
From the discovery of the fault to the rush to the scene in only 5 minutes, the Winter Olympics communication guarantee "wisdom brain" officially opened

From the discovery of the fault to the rush to the scene in only 5 minutes, the Winter Olympics communication guarantee "wisdom brain" officially opened

Yesterday, China Unicom's Winter Olympics Communication Technology Operation Command Center (TTOC) was officially opened to the outside world, and it was fully put into the command and dispatch of the Winter Olympics communication operation support system. Wu Di, a reporter of this newspaper, took a photo

From the discovery of communication failures to the rush to the scene for maintenance in only 5 minutes, through the monitoring screen can detect the communication technology situation in the venue in real time... Yesterday, China Unicom's Winter Olympics Communication Technology Operation Command Center (TTOC) was officially opened, and it was fully put into the command and dispatch of the Winter Olympics communication technology operation support system.

Located on the west side of xiuchi in Shougang Park, the Winter Olympics Communication Technology Operation Command Center has created a new comprehensive monitoring system, comprehensive fault scheduling system and network digital operation platform for the Beijing Winter Olympics. During the Winter Olympics, the center implements real-time unified monitoring (automatic inspection), unified scheduling, unified response and unified service for the communication and information networks of all Olympic venues and facilities in Beijing and Zhangjiakou.

Walking into the 300-square-meter command center, a large 18-square-meter screen displays 3D images of various Winter Olympic venues. Technicians click the mouse, choose to enter the National Stadium, and then click into the computer room on the first floor, you can clearly see the situation of each port in the computer room. Through this digital operation platform, the information security, regional monitoring, media bus operation status and network inspection of the current venue can be monitored in real time.

"From the discovery of the problem, to the precise positioning, to the staff rushing to the scene, the whole process only takes 5 minutes to complete." Zhang Jia, director of the Office of the Winter Olympics of Beijing Unicom, introduced. Such a fast and accurate positioning is also inseparable from the two-dimensional code on each communication equipment, and in the command center's computer room, there is a two-dimensional code on each port side. The staff only need to scan, you can see the specific location information and the specific information of the port use on the mobile phone, "the relevant equipment in the venue will also have a two-dimensional code to mark, so that the technical staff can accurately locate." ”

It is understood that during the Beijing Winter Olympics and the Winter Paralympic Games, the command and operation network (OIN) of all events, the game media broadcast transmission network (BCN) and the basic communication services of the games will be connected to all venues through the "high-speed train" of the Olympic communication network (OTN). The China Unicom Winter Olympics Communication Technology Operation Command Center is the "driver" of this "high-speed train".

This "high-speed train" also brings a different new experience to the audience. By providing greater bandwidth services to the media, high-definition arena footage will be transmitted to thousands of households. "The TV broadcast screen that everyone can see is clearer, and the broadcast of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is all standard definition, but in the upcoming 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, everyone will see 4K HD TV broadcasting." Liu Shenshen, manager of China Unicom's Winter Olympics Communication Technology Operation Command Center, introduced.

In order to ensure the smooth development of the Winter Olympics communication network guarantee work, China Unicom also applied the MR digital venue monitoring technology that combines virtual and real, providing an immersive venue group business indicator management system for remote support personnel, which is convenient for experts to remotely guide on-site staff for maintenance. The MR digital venue monitoring equipment combining virtual and real can achieve millimeter-level accurate positioning, and cooperate with rear experts and field engineers to efficiently complete troubleshooting and equipment maintenance.

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