary door lock.

Suggestion: These 4 "big items" in the living room, if you want to buy them, you can buy expensive ones, and cheap ones are really not practical

Therefore, when you buy smart door locks, don't be greedy for cheap, the quality of these door locks cannot be guaranteed, and there are hidden dangers.

You can choose a well-known brand, using semiconductor fingerprint recognition and C-level lock cylinder, so as to better ensure your experience, and even if there is a problem, you can contact the after-sales service as soon as possible.

Suggestion: These 4 "big items" in the living room, if you want to buy them, you can buy expensive ones, and cheap ones are really not practical

Write at the end:

It is recommended to choose a high-priced style for these large items in the living room, so that it will be more convenient to use, what do you think?