
Civilized dog breeding "memo", come and check and fill in the gaps!

author:Chengdu Jianyang released

Jianyang Rong Media Center

Dogs are loyal companions to humans

Raising a dog can temper people's emotions

But it also has many impacts on the lives of the surrounding residents

Develop a good habit of raising pets in a civilized and scientific manner

Earn more respect and friendship for your dog

Civilized dog breeding "memo", come and check and fill in the gaps!

Not sick is a lie of "him".

Civilized dog breeding "memo", come and check and fill in the gaps!
Civilized dog breeding "memo", come and check and fill in the gaps!
Civilized dog breeding "memo", come and check and fill in the gaps!
Civilized dog breeding "memo", come and check and fill in the gaps!

"You" have broken the law!

Civilized dog breeding "memo", come and check and fill in the gaps!

Hold the rope of civilization and be a civilized person

Civilized dog breeding "memo", come and check and fill in the gaps!
Civilized dog breeding "memo", come and check and fill in the gaps!
Civilized dog breeding "memo", come and check and fill in the gaps!
Civilized dog breeding "memo", come and check and fill in the gaps!
Civilized dog breeding "memo", come and check and fill in the gaps!

The dog leash is suitable, and the dog is also "suitable"

Civilized dog breeding "memo", come and check and fill in the gaps!

Previous Review

Civilized dog breeding "memo", come and check and fill in the gaps!

Civilization, I know丨What should I do if I encounter a dog that is "not good at coming"? Just learn these few tricks →

Your dog is your right

It is your duty to raise a dog in a civilized manner

"Pet" me to start

Build a civilized Jianyang together

Civilized dog breeding "memo", come and check and fill in the gaps!

Source | Civilization is simple

Edit | Ye Yuzhou

Editor-in-charge | Hu Yu

Audit | Xia Yuxi

If you need to reprint, please indicate the source

If you have any matters related to copyright, news clues, etc., please contact 028-27222000

Civilized dog breeding "memo", come and check and fill in the gaps!
Civilized dog breeding "memo", come and check and fill in the gaps!
Civilized dog breeding "memo", come and check and fill in the gaps!