
On the battlefield, why would a soldier prefer to be a prisoner rather than lie down and pretend to die? In fact, the reason is very realistic

Since the birth of human civilization, war as an extreme means of violence has begun to appear frequently, but there are many wars that are meaningless, but are just killings between rulers for each other's territory, I believe that there are many soldiers, naturally they are not willing to become cannon fodder for the kings on the battlefield, but from ancient times to the present, it seems that everyone has not heard of the example of soldiers pretending to die.

On the battlefield, why would a soldier prefer to be a prisoner rather than lie down and pretend to die? In fact, the reason is very realistic

When armies fight, soldiers either fight bravely to kill the enemy, or flee in defeat, or prefer to be taken prisoners, but the risk of death is very high, why don't soldiers dare to lie down and pretend to die? In fact, the reason is very realistic, that is, lying down "suspended animation", in fact, there is no difference between real death and real death. We can first look at the ancient battlefield, the previous troops fought, naturally also have to discuss merit and reward, how can we reflect their own merits? Therefore, the Shang martingale of the Qin State stipulated in the content of the change that soldiers should go to war and take the number of heads they harvested as the basic condition for promotion.

On the battlefield, why would a soldier prefer to be a prisoner rather than lie down and pretend to die? In fact, the reason is very realistic

Kill one person, then you will be promoted to a higher rank, get a knighthood, there is a field house, kill two people, then promote the second level, the more people killed, then the higher the knighthood, the highest title has twenty levels, and those who obtain this title can already enjoy the luxurious life of the nobility. The interesting thing is that because a "first" corresponds to a level, the concept of the word "first rank" was born here, and other princes also calculated military merits by the parts of the deceased's body. This approach greatly increases the enthusiasm of the soldiers, and at the same time increases the cruelty of the battlefield. So in this case, if you want to make some small calculations, it is a very unwise behavior!

On the battlefield, why would a soldier prefer to be a prisoner rather than lie down and pretend to die? In fact, the reason is very realistic

In order to compete for military merit, there were even many extreme things in ancient times, such as Dong Zhuo at the end of the Han Dynasty, who once used the name of going up the mountain to hunt down thieves, killed dozens of innocent people, and used the first rank to risk leading merit, so the battlefield pretended to be dead, but don't expect people to forgive you. Speaking of antiquity. Let's talk about modern times, the battlefield "repair knife" has become an unwritten rule for the armies of various countries.

On the battlefield, why would a soldier prefer to be a prisoner rather than lie down and pretend to die? In fact, the reason is very realistic

In the TV series "My Regiment Commander My Regiment", the soldier Meng was annoyed to pretend to be dead, and was stabbed by a Japanese soldier in the body, fortunately did not stab the key part, Meng was annoyed with severe pain, and finally escaped with his life, and the US Military Pacific Battlefield Island and Reef Scramble, there were several cases of japanese troops pretending to die and then suddenly counterattacking, so that the soldiers did not expect it, so after the US army cleaned the battlefield, often fully armed, ready to pull out the gun. Pretending to be dead also lost his need, it is better to obediently raise his hands and surrender.

On the battlefield, why would a soldier prefer to be a prisoner rather than lie down and pretend to die? In fact, the reason is very realistic

As for the last reason, it is the existence of the overseer team, and at the critical juncture of life and death in the war, some people are deserters or deserters, which may cause a major impression on the entire war situation, in fact, the ruler has long thought about this. They will set up a large number of supervision teams to supervise the troops, suddenly fall on the battlefield and pretend to be dead, if they are suddenly seen by the supervision teams in the rear, even if the war is victorious, they will inevitably go to court-martial and accept punishments such as hanging, so the harsh punishment is to "kill a hundred people".

On the battlefield, why would a soldier prefer to be a prisoner rather than lie down and pretend to die? In fact, the reason is very realistic

Therefore, on the battlefield, instead of being afraid, it is better to choose another path, if you rush forward, you may be able to make some military merit or something, and no one will choose to pretend to die on this road

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