
Weekend food broadcast, 32 dishes, common ingredients simple practice, leave fragrant tooth edges, disc action

author:Tranquil clear skies

I once saw an article that read: "At present, food can always have some thoughts, or hungry qianjiao, observe before eating, think in the middle of eating, simmer after tasting, eat for nature, chew quietly, gently taste, extraordinary rhyme." Eating is a kind of happiness, taste is a kind of fun, and transparent ink fragrance feels the spicy salty and sweet in the text, which is a kind of happiness. Those who can eat get a heart-warming enjoyment; those who can eat find a peace of mind. "Savor it, have a deep understanding!" Food has now become a part of our lives, life, slowly walking, slowly living, life does not need gorgeous coats, nor does it need sweet words, life needs to eat three meals a day, and live every day plainly. Each of us has our own living habits, in order to meet everyone's different dietary needs, every day a selection of different dishes to share with everyone, together for the wonderful life of every day!

Loofah fresh meat fried bun

Weekend food broadcast, 32 dishes, common ingredients simple practice, leave fragrant tooth edges, disc action

Ingredients: pork filling / flour 255g / yeast (dried) 3g / loofah / 2 tbsp oil / salt / ginger / soy sauce / oyster sauce / sesame oil / white pepper / sugar 10g / chives / sugar

Directions: 1. Dissolve the yeast in warm water and pour it into the flour, knead it into a smooth dough, cover the plastic wrap and ferment to 2-2.5 times the size

2. Add salt to the meat filling, and then add the water to the meat filling in a small number of times, use chopsticks to stir the water into the meat filling in one direction, add soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar, salt, green onion, ginger puree, white pepper and stir evenly, add chopped loofah and sesame oil, stir and mix well

3. After kneading and exhausting the fermented dough, divide it into 8 equal parts, take one part of the dough and roll out into a thick dough crust in the middle and wrap the filling

4. Add 2 tbsp oil to the pot and heat it, put in the bun, 100 g of water + 5 g of flour to mix into flour water, pour into the pot, then pour 1 tbsp of oil, cover the pot lid, simmer for about 10 minutes, you can sprinkle some white sesame seeds and chives before coming out of the pot

Two shrimp tofu

Weekend food broadcast, 32 dishes, common ingredients simple practice, leave fragrant tooth edges, disc action

Ingredients: 500 grams of tofu, 50 grams of shrimp 1g of shrimp seeds, 10 grams of rice wine, 3 grams of refined salt, 3 grams of monosodium glutamate, 5 grams of green onion, 5 grams of ginger, 3 grams of dry starch, 3 grams of egg white, 1 water starch, 5 grams of chicken sugar, 150 grams of cooked lard 300 grams (actual consumption of 50 grams)


1: Cut the tofu into small cubes. Wash and drain the shrimp, mix with 1 g of salt, egg white and dry starch to strengthen the pulp. The shrimp seeds are soaked in water. Finely chop the green onion and ginger separately.

2: Add 700g of water to the heat of the wok and boil, add tofu cubes and blanch the water (the water remains boiling and not steaming).

Heat another wok, pour in cooked lard until four ripe, add shrimp oil until cooked, pour in a colander and drain.

3: Heat 10 grams of cooked lard in the original pot, add chopped green onion and ginger and simmer slightly, fish the tofu in the other pot into the pot, add salt, monosodium glutamate, rice wine, shrimp seeds, chicken shallots, boil, and then pour in the shrimp. Rinse with water starch and drizzle with 5 grams of cooked lard.

Weekend food broadcast, 32 dishes, common ingredients simple practice, leave fragrant tooth edges, disc action

-Ingredients - Loofah 500 g, walnut kernels 100 g

Goji berries 20 g, salt 2 g

5 g ginger, 5 g corn starch

Peanut oil 15 ml


1. Chop the ginger into a minced and mix the cornstarch with a little water to form the water starch

2. Soak the walnut kernels in water for half an hour, drain and set aside

3. After peeling the loofah, cut into small pieces

4. Add peanut oil to a wok and stir-fry the walnuts

5. Sauté the walnuts crispy and set aside

6. Heat the oil in a wok and sauté the ginger

7. Add loofah segments and stir-fry for 3-5 minutes

8. Add the goji berries and walnuts and stir-fry

9. Mix well with salt and water starch

Splendid prawns

Weekend food broadcast, 32 dishes, common ingredients simple practice, leave fragrant tooth edges, disc action

Ingredients: 2 prawns, 1 broccoli, 100g mushroom, 1 tomato, 2 tablespoons tomato sauce (30ml), 1 teaspoon chopped green onion (5g), 1 teaspoon minced ginger (5g), 1 teaspoon minced garlic (5g), 1 teaspoon salt (5g), 1 tablespoon sugar (15g), 1 tablespoon light soy sauce (15ml), 2 tablespoons oil (30ml)


1. Wash and cut off the whiskers and feet of the prawns, break the broccoli into small flowers, wash and remove the roots, cut into 4 petals, wash and cut the tomatoes into triangular slices.

2. Heat the oil over medium heat, then add the minced garlic to the stir-fry, then add the broccoli and the mushroom cubes and stir-fry for a while, then add the tomato slices and stir-fry evenly, placing in the outer circle of the plate.

3. Leave the oil in the pan, when it is 60% hot, add the green onion and ginger and stir-fry, then add the prawns and fry both sides until they are red. Stir-fry tomato sauce, sugar and soy sauce for a while, then sauté the prawns in red oil and place on the plate

Braised striped fish

Weekend food broadcast, 32 dishes, common ingredients simple practice, leave fragrant tooth edges, disc action

/ Ingredients / 500 grams of fish, shredded green onion, ginger shredded, garlic slices total 20 grams \ 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, 2 teaspoons of vinegar, 1 teaspoon of rice wine \ 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 teaspoon of pepper oil, fresh soup to taste

/ Steps /

1: Remove the head, tail and internal organs of the fish, wash it, chop it into about 5 cm segments, and marinate it slightly with salt.

2: Heat up the oil in the pan, fry the fish section underneath, and when the two sides are golden brown, drain the oil and set aside.

3: Leave the bottom oil in the pot, sauté the shallots, ginger shreds, garlic slices, add the fried striped fish, cook the rice wine, vinegar, soy sauce, add a little soup, put sugar, pour pepper oil after flavoring, stir-fry well.

/ Reminders /

Peppercorn oil can be homemade, add oil in a wok, fry the peppercorns over low heat, cut off the heat when fragrant, skim off the peppercorns and serve; the fresh soup can be replaced with chicken powder and water.

Beef potatoes and

Weekend food broadcast, 32 dishes, common ingredients simple practice, leave fragrant tooth edges, disc action

【Ingredients】3 potatoes, 1 onion, 200 grams of minced beef, 1 bay leaf, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon of fresh milk, wheat flour, flour, cooking oil, salt, pepper to taste


1. Take three large potatoes, cook in water for about 40 minutes, peel them while hot, and mash the potatoes

2. Finely chop the onion

3. Add a tablespoon of cooking oil to a saucepan and sauté the chopped onion

4. After sautéing thoroughly, add 200 grams of minced beef and sauté together with a bay leaf. Season with salt and pepper, add potatoes, add a tablespoon of fresh milk, sauté well and let cool

5. After it cools down, apply cooking oil to the palm of your hand, take an appropriate amount of prepared mashed potatoes on your left hand, and press it with your right hand to form a cake

6. Sprinkle the appropriate amount of wheat flour and bread flour on two porcelain plates, and at the same time, beat an egg into a large bowl, add two tablespoons of water and mix well

7. Roll the potato cake over the wheat flour so that it is covered with flour, then, over the eggs, and spread the flour evenly

8. Heat the cooking oil to a moderate temperature, put the cakes into the oil one by one, and fry until they are yellow-brown or just right

Crispy vegetarian pot stickers

Weekend food broadcast, 32 dishes, common ingredients simple practice, leave fragrant tooth edges, disc action

Ingredients: bamboo shoots, one stick, four shiitake mushrooms, 6 horseshoes, a small bundle of vermicelli


1, the horseshoe peeled and cut into small cubes, vermicelli soaked hair chopped, bamboo shoots and shiitake mushrooms are also cut into small cubes, do not have to be too crushed so that you can retain the crispy taste

2, the pot is hot under the oil, add the diced mushrooms and fry softly, then add the cut horseshoe, bamboo shoots and vermicelli together stir-fry, add salt, soy sauce, pepper seasoning Because the horseshoe itself has a slight sweetness, so there is no need to put sugar

3: Place the filling on the skin of the dumplings, symmetrically knead the middle part, and do not knead the two sides

4: Heat the pot with a little oil, put the wrapped pot into the pot, fry on low heat for a minute or two, at this time the bottom of the pot sticker is golden.

5, sprinkle a little water into the pot, immediately cover the pot lid, use water vapor to simmer the pot, two minutes can be ~

Spicy and sour mint tossed with shredded chicken

Weekend food broadcast, 32 dishes, common ingredients simple practice, leave fragrant tooth edges, disc action

This spicy and sour mint mixed with shredded chicken is a fresh and bright aroma with a mixture of sour and spicy sauce and stir-fried sesame seeds.

Ingredients: Ingredients: 1 chicken thigh, 1 lime, 4-5 chili peppers, 1 onion, 1 mint leaf, 1 coriander leaf, small tomato to taste

Accessories: 1 handful of stir-fried white sesame seeds, a little fish sauce, 10 grams of white pepper, 5 grams of peppermint sesame oil, 5 grams of sugar, 10 grams of ginger, 2 pieces of garlic

Directions: 1: Add chicken thighs to cold water with ginger slices and cooking wine, bring to a boil over medium heat, skim off the foam, cook for another five minutes, turn off the heat, cover and simmer until the chicken thighs and soup are cooled to room temperature.

2. Prepare the green pepper sauce at least one hour in advance, otherwise the taste of the pepper will not come out. Finely chop the green pepper seeds and shave into the lime flakes.

3. Squeeze out the lemon juice.

4. Adjust the saltiness with fish sauce without adding additional salt.

5: Add a pinch of sugar and a pinch of white pepper and mix well.

6: Add minced ginger and minced garlic and mix well.

7, peel and root the onion, cut the fine wires along the lines, as shown in the picture, this cutting method can ensure the crispness of the onion strips. Add ice water and rinse for a while, scoop up the filtered water and set aside.

8: Soak the chicken soaked in broth and cooled to room temperature, put in ice water to make the chicken skin more crisp, tear the chicken skin, cut the chicken skin into strips, put it in a bowl, add the previous green pepper sauce and raw onion shreds, mix well.

9: Cut the mint and coriander into strips, add to a bowl and mix well.

10: Cut the small tomatoes and stir in, add two tablespoons of peppermint sesame oil

11. Immerse and fry over medium heat, stirring from time to time.

Corn soup with pig's trotters

Weekend food broadcast, 32 dishes, common ingredients simple practice, leave fragrant tooth edges, disc action

Ingredients: fresh corn, large ingredients, green onion, ginger slices, pig's trotters, mushroom essence, salt

1: Wash and cut two pig's trotters into small pieces, pour out the water in a pot of boiling water, and re-add water with a casserole, pig's trotters, ginger slices, green onion, and large ingredients.

2: Turn the heat to low after boiling, add fresh corn segments after cooking for one hour, continue to cook for one hour, add salt, mushroom essence, and get out of the pot.

Mahjong spinach

Weekend food broadcast, 32 dishes, common ingredients simple practice, leave fragrant tooth edges, disc action

Directions: 1: Wash the spinach, cut into two pieces, boil water in a pot with a small amount of salt, and blanch the spinach in boiling water.

2: Remove the boiled water from the spinach, squeeze out the water in the spinach by hand, put it on a plate and set aside.

3: Dilute the sesame sauce with purified water, then add soy sauce, salt, sugar and sesame oil, and mix well.

4: Pour the mixed sesame sauce on the spinach and sprinkle with peanuts and rice.

Fried meat with green onions

Weekend food broadcast, 32 dishes, common ingredients simple practice, leave fragrant tooth edges, disc action

Ingredients: Pork, green onion, apple cider vinegar, soy sauce, braised soy sauce, black pepper, salt

1, meat cutting book pieces, can cut more books to cut more;

2, seasoning: vinegar, soy sauce, braised soy sauce, black pepper crushed, water starch and a little salt;

3、 Wash and cut the green onion into pieces, and heat the oil in the pot;

4: Add slices of meat and fry until they turn white, then sauté the green onion;

5: Pour in the sauce, stir-fry evenly, turn off the heat and eat.

Dried pot of green shoot bacon

Weekend food broadcast, 32 dishes, common ingredients simple practice, leave fragrant tooth edges, disc action

Ingredients: 500 grams of spring shoots, 300 grams of bacon, 20 grams of spicy girl sauce, 30 grams of pickled peppers, 10 grams of cooking wine, 3 grams of chicken essence, 10 grams of sesame oil, 100 grams of broth, 50 grams of coriander

1, the spring shoots, bacon cut into thin slices, and then put the spring shoots into boiling water on high heat for 30 seconds to take out, bacon is also put in boiling water and heat for 3 minutes;

2: Cut the parsley into 1 cm long pieces and put the pickled pepper into a dry pot on the bottom;

3: Heat the oil, put in the bacon on high heat to simmer the aroma, put the spicy girl sauce, bamboo shoot slices on high heat and fry, pour in the cooking wine, broth and use medium heat for 1 minute, put the chicken essence to taste and pour it into the dry pot, sprinkle the parsley, drizzle with sesame oil.

Bean blossom brisket

Weekend food broadcast, 32 dishes, common ingredients simple practice, leave fragrant tooth edges, disc action

Method: 1, cut the brisket into pieces, put it into a pot of boiling water and rinse it, then put in a pot of water with celery, coriander, green pepper, millet spicy and ginger shallots, simmer over low heat until soft, pick out the brisket and strain the soup for use;

2: Pour the original soup and brisket of simmered beef brisket into the wok, add green and red pepper festivals and blanched water bean flowers at the same time, put spicy fresh sauce, chicken essence and MSG to taste, cook a little and put it out of the pot into the container, and finally sprinkle with coriander festival.

Okra bacon rolls

Weekend food broadcast, 32 dishes, common ingredients simple practice, leave fragrant tooth edges, disc action

Directions: 1: Rinse the bacon, grasp well with an appropriate amount of soy sauce and pepper, and marinate for a while.

2: Pour water into the pot, add salt and oil, and put in the washed okra.

3: After bringing to a boil, the okra darkens and turn off the heat.

4: Remove the okra from the plate and let it cool.

5: Cut the pickled bacon in half, roll in half a piece of okra, and fix it with a toothpick.

6: Put a little oil in the pot and roll in the okra bacon.

7: Fry over medium heat.

Dried fish and tofu

Weekend food broadcast, 32 dishes, common ingredients simple practice, leave fragrant tooth edges, disc action

Ingredients: dried white beans, carrots, peppers, spicy bean paste, vinegar, sugar, ginger, starch, minced green onion, salt

1: Cut the dried beans into thin strips, cut the pepper and carrot into thin strips.

2: Blanch carrots and chili pepper shreds in boiling water for half a minute, drain and drain.

3: Blanch the dried tofu in boiling water and drain.

4: Put the ginger, sugar, vinegar, salt and starch in a bowl, add a little water and mix into fish sauce.

5: Heat the oil in a wok, add chopped green onion to the pot, add the bean paste and stir-fry the red oil over low heat.

6: Add shredded vegetables and dried tofu and stir-fry a few times, add fish sauce and stir-fry, the soup becomes thicker.

Snow vegetable spring shoots

Weekend food broadcast, 32 dishes, common ingredients simple practice, leave fragrant tooth edges, disc action

Ingredients: Snow vegetables, spring shoots, edamame, dried chili peppers, green onions, minced ginger, salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar

1: Soak the snow vegetables in water overnight and wash off the salty taste. Spring shoots peel off the shell, cut thin slices of blanched water and then soaked in clean water again, blanching time to a little longer, edamame is Zhang Zhang bought in the supermarket cooked frozen edamame, take out the thaw from the refrigerator can be;

2: Heat the pot and pour oil, add green onion, minced ginger, dried chili pepper and stir-fry, pour in snow vegetables and stir-fry;

3, add a bowl of water, cover the lid, simmer the snow vegetables, can make the taste of the snow vegetables more intense;

4, after the water evaporates almost, pour in the edamame;

5, bamboo shoots are also put down together;

6: Add salt, MSG to taste, add a little sugar to freshen, stir well.

Eight treasure rice

Weekend food broadcast, 32 dishes, common ingredients simple practice, leave fragrant tooth edges, disc action

Ingredients: Red beans, glutinous rice, peanut kernels, walnut kernels, raisins, lilies, white fruits, pitted dates

Red beans to make red bean paste: wash the red beans, simmer in a pressure cooker for half an hour, add sugar, mash into a puree, and set aside.

Glutinous rice steamed in a rice cooker; Shell the white fruit and cook in boiling water for 1 minute; Peanut rice cooked in water; Lilies, dates, grapes dry cleaned and soaked.

3 Take a large bowl, the bottom of the bowl and a layer of oil around the book, put the walnut kernels, peanuts, lilies, raisins, small red dates, white fruits on the bottom of the bowl, and then a layer of glutinous rice and bean paste in turn spread to the mouth of the bowl, compacted (untrue will affect the appearance), steamed on the steamer for 5-10 minutes.

Steam and remove the bowl, take a large flat dish, cover the bowl mouth, flip it, and remove the bowl.

Coconut pumpkin taro stew

Weekend food broadcast, 32 dishes, common ingredients simple practice, leave fragrant tooth edges, disc action

-Ingredients - 200g pumpkin, 200g large taro, 150g coconut milk, vegetable oil, salt, vegetable and fruit powder, ginger, coriander to taste

1. Peel and wash the taro and pumpkin and change the knife

2. Finely chop the ginger and finely chop the parsley

3. Heat the pan in oil and sauté the minced ginger

4. Stir-fry the taro and pumpkin

5. Add water and simmer over medium heat until the pumpkin and taro are cooked

6. Add coconut milk and seasoning and cook until flavorful

7. Garnish with chopped parsley at the end

Pine nut corn

Weekend food broadcast, 32 dishes, common ingredients simple practice, leave fragrant tooth edges, disc action

Ingredients: Frozen corn kernels, pine nuts, edamame kernels

Corn kernels are frozen corn kernels purchased from supermarkets, take 250g out and put them in the natural environment to de-icing. Drain the excess water after de-icing, set aside; remove the transparent thin skin of the edamame kernels, and then blanch them in boiling water ~ blanch them in cold water to avoid discoloration;

Pine nuts can be bought directly to bake, if it is raw, you need to put it into the oven and cook it at a low temperature of 120 degrees Celsius, so as not to cause the pine nuts to change color and coke ~ or stir-fry in a pot over low heat;

Heat a wok, add salad oil, add corn kernels and edamame kernels and sauté together. Stir fry out the aroma and water vapor when add a little water, add salt and sugar to taste;

Then add the lid of the pot and simmer slightly for 1 minute, after opening the lid, drizzle a little water starch to hook the leaves, sprinkle half of the pine nuts and fry evenly to get out of the pot, after serving the plate, sprinkle the other half of the pine nuts.

Tomato stew with potatoes and carrots

Weekend food broadcast, 32 dishes, common ingredients simple practice, leave fragrant tooth edges, disc action

-Ingredients - 1 potato, 2 tomatoes \ 1 carrot, 1 spoonful of tomato sauce, salt, vegetable and fruit powder

-Do Method-1. Cut the tomatoes with a knife on top and blanch them in boiling water

2. Peel off and cut into small cubes

3. Dice the carrots and dice the potatoes

4. Heat oil in a pan and sauté the tomatoes until soft and rotten

5. Add the tomato sauce and soy sauce

6. Add diced carrots and diced potatoes and stir-fry well

7. Add the right amount of water, bring to a boil on high heat, reduce heat and simmer for 30-40 minutes

8. Finally, add the seasoning and collect the juice on high heat (if you like to drink soup, this step can be skipped)

Winter melon marinated meat dried

Weekend food broadcast, 32 dishes, common ingredients simple practice, leave fragrant tooth edges, disc action

Ingredients: 1 clove of garlic (minced), 150g of ground pork, 550g of peeled winter melon (cut into pieces), 2 dried chili peppers, minced green onion (or chopped coriander), 2-3 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp rice wine, 1 tsp sugar, 1 tsp pepper, 100 ml of water.

1. Heat a pan, put a spoonful of oil in the pan, add the ground meat and fry until the surface changes color.

2. After the ground meat changes color, add 1 tbsp sugar.

3. Stir-fry with the meat, then add pepper and stir-fry until fragrant.

4. Add the cut winter melon.

5. Stir-fry to make the surface of the winter melon slightly colored.

6. Add rice wine, soy sauce and water and stir-fry, cover the pot and simmer for 15 minutes! After opening the lid, you can adjust the flavor according to your own taste, and then add some salt and sugar as appropriate. Sprinkle with chopped green onions and dried chili peppers and eat!

Teppanyaki shrimp stuffed with lotus

Weekend food broadcast, 32 dishes, common ingredients simple practice, leave fragrant tooth edges, disc action

Method 1: Beat the shrimp into salty shrimp gelatin, soak the lotus slices in ice water, cut the asparagus into sections, and set aside.

2. Drain the lotus slices and pat a layer of corn starch, then add the shrimp gelatin piece by piece and put it into the oil pot, fry it and pick it out and set aside.

3. Heat a little oil in the pot, stir-fry ginger slices, garlic slices, asparagus strips, millet pepper strips and lotus slices, then add salt, monosodium glutamate and XO sauce and stir-fry, then serve.

Stir-fried belly shreds with coriander stalks

Weekend food broadcast, 32 dishes, common ingredients simple practice, leave fragrant tooth edges, disc action

Ingredients: 150 grams of coriander, 200 grams of cooked pork belly, 1000 grams of clear oil (about 100 grams), cooking wine 25 grams, salt 3 grams, flavor 5 grams, rice vinegar 10 grams, green onion ginger shredded, garlic slices 2 grams each, sesame oil 10 grams.

1. Wash the cooked pork belly, cut into 4cm long filaments, put it in a pot of boiling water and blanch it, drain and set aside. Wash the parsley, remove the leaves and cut into inches and set aside.

2. Put the pot on the high heat, put the oil to 60% hot, the belly silk slippery oil, and then fish out the belly silk draining oil, leave some bottom oil in the original pot, burn to 70% hot, add the belly silk, coriander segments and seasonings, quickly stir the pot well, and then hook, drizzle, out of the pot and plate.

Sweet and sour yellow croaker

Weekend food broadcast, 32 dishes, common ingredients simple practice, leave fragrant tooth edges, disc action

Ingredients: yellow croaker, green onion, ginger, garlic, tomato paste, oil, salt, sugar, vinegar, cooking wine, starch

1. Wash the yellow croaker, cross the two sides and put it in a large bowl

2. Add cooking wine, salt, ginger slices and green onion and marinate for 10 minutes

3. Wrap the marinated fish with starch

4: Heat the pan and fry the fish until golden brown on both sides

5: Heat the pan and heat the oil, add the minced garlic and stir-fry, add a spoonful of vinegar, add the tomato sauce and sugar

6: Simmer over low heat, put four spoonfuls of water starch, one spoonful of salt, stir well and turn off the heat

7: Pour the boiled sweet and sour sauce over the fried yellow croaker

8. Sprinkle with green onions and serve

Vegetarian stewed corn soup

Weekend food broadcast, 32 dishes, common ingredients simple practice, leave fragrant tooth edges, disc action

1: Cut the tomato into pieces, peel the corn, wash and cut the mushrooms into thin slices

2: Blanch corn, peas and mushrooms in water

3: Stir-fry the tomatoes in a frying pan, then add water to two large bowls and bring to a boil

4: Bring to a boil, add mushrooms, corn and peas and cook for 10 minutes

5: Add rock sugar and salt

6, corn starch with water to mix well, into the soup to beat the sweet and sour vegetarian corn soup is ready.

Sauté the shredded pumpkin

Weekend food broadcast, 32 dishes, common ingredients simple practice, leave fragrant tooth edges, disc action

Ingredients: tender pumpkin, green onion, salt, sugar, chicken essence;

1. Use a knife to thinly peel off the surface skin and scrape off the skin with a spoon

2. Rub into thin wires (slowly cut into thin wires with a knife without wiping the cutting board)

3. Heat the pot and put the oil, add the green onion to simmer the aroma

4. Stir-fry the pumpkin shreds for about a minute, add salt, a little sugar and chicken essence to taste the pan.

Grass mushrooms mixed with loofah

Weekend food broadcast, 32 dishes, common ingredients simple practice, leave fragrant tooth edges, disc action

Ingredients: 500 g of tender loofah, 100 g of fresh mushrooms. 10 grams of green onion, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper, cooking wine, chicken soup, cooked chicken fat, vegetable oil.

1 Remove the stems of the fresh grass mushrooms, wash them with water, put them in a large bowl, add a little salt, chicken soup, cooking wine, steam on the upper drawer on high heat for about 5 minutes, remove the mushrooms and cut them into small pieces.

2 tender loofah peeled, de-blanched, washed, cut into small pieces, placed in a pot of water, add vegetable oil, green onion and blanch until cooked, remove and drain.

3 Put the mushrooms and loofah pieces into the container, add salt, monosodium glutamate and pepper and mix well into the taste, put the yard on the plate, drizzle with cooked chicken fat and serve.

Watermelon dew

Weekend food broadcast, 32 dishes, common ingredients simple practice, leave fragrant tooth edges, disc action

Ingredients to prepare: watermelon 1200 g / agar 5 g / mints 40 g

Step 1: Soak the agar in warm water for 30 minutes to soften, then scoop out the watermelon into a blender with a spoon and beat into watermelon juice. Pour the watermelon juice into the strainer and sift through it, skimming off excess foam.

Step 2: Prepare a small milk pot with 300 ml of water, put the soft agar under the pot, boil on medium-low heat until the agar is completely melted.

Step 3: Pour the melted agar into a bowl filled with watermelon juice, stir well while pouring, and refrigerate until completely solidified.

Step 4: Then boil the mint juice, add 200 ml of water to the milk pot, simmer the mints over medium-low heat until melted, pour it into a bowl and let it cool, you can also put it in the refrigerator to refrigerate the taste will taste better.

Step 5: Take the frozen watermelon dew from the refrigerator and cut it vertically into small pieces. Finally, put the watermelon sauce in a bowl, add the chilled mint sugar water and mix well, a delicate dessert watermelon sauce is ready, let's taste it together.

Steamed cod with shiitake mushrooms

Weekend food broadcast, 32 dishes, common ingredients simple practice, leave fragrant tooth edges, disc action

/ Ingredients / Shiitake mushrooms, shallots, ginger, cod, cooking wine, steamed fish tempeh

/ Step /1、 Shiitake mushrooms soaked and washed and cut into slices; Cut the shallots into small pieces and the ginger into strips.

2: Place the green onion and ginger on the steaming plate, and then place the washed cod pieces on the green onion and ginger.

3: Place the shiitake mushrooms on top of the cod, mix in cooking wine and steamed fish soy sauce.

4: Gently shake the plate so that the sauce is spread evenly over the ingredients.

5: Boil hot water in a steamer, steam the cod in the water for 10 minutes, and sprinkle the green onion out of the pot.

Oat shrimp

Weekend food broadcast, 32 dishes, common ingredients simple practice, leave fragrant tooth edges, disc action

Directions: 1: Draw a knife on the back of the peony shrimp, roll into shrimp balls after flying water, and ice and set aside.

2, the iced shrimp balls to control the dry water, add 50 grams of salad dressing, 3 grams of mustard, 5 ml of lemon juice and mix well, pay attention to let the salad sauce wrap each shrimp ball.

3: Wrap the shrimp balls wrapped in salad dressing one by one and wrap the oatmeal, then plate and garnish.

Tri-color brown rice quinoa porridge

Weekend food broadcast, 32 dishes, common ingredients simple practice, leave fragrant tooth edges, disc action

- Material - 100g of brown rice, 50g of quinoa, 50g of rice

1: Quinoa, three-color brown rice ready

2: Add white rice and rinse with water

3. Pour into the rice cooker together and click on the porridge mode

4: Finish the thick and mellow quinoa brown rice porridge

5: Add a little cereal after cooking

Stir-fried sausages with bamboo

Weekend food broadcast, 32 dishes, common ingredients simple practice, leave fragrant tooth edges, disc action

Ingredients: curd bamboo, dachshund, fungus, garlic salt, monosodium glutamate

1. Soak the bamboo in water in advance, soak it softly, and cut it into small pieces after soaking soft.

2: Boil the water in a pot, add the right amount of salt, add the rotten bamboo into the boil, and then put the black fungus into it and blanch it for later.

3: Heat the pan with cold oil, put the sausages into it and sauté, sauté to bring out the aroma and add the blanched bamboo and fungus to stir-fry.

4: Stir-fry for a minute or two, add salt to taste, add garlic before finally out of the pan, stir-fry until the garlic changes color.

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