
George could be traded this weekend: Rockets join the fray Celebrity analysis if the trade Houston has the upper hand

George could be traded this weekend: Rockets join the fray Celebrity analysis if the trade Houston has the upper hand

Yan Xiaobai's basketball dream

2024-06-25 01:12Posted in Hong Kong, China

In the early morning of June 25, Beijing time, ESPN reporter Brian Wenhorst reported on the show: George may exercise the player option and request a trade this weekend, and this matter will have an outcome in the next day or two...... We'll see some action very quickly after the draft.

George could be traded this weekend: Rockets join the fray Celebrity analysis if the trade Houston has the upper hand

Venhorst also analyzed George's possible next home, such as the Philadelphia 76ers, Golden State Warriors, New York Knicks, Mavericks, Orlando Magic, Houston Rockets, etc.

George could be traded this weekend: Rockets join the fray Celebrity analysis if the trade Houston has the upper hand

NBA reporter Mike Scott revealed that the Houston Rockets are the latest team to be interested in George, the Rockets are keen to hunt for prey, a striking name is Paul George, they heard that George intends to exercise the 48.8 million player option, the Rockets are unlikely to sign George, but if it is a trade for the Rockets, there is some interest.

George could be traded this weekend: Rockets join the fray Celebrity analysis if the trade Houston has the upper hand

However, the Clippers did not give up on keeping George, according to a report from Mike Scott, the Clippers want to add a trade veto to George's three-year contract extension to keep George, but the Clippers are still giving George a three-year contract extension below the maximum salary.

George could be traded this weekend: Rockets join the fray Celebrity analysis if the trade Houston has the upper hand

The Warriors, Knicks, and Rockets are all interested in trading for George after exercising his player option, as George is an expiring contract and George is also a 3-and-D superstar.

George could be traded this weekend: Rockets join the fray Celebrity analysis if the trade Houston has the upper hand

Celebrity Bill Simmons said on the show: "If it's a trade, I don't think the team chasing George at the moment has a better stack with Houston. ”

George could be traded this weekend: Rockets join the fray Celebrity analysis if the trade Houston has the upper hand

A trade plan simulated by the American media, the Rockets used Dillon + Tate + 2024 pick, and the Nets in the first round in 2025 to replace George, so that the Rockets will start VanVleet, Jalen Green, George, Smith, Shen Jing in the new season, and the bench Amen, Eason, White Devils, Jeff Green, and Adams are very strong.

Text/Yan Xiaobai's basketball dream

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  • George could be traded this weekend: Rockets join the fray Celebrity analysis if the trade Houston has the upper hand
  • George could be traded this weekend: Rockets join the fray Celebrity analysis if the trade Houston has the upper hand
  • George could be traded this weekend: Rockets join the fray Celebrity analysis if the trade Houston has the upper hand
  • George could be traded this weekend: Rockets join the fray Celebrity analysis if the trade Houston has the upper hand
  • George could be traded this weekend: Rockets join the fray Celebrity analysis if the trade Houston has the upper hand
  • George could be traded this weekend: Rockets join the fray Celebrity analysis if the trade Houston has the upper hand

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