
Why was the King of Qin so "instigated" and threatened by Lin Xiangru for 2 consecutive times? You don't understand the mystery inside!

The Qin Dynasty was able to unify the six kingdoms, and King Qin Zhao's contribution was indispensable. During his 56-year reign, he reused Bai Qi and Fan Ju to win the famous Battle of Yique, the Battle of Huayang, and the Battle of Changping, and won a decisive victory in the struggle of the Six Kingdoms, which can be called a generation of heroes and mighty kings.

However, when he faced Zhao Guo's Lin Xiangru, he seemed to be very "instigated" and was threatened twice in a row, which seemed a bit incredible. In fact, it's because you don't understand the mystery inside.

Why was the King of Qin so "instigated" and threatened by Lin Xiangru for 2 consecutive times? You don't understand the mystery inside!

The meeting of Zhao and Shichi

The State of Qin wanted Zhao Guo's Heshi Bi, and Lin Xiangru said harshly in front of the Wen and Wu officials:

"If the Great King forces me, my head will be crushed with Heshibi."

。 In order to get Heshi Bi, King Qin Zhao, first fasted, and then set up the "Nine Guests" ceremony in the court, and as a result, he was teased by Lin Xiangru, because Heshi Bi had already been brought back to the Zhao Kingdom.

At the meeting of The Pond, King Huiwen of Zhao, at the request of King Qin Zhao, played a song for everyone, but King Qin Zhao, who was not particular, actually asked the historian to write it down:

The King of Qin and the King of Zhao would drink, and the King of Zhao would drum.

The atmosphere fell into embarrassment for a while, and King Zhao Huiwen did not expect that he had been played, but he had no choice. At this time, it was Lin Xiangru who stood up again and forced the King of Qin to "strike" for the King of Zhao, and also let the historian write it down.

Why was the King of Qin so "instigated" and threatened by Lin Xiangru for 2 consecutive times? You don't understand the mystery inside!

The mystery behind the toughness

In these two incidents, Lin Xiangru's performance was indeed strong, and it was believed that he had maintained the dignity of zhao guo.

However, we often say that "weak countries have no diplomacy", and it is impossible to deal with the contradictions between the two countries by relying only on the good courage and fierceness of a warm heart.

In the diplomatic incident of "returning the bi to Zhao", people think that it is the coveted and clan bi of the Qin king, which is actually wrong.

Heshi Bi was just a pretense, and King Qin Zhao's real intention was to test Zhao Guo's reaction

。 If Zhao Guo obediently offered Heshi Bi with both hands, it showed that Zhao Guo was afraid of Qin Guo. And Lin Xiangru's attitude represents Zhao Guo's attitude: Although our strength is not as good as yours, we will not be easily bullied. In this way, when the State of Qin attacked the State of Zhao, it had to weigh the consequences.

Why was the King of Qin so "instigated" and threatened by Lin Xiangru for 2 consecutive times? You don't understand the mystery inside!

After the Heshibi incident, there was a "meeting of the pond", and some people thought that this was the revenge of King Qin Zhao, who wanted to regain face for himself. If you look at it this way, it is too small to look at King Qin Zhao, let's first look at the background of the "Meeting of the Pond".

At that time, the State of Qin Baiqi was fighting the Battle of Yanying and attacking the State of Chu with all its might; and the Lianpo of the State of Zhao had just finished its attack on the State of Qi.

In order to avoid worries, the State of Qin took the initiative to make friends with the State of Zhao, and the State of Zhao also needed to stabilize such a powerful opponent, which led to the "Meeting of the Pond"

。 "Drumming" was just a small episode at that time, and judging from the situation at that time, Qin and Zhao could never fight, so Lin Xiangru would be so strong.

Why was the King of Qin so "instigated" and threatened by Lin Xiangru for 2 consecutive times? You don't understand the mystery inside!

Therefore, the struggles on diplomatic occasions are actually secret struggles between countries, and everything depends on strength.

If it is a weak country, no matter how tough the official is, he will not be able to get his hands on the beating; if it is a strong country, even if it is silent on the side, no country will dare to look down on him. What do you think about that?

References: "History", "Warring States Policy"

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