
Fan Fuchao's 2021 book list

Fan Fuchao's 2021 book list


Articles of the World, by Huang Dehai, Writers Press, January 2021.

Ancient classics, vast as a sea of smoke, throughout their lives, difficult to read through, retreat to the second, even if the famous selections, but also a large volume, if you can not read the essentials, in vain, it will take no time, and it will be of no great use. The ancients read books, or for history, or for composition, today's people read ancient books, very different, mostly for the sake of knowledge, there are few people who seek the way of writing history, but the total period of opening the book is beneficial, do not make time wasted. In the face of classics, how to choose writers and works? How to understand the dao, familiarize yourself with the world, understand the heart of the text, and understand the magic of semantics through intensive reading? As a literary critic, the author has a unique insight, taking only a few ancient texts, explaining them in detail, sharing experiences and passing on the heart method between tastings.

Fan Fuchao's 2021 book list

"Four Directions of Wind: Sun Yat-sen and the First Righteousness of the Gengzi Revolution", edited by Sun Xiao, People's Publishing House, May 2021.

If the Qing court had followed the Meiji Restoration and changed the law at a time when the regime was stable in Tongguang Zhongxing, the situation would have been able to turn around, but it was helpless to lose to Japan at jiawu and Gengzi to the coalition forces, and the people's hearts and minds were lost, and the general trend was gone. When the young Sun Yat-sen was studying in Hong Kong, he was a reformist who talked about the "new countries of Restoration" and wrote to Li Hongzhang, and his ideas did not come out of the categories of Kang and Liang, and his advice was fruitless and disillusioned, so he went to Honolulu to establish the "Xingzhong Association" and resolutely embarked on the revolutionary road of overthrowing the imperial system. In Gengzixia, the north fell into the Boxer Rebellion, and the Qing court had no time to look south, sun Yat-sen sent Zheng Shiliang to Sanzhoutian in Guishan County, Huizhou (present-day Sanzhoutian, Yantian District, Shenzhen) to launch an uprising, firing the first shot of overthrowing the Manchu Qing by force, and "the revolutionary trend has since sprouted." The author has been working in Shenzhen for a long time, once served as the director of the Zhongying Street History Museum, he collected oral accounts of witnesses through field research, excavated local history records, surveyed and verified, removed the false and preserved the true, and restored the true appearance of the Gengzi Revolution. This book is rich in historical materials, rich in pictures and texts, rigorous in its arguments, and quite powerful.

Fan Fuchao's 2021 book list

"Collection of Tributes" (bilingual in Chinese and English), by [English] Tenny sheng, translated by Zhang Dinghao, Weng Haizhen School, Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House, October 2021.

Tennyson (1809-1892) was a famous Victorian poet in England, and in 1850 he was awarded the title of "Poet Laureate" for his "Collection of Tributes". This collection of 133 poems, written in honor of his close friend Haarlem, which died early, expresses mourning, expresses sorrow, explores the meaning of life, fate, death and God, and praises its "brilliance of language and imagination, the depth of thought and feeling, and the perfection of form, which is unparalleled in modern English poetry". Queen Victoria praised the collection of poems: "The Collection of Tributes has given me a consolation second only to the Bible. Elliott described Tennyson as "a Virgil in the midst of ghosts, one of the most pathetic English poets, among the great men of hell." The translator explores the author's hidden spiritual world with the true color of the poet, truly conveys his deep thoughts and emotions, reproduces the beauty of his elegant words and rhymes, and accumulates three years of merit and finally pays tribute. The book is bilingual in Chinese and English, making it easier for readers to appreciate the original and consider the translation.

Fan Fuchao's 2021 book list

Saints in the Township: Yan Yuan and the Ideological Transformation of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, by Wang Dongjie, Nanjing University Press, October 2021.

This book is the intellectual history of the qing dynasty beginner Yan Yuan (1635-1704), as well as his life history. Yan Yuan was in a situation where the ideological circles of the Qing Dynasty were not connected from top to bottom, and his influence was difficult to compare with that of Huang Zongxi, Gu Yanwu, and Wang Fuzhi of the same generation, and it was difficult to compare with the descendants of Wang Tao, Kang Youwei, and Liang Qichao. The author believes that the vast majority of readers in history are "superficial" thinkers like Yan Yuan, "if the originality and profundity are taken as the standard, they are bound to be excluded from the discourse of the history of ideas", but if the history of ideas is interpreted from a broader social level, the role of "grassroots sages" like Yan Yuan in promoting the unity of Chinese culture and shaping the low-level ideological forms of society cannot be ignored. The author personally went to Yan Yuan's hometown, made field investigations, and used rich historical materials to clarify his academic origins and ideological context, vividly depicting the image of a "saint" living in the countryside of Hebei in the early Qing Dynasty.

Fan Fuchao

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