
If you can solve things with money, don't talk about feelings

In this world, the word human feelings, always seems mysterious. Human grace seems to be a wheel between people. In the world of thousands of mountains and rivers, they will meet, and it is easy to pass by, there will be the moving face of each other, and there will be the determination to turn away.

Do you always have the feeling that when using human feelings, things are made simple and value maximized. However, you will also find that the total amount of human feelings, the more used the less, the more cheap it is used.

Really smart people should understand that things that can be solved with money should try not to be humane.

If you can solve things with money, don't talk about feelings

Nowadays, if you want to do something, there are often two options:

One is to "brush your face" and the other is to "spend money".

In the world of relationships, there are good, bad, right, and wrong everywhere. But whoever it is, will strive for the maximum benefit for themselves, but some people always put moral labels on themselves, so there are many "hypocrites" in our society.

So many right and wrong, right and wrong, who can say clearly? Therefore, blindly carrying forward the chain of relations, we must see that the whole society will fall into a swamp of "human sophistication" and cannot extricate itself. Relationships entangle interests and distort the business structure of society as a whole.

Many people complain that the human touch of today's society is getting weaker and weaker, and from another point of view, it is not yet possible to see through the world. Only recognize money to do things, you must not complain that it is getting more and more vulgar. In fact, a society that only looks at "money" is far simpler than a society that only looks at "relationships". For people who are busy now, all the problems that can be solved with money, try not to touch the relationship.

Because wherever you touch the relationship, you will owe the corresponding human feelings, and the most difficult thing in the world is the "human debt". Money can be measured, good to borrow and repay, "human debt" is really too complicated, it is not clear.

What you do with emotion is bound to be an extremely uncertain thing, and your time cost and opportunity cost are definitely a huge loss.

Moreover, money is easy to earn, and feelings are not easy to repay.

You think that it doesn't cost you to ask others for help with feelings, but in fact, feelings are the most expensive.

You ask others to help, if you invite others to eat a meal or a small matter, the most important thing is to owe this affection, and when others want you to pay you back, you will never know in what way others want you to pay back...

Pits with rules are easy to fill, and irregular pits are the most difficult to level!

Out of the mix, sooner or later to pay back. What do you owe to those who owe it to you? Therefore, the popular saying says that talking about money hurts feelings, but what about talking about feelings?

People's feelings are so fragile and precious, in a society where human feelings are becoming weaker, if a person is good to you, it is definitely a gift of fate, not a matter of course.

Don't over-consume each other's feelings, and always remember that human affection is always more important than money.

Things that can be solved with money, do not rise to the height of human feelings, and trading with money can make the relationship simple and pure, more straightforward, but what about using human feelings to trade?

Pull the whole body, and if you don't get it right, you will end up feeling weak and lose people.

The more civilized a society is, the simpler the relationship between people. The productive forces are becoming more and more developed, and the relations of production are becoming more and more transparent. The advantage you take may cost you more in the future, and all the things you get will require you to pay a corresponding price, and the money is actually the smallest price.

Therefore, using money to solve problems is equivalent to simplifying the problem.

Now that the problem is simple, focus your extra energy on your career and pursuits.

Life is short, and no matter how short it is, don't owe money and affection.

May our feelings be clear and our money be clear.

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