
If a woman really doesn't have you in her heart

If a woman really doesn't have you in her heart

In the vast sea of people, in the midst of the red dust, two people can know each other, some chat, play together, have a love affair, this is happiness, if it is a pity, the two people will often have a very happy life in the end. It's just that some couples, after holding hands, the freshness has passed, and they have a further understanding of their partners, at this time, they can not forget their original intentions and stick to this relationship, which is a test for both people.

Just as some men chase women to the hand, feel that "there is no challenge", a long time, there is aesthetic fatigue, they do not know how to cherish this woman, see women are not as enthusiastic about themselves as before, may doubt the woman's sincerity, feel that the woman's heart does not have their own place, and finally misunderstand the woman, making the two people's emotional road in vain.

There are also some men, when dealing with women, lack confidence in themselves, feel that women can't look at themselves, obviously like this woman, but dare not confess to women, and finally missed, which is often a regret in his life. In fact, if a woman really does not have you in her heart, there will be such signs, do you know? If there is no such performance in that mouth, it often means that there is your place in her heart.

If a woman really doesn't have you in her heart

1. She won't pay attention to your dynamics.

If a woman does not have your place in her heart, she will not care about your affairs, for what happens in your life, she can do it and stand by, no matter whether she asks, for your things, she may not care at all.

On weekdays, you update your dynamics, post your circle of friends, write articles on the Internet, and share your life status, she may turn a blind eye and will not hang up.

On the contrary, when a woman interacts with you, she will pay attention to your dynamics, on your things, she will be extremely concerned, you post things on the Internet, she will not only read, but also like, give you comments, necessary moments, she will communicate with you, and you exchange their innermost thoughts, women will be so concerned about your things, indicating that she is interested in you.

If a woman really doesn't have you in her heart

2. She will meet you outside and keep your distance.

When a woman is dealing with you, if she really does not have your place in her heart, she does not want to have anything to do with you anymore.

At this time, in the woman's heart, you may just be an outsider, she is not rare to have in-depth contact with you, she will meet you outside, keep a distance from you, unwilling to accept your gifts, will snub you in daily life, for your things, she is not at all concerned.

At the same time, women have not wanted to be with you, and they do not want to get some benefits from you, when you take the initiative to give her some gifts, women may not want to accept, after you silently do some things for women, have the heart to do something to complete her, intentionally help her achieve her dreams, at this time, women may push you away from you, asking you not to put your mind on her.

Women will refuse to reject your surprise, politely reject your pursuit, and not accept your favor. In fact, this has shown that there is no place for you in her heart, she is not rare in you at all, she does not put you in her heart, do not realize it.

On the contrary, when women interact with you, they do not treat you as an outsider, will take the initiative to care about you, will worry about your affairs, at the same time, they are willing to accept your efforts, receive your affection, are willing to maintain contact with you, and are willing to support each other in life.

If a woman really doesn't have you in her heart

3. She will not listen to your opinion and will not care about your feelings.

In the process of getting along with you, if a woman looks down on you in her heart, does not consider your feelings, often acts arbitrarily, does what she wants to do, and is unwilling to do what you expect her to do.

If some of the woman's behavior will make you feel unhappy, you hope that she can take care of your feelings, but the woman has never considered it for you, as usual, indulging herself, sweeping your interest, and disappointing you.

In a woman's mind, she feels that you are not important, and she dares to treat you like this.

On the contrary, a woman will value the feelings between you, will listen to your opinions, will be willing to restrain her behavior, and can take into account your feelings while living for herself, which shows that there is your place in the woman's heart, don't be aware of it.

If a woman really doesn't have you in her heart

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