
Guan Yu slashed Yan Liang and Wen Ugly for only a few rounds, why couldn't he take Down Ji Ling and defeat Huang Zhong?

Let's first look at Guan Yu's achievements in this life: starting from chopping Huaxiong, to fighting Yuan Shu's general Ji Ling; from the siege of Tupo to the wenuge of YanLiang; from slashing six generals through five levels, to Fighting Huang Zhong in Changsha, and then fighting Pound and Xu Huang in the Battle of Xiangfan.

We can find that Guan Yu is almost always a quick battle, less than a long war, through Luo Guanzhong's adjectives describing these big wars can get a glimpse of the whole picture:"

Warm wine


About ten battles

Take a knife in your hand

A knife in the back of the head

And so on.

Guan Yu slashed Yan Liang and Wen Ugly for only a few rounds, why couldn't he take Down Ji Ling and defeat Huang Zhong?

The battles that dragged on until dozens of rounds were few and far between, and the results were very unsatisfactory.

Although this guy was the first chair of the warrior under Yuan Shu's hands, the name of the warrior under Yuan Shu was really not big in the entire Three Kingdoms period, and there was nothing outstanding, and Guan Yu and him fought for thirty rounds and did not take him down. Instead, the third brother, Zhang Fei, beat Ji Ling down in just ten rounds.

Guan Yu slashed Yan Liang and Wen Ugly for only a few rounds, why couldn't he take Down Ji Ling and defeat Huang Zhong?

Huang Zhong, Huang Zhong and Guan Yu were already old when they fought, but Guan Yu and Huang Zhong did not win more than a hundred rounds, even though the final use of the dragging knife was barely won, but the second huang Zhong's use of the divine archery technique also did not let Guan Yu take a little sweetness.

Guan Yu slashed Yan Liang and Wen Ugly for only a few rounds, why couldn't he take Down Ji Ling and defeat Huang Zhong?

Battle of Pound, in the Battle of Xiangfan, Guan Yu fought against the vanguard general of the Cao Army, Pound De carried the coffin and fought, desperately fighting with Guan Yu, not only was he not defeated, but an arrow shot Guan Yu's right arm.

After five levels and six generals, let's not say for the time being, no matter how big the name is, in fact, these six generals are at most the level of a second-rate martial artist in the Three Kingdoms period, and may even be inferior.

What is the matter with Guan Yu chopping off his face and cursing Wen Ugly?

It was also these two events that almost confirmed the fact that Guan Yu was the first fierce general of the Three Kingdoms after Lü Bu's death.

Guan Yu slashed Yan Liang and Wen Ugly for only a few rounds, why couldn't he take Down Ji Ling and defeat Huang Zhong?

Cut off the face

"Yan Liang was under the cover, and when he saw Guan Gong rushing forward, when Fang wanted to ask, Guan Gong was fast and had already run to the front; Yan Liang was caught off guard, and was stabbed by Yun Chang with a knife in his hand."


"Fighting with Wen Ugly, fighting against each other, Wen Ugly is timid, and pulling horses around the river." Guan Gongma was fast, caught up with Wen Ugly, and with a knife in the back of his head, he cut Wen Ugly off the horse. ”

But from the key words, it is not difficult to find three major problems:

Yan Liang was caught off guard, Wen Ugly was timid, and Guan Gong was red rabbit and fast.

Guan Yu slashed Yan Liang and Wen Ugly for only a few rounds, why couldn't he take Down Ji Ling and defeat Huang Zhong?

It is not difficult to imagine that Guan Yu's two most brilliant achievements have great moisture. The protracted battle of the only three mentioned above did not mean that the strength of those three was really stronger than that of Yan Liangwen, at least when they fought with Guan Yu, they were concentrated, fully exerted their own strength, and they all held a desperate attitude. And Yan Liangwen was ugly.

Therefore, the reason why Guan Yu slashed Yan Liang and Cursed Wen Ugly was only a few rounds, but he could not take down Ji Lingzhan and not overthrow Huang Zhong, there were the following three reasons.

First, the passenger is not prepared, unexpected

Guan Yu slashed Yan Liang and Wen Ugly for only a few rounds, why couldn't he take Down Ji Ling and defeat Huang Zhong?

When Guan Yu beheaded Yan Liang and cursed Wen Ugly, in fact, winning was not fair, especially Yan Liang. At that time, Yan Liang should have recognized Guan Yu, and Guan Yu's eldest brother Liu Bei was a guest in Yuan Shao's army. At that time, Yan Liang was preparing to confirm Guan Yu's identity, in fact, Guan Yu was also looking for Liu Bei everywhere at that time, and if Yan Liang successfully asked out, the two would not only not fight, but would also become a gang.

However, Guan Yu actually thought that people were afraid of him, and without saying a word, he rode the red rabbit horse and rushed over. Before Yan Liang could speak, Guan Yu was killed, and at this time, he didn't have time to block Guan Yu's attack, and in the end, he only had to end up in a different place.

In fact, winning in this way is not a victory of hard power, and some are even damaged."

Professional ethics

", almost equivalent to a sneak attack. The most embarrassing thing is that Guan Yu has not been ashamed, but proud.

Second, the mentality is crushed, and the enemy is timid

Guan Yu slashed Yan Liang and Wen Ugly for only a few rounds, why couldn't he take Down Ji Ling and defeat Huang Zhong?

When Wen Ugly lost to Guan Yu, it was after three rounds of the big guy, feeling that the pressure was too much to win, so he was timid. This led to the fact that when running away, he did not expect that his horse could not run Guan Yu's horse, and was caught up by Guan Yu and hacked to death.

On the other hand, Guan Yu, let's not say whether the strength is so powerful in the end, at least his mentality has always been stable."


In his eyes, he is invincible, and every time he fights, no matter how he wins or loses, he is a majestic and exuberant look.

In fact, the warriors compete with each other, and sometimes the victory or defeat is not necessarily completely determined by strength, and the mentality and momentum also occupy a very important position. How can a person with almost the same strength, who has not fought and is three points weaker in momentum, win? After all, the narrow road meets the brave to win, and it is not a joke.

Third, the red rabbit horse is fast, and there is no disadvantage

Guan Yu slashed Yan Liang and Wen Ugly for only a few rounds, why couldn't he take Down Ji Ling and defeat Huang Zhong?


If a worker desires to do a good thing, he must first use it

For a warrior, the most important tools are nothing more than mounts and weapons.

And it goes:

"Lü Bu among men, red rabbit among horses."

As one of the best mounts in the Three Kingdoms period, as long as any martial general gets such an excellent mount, his strength will be greatly blessed, such as Lü Bu in the early days and Guan Yu in the later period.

After getting the Red Rabbit Horse, Guan Yu took advantage of the Red Rabbit Horse every time he fought. What is the benefit of the Red Rabbit Horse? It's just one word:


。 Fighting the speed of the red rabbit horse, every time the people did not react, Guan Yu rushed to the front of others with a large knife, at this time, the enemy did not have time to resist, he was cut off by the knife in his hand, Yan Liang was like this, wen ugly was also like this.

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