
Mille-feuille hairy vegetables, stewed with coriander tofu, sauerkraut fish are the method of these home-cooked dishes

author:Sissi's recipe
Mille-feuille hairy vegetables, stewed with coriander tofu, sauerkraut fish are the method of these home-cooked dishes


Ingredients: 300 g of mille-feuille belly, 150 g of homemade pickles, 20 g of coriander festival. Ginger slices, garlic slices, millet pepper knots, salt, spicy fresh sauce, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil, pepper oil, vegetable oil each appropriate amount of white brine 1 pot.


1. Put the mille-feuille belly into a pressure cooker mixed with white brine, press on the heat until soft cooked, take it out to cool, change the knife into shreds; cut the homemade pickles into coarse shreds, fry them in the vegetable oil pan until the water is slightly dry, pour out the drainage and set aside. Winged soup bamboo ear

2. Put cooking vegetable oil on the pot, first stir-fry ginger slices, garlic slices and millet pepper knots, then stir-fry under the thousand layers of belly, add salt, spicy fresh sauce, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil and pepper oil to taste while frying, and finally sprinkle into the coriander festival and stir-fry well.

Sauerkraut fish

Mille-feuille hairy vegetables, stewed with coriander tofu, sauerkraut fish are the method of these home-cooked dishes

  Ingredients: grass carp 3 kg sauerkraut 1 pack 1,000 sheets 2 sheets; sauerkraut fish feed pack 1 pack dried pepper 8 green onions 1/2 garlic 5 cloves cooking oil appropriate amount of ginger 3 slices cooking wine 3 tbsp;


  1. The processing of fish is generally handed over to the fish seller. However, the general washing of fish selling is not too clean, and the scales should also be rechecked to see if they have been scraped clean, and the fish head, fish bones and fish fillets should be separated.

  2. Pour in the packet of marinated fish, green onion and ginger, cooking wine and marinate for 15 minutes. Wash the sauerkraut. Cut into segments. Thousand sheets of shredded.

  3. Pour the right amount of cooking oil into the wok. Stir-fry the shallots until fragrant. Pour in the base of the sauerkraut fish. Stir-fry a few times. Add the sauerkraut and continue stir-frying. Pour in water or stock. Bring to a boil and pour in a thousand sheets. Add the fish bones and fish head. Simmer for about 15 minutes until the soup is white and turn off the heat.

  4. Fish out the boiled sauerkraut, fish head, fish bones, and leave the soup in a thousand pots. Bring to a boil, add the fillets and cook until the fillets curl and change color.

  5. Cut the green onion and chili pepper into sections. Pour cooking oil into a wok, add chili peppers and green onions, low heat, and fry the chili peppers and green onions. Pour directly over the prepared sauerkraut fish.

Stir in coriander tofu

Mille-feuille hairy vegetables, stewed with coriander tofu, sauerkraut fish are the method of these home-cooked dishes


1 piece of tofu, 2 millet peppers, 3 coriander, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 spoon of light soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of sesame oil


1: Peel the tofu slices and cut into small cubes

2: Bring water to a boiling pot and blanch the tofu in a pot of boiling water

3. Fish out and drain.

4: Remove the roots and leaves of the coriander, wash and chop into small pieces, and cut the millet pepper into small pieces

5: Take a slightly larger container and add the tofu chunks, coriander and millet pepper

6: Sprinkle with salt, soy sauce, stir well and plate.

7: Heat sesame oil

8: Drizzle on the tofu

Mille-feuille hairy vegetables, stewed with coriander tofu, sauerkraut fish are the method of these home-cooked dishes

Lemon honey chicken

Ingredients: 3 chicken thighs, 1 lemon, 30 g honey, 5 g salt, 2 g black pepper, 15 g soy sauce, 15 g rice vinegar, 15 g minced garlic, 1 shallot

1: The chicken thighs are completely removed from the meat along the bones. To remove the bone, you can first draw a circle with a knife at the bottom of the bone joint, and then cut a knife vertically from the middle of the chicken leg meat to the bone. Then grasp the chicken leg bone and slowly remove the meat along the bone, cutting off the part of the bone and meat connection.

2: Marinate the processed chicken thighs with salt and black pepper for 15 minutes.

3, when curing the meat, let's make a sauce, put 2 tablespoons of honey, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of rice vinegar, 1 large spoon of minced garlic, mix well.

4: Drizzle the sauce on the chicken thighs, and wrap the front and back of the sauce.

5: Heat the oil, put the chicken thigh meat in and fry until the surface appears slightly charred sauce, and both sides should be fried in place.

6: Drizzle with the remaining sauce on the plate and continue to fry until the sauce is thick and the chicken is flavored. You can also put a few slices of lemon, the sour aroma of the lemon can neutralize the slightly greasy taste of the sauce, and finally sprinkle some green onions.

7: Plate and drizzle with the remaining sauce in the pot. Salty and fragrant, sweet and sour appetizing, be sure to try it.

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