
A Brief History of Chinese Philosophy (25) Yan Yuan

author:National History

This article is compiled from the reading notes of "Hu Shi's Philosophy Class at Peking University".

A Brief History of Chinese Philosophy (25) Yan Yuan

Portrait of Yan Yuan

Yan Yuan, 1635-1704. When he was four years old, the Manchurian soldiers violated the territory, and his father ran away with the Manchurian soldiers, and he has not been heard from since. At the age of twelve, my mother also remarried. Yan Yuan's youth had studied immortals and practiced qi. When he was studying the Eight Strands of Literature, he did not do his job properly and liked to drink and make trouble.

Yan Yuan only worked hard to support his family when he was twenty years old, and at the age of twenty-two, because his family was poor, he studied medicine to make ends meet. At the age of twenty-four, he opened a private school to enlighten children and treat people. I like to read military books and martial arts. Later, he read science and psychology. He pretended to be a sage and enshrined the "Taoist Shrine" at home, with Zhou Gong and Confucius in the right place, and Yan Hui, Zeng Zi, Zi Si, Mencius, Zhou Dunyi, Cheng Hao, Cheng Yi, Zhang Zai, Shao Yong, and Zhu Xi.

When Yan Yuan was thirty-four years old, his righteous grandmother died. Zhu Zi's "Family Ritual" is implemented: living in mourning for three days without eating, crying day and night. After the funeral, he still mourned, and slept for three months, day and night without taking off his filial piety. Later, he developed sores all over his body and fell ill by the fifth month. At this time, an old man pitied him, saying that he was not a descendant of the Zhu family, and there was no need to be so sad.

A Brief History of Chinese Philosophy (25) Yan Yuan

Yan Yuan went to ask his mother who remarried, and it was only until, it turned out that his father had sold to the Zhu family as a righteous son, and this time he was mourning. In the past few months, he has personally experienced Zhu Zi's "Family Ceremony" and deeply felt Song Ru's inhumanity. I began to reflect on my more than ten years of learning.

At the age of thirty-five, Yan Yuan edited the "Survival Chapter", and later "The Survival Chapter". From thirty-five to fifty-seven, he had been teaching in his hometown. At the age of fifty-seven, he went to Henan to study for several months, and saw that everyone was Zenzi and that their families were all hostile to Confucius's teachings. Yan Yuan said: "We will break a minute Zhu, and start with a point of Kong Meng."

A Brief History of Chinese Philosophy (25) Yan Yuan

At the age of sixty-two, Yan Yuan was the bishop of Zhangnan Academy in Feixiang, and he set the size of the academy. Main teachings: martial arts, artistic ability, literature, and scripture and history. Unfortunately, that year, zhangshui college was flooded. Yan Yuan sighed: "Tianye", and then resigned and returned to his hometown. Seventy years old.

Yan Yuan's reputation was not great, but his disciple Li Yuan not only inherited Yan Yuan's learning, but also taught it to the north and south. Therefore, their school is also known as the "Yan-Li School". Their works include "Yan Li Testament", "Qifu Cong Ben", and "Yan Li Quanshu".

Among the many Chinese philosophers, Yan Yuan was a peasant class with red roots. His thoughts are experienced from the chaos, from the experience of life. He said a farmer and a doctor, and both professions focus on practice. Later, as Mr. Teaching, the idea of practice has become his inherent mode of thinking. His name was "Xi Zhai", which also emphasized the importance of "Xi".

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Yan Yuan said in the "Chapters of Cunxue" that the Tao is not in the verses of the poems, and the learning is not in the recitation of Ying Wu. It's like Confucius Bowen Covenant, the body learns, the body learns, and the lifelong perseverance. Yan Yuan emphasized the role of "practice", the role of understanding the "Tao", and the role of learning. This is a rare insight in the history of ancient philosophy.

The Confucians of the Song and Ming dynasties believed that the six arts of the six houses were too crude and preferred to talk about the principle of life. Yan Yuan believed that they were the Magic Dao, so he re-extended the Six Houses (Jinmu Water, Fire and Earth Valley) and the Six Arts (Li Le Shooting Imperial Book Number). At the same time, there are also three things to practice (righteousness, utilization, and welfare) and three things (virtue, action, and art). The three things were originally things in the Zhou Li, but Song Mingrusheng abandoned them.

Song Ru's great illness was that he could only sit still and discuss xuan, but could not practice and practice. Song Ming Confucians not only like to talk nonsense, but also prefer to fight with Zen monks and fight each other. Yan Yuan is committed to salvage this unhealthy trend and make people pay attention to the practical facts of the internship.

A Brief History of Chinese Philosophy (22) Cheng Yi

A Brief History of Chinese Philosophy (23) Zhu Xi

A Brief History of Chinese Philosophy (24) Gu Yanwu

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