
Go, go, go, until happiness gets tired of happiness


Mad Grass 2022.01.10 Lapa Festival in the North Sea

Let's go, let's go

Until it hits the mountains and meets the sea

What I saw, I have already passed

Until there is nowhere to go

There is no way back

Until the sun sets sooner and later

The river became more and more muddy

The opposite eyeball changes from black to blue

Until war returns to peace

Suffering comes down to memory

Happiness is tired of happiness

You're at ease, you have to

Lower your eyes

Stare at both feet

Take one breath after another

Count the years of waste

Wait until the weather clears

Find an old piece of land and draw a new prison

Go, go, go, until happiness gets tired of happiness

For three or four days in a row, I felt that the loss of blood was serious, and last night until now it has been windy and blowing out some clouds. Thanks thanks.

Below is a small painting painted on the road through Guangxi

Go, go, go, until happiness gets tired of happiness
Go, go, go, until happiness gets tired of happiness
Go, go, go, until happiness gets tired of happiness
Go, go, go, until happiness gets tired of happiness

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