
Xiao Bing cut off one of Xiang Yu's legs and was made a marquis by Liu Bang, and his descendants not only had Yang Xiu, but also 2 emperors

"Xiang Zhi was defeated and went down, and the baby took the imperial master to ride the car and chase Xiang Zhi to the East City, and broke it." All five of the generals, who were beheaded together, were given the title of Marquis. ”

Xiao Bing cut off one of Xiang Yu's legs and was made a marquis by Liu Bang, and his descendants not only had Yang Xiu, but also 2 emperors

In 202 BC, Xiang Yu's soldiers were defeated to Wujiang, thinking that Xiang Yu was sitting in the world, full of spirit, waking up to the power of the world, and drunk on the knees of beautiful people.

Now there was no one around Xiang Yu, he looked at the Han army in the distance, they showed a greedy smile, they wanted to kill Xiang Yu, but they did not dare to move forward.

Xiang Yu was a proud and conceited person, he looked down on these people, he was sneering in his heart, he didn't want to die at the hands of these people and let their hands get their own blood dirty.

Xiang Yu is the invincible overlord, even if he dies, he will die in his own hands, not under the guise of others.

Xiao Bing cut off one of Xiang Yu's legs and was made a marquis by Liu Bang, and his descendants not only had Yang Xiu, but also 2 emperors

Looking at the water of the WuJiang River, Xiang Yu killed himself, and he shouted loudly before killing himself: "Although I am dead today, I am still the King of Western Chu!" Xiang Yu fell, a giant fell.

After Xiang Yu died, the Han army rushed up, and the crowd snatched Xiang Yu's body, they wanted to see what Xiang Yu was doing.

In the "Records of History", it is recorded: "Xiang Zhi was defeated and went down, and the baby took the imperial master to ride the chariot to chase Xiang Zhi to the East City and broke it." All five of the generals, who were beheaded together, were given the title of Marquis. ”

Xiao Bing cut off one of Xiang Yu's legs and was made a marquis by Liu Bang, and his descendants not only had Yang Xiu, but also 2 emperors

Originally, these five small soldiers would not attract Sima Qian's attention, but they killed Xiang Yu and naturally won Sima Qian's attention.

These five men were Yang Xi, Wang Feng, Lü Matong, Lü Sheng, and Yang Wu, who were made Marquis of Liu Bang for killing Xiang Yu. Among these five Marquises, Yang Xi was the most special one, he thought very long-term, he wanted the Yang family to continue to prosper.

Yang Xi attaches great importance to education, and let future generations also attach importance to education, Yang Xi influences his children and grandchildren by shaping a good family environment, so that his children and grandchildren can grow up in the Shuxiang Mendi and become talents in the future.

Xiao Bing cut off one of Xiang Yu's legs and was made a marquis by Liu Bang, and his descendants not only had Yang Xiu, but also 2 emperors

During the Two Han Dynasties, the Yang family has always been a famous and prestigious family of the Han Dynasty, and Yang Xiu is the descendant of Yang Xi. During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Yang Xi's twentieth grandson Yang Jian was born, a heroic emperor who ended the chaotic world and established the Sui Dynasty to unify China.

After Yang Jian's death, Yang Guang took the throne, which was an emperor who had taken a big step and pulled the egg, and the Sui Dynasty perished at his hands.

However, from the Han Dynasty to the Sui Dynasty, the Yang family has gone through nearly a thousand years without falling, and has been full of talents, which is really remarkable!

Xiao Bing cut off one of Xiang Yu's legs and was made a marquis by Liu Bang, and his descendants not only had Yang Xiu, but also 2 emperors

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References: "History", "Book of Sui", etc

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