
How much does a woman's body change before and after giving birth? After reading it, I basically understood

Before a woman became pregnant, her uterus was located in the abdominal cavity, the size of an egg. However, as the embryo grows little by little in the stomach, the uterus slowly grows larger and larger, and finally, we can see a mother with a big belly. Sometimes, we are also very curious, the child occupies a huge space in the mother's stomach, where did our internal organs go?

Later in pregnancy, we often have chest tightness

How much does a woman's body change before and after giving birth? After reading it, I basically understood

Symptoms of shortness of breath, poor appetite, frequent urination, and urgency, which are due to the squeezing of organs in the abdominal cavity. After giving birth, many mothers feel that they can finally breathe a sigh of relief, in fact, after giving birth, our body will not be repaired like before giving birth, there will be these changes, so that you are caught off guard, mothers better have a psychological preparation.

Obese and out of shape

Yao Chen is a very sunny actress, she is also a mother of two children. She said in her starry sky speech that after giving birth to her son, she set up her own studio and planned to do a big job, but at this time, she found out that she was pregnant. "Getting pregnant and having a baby is not only an added responsibility to me, it also adds a lot of fat," she says.

How much does a woman's body change before and after giving birth? After reading it, I basically understood

The joy between the words also reveals a lot of helplessness. Although many mothers do not have to be photogenic, after experiencing pregnancy and giving birth, they will also face the embarrassment of visible flesh on the body, and the previous clothes can no longer be tucked in, and the first sentence of acquaintances will say, "Fat" dilemma.

How much does a woman's body change before and after giving birth? After reading it, I basically understood

Sagging chest

After pregnancy, due to changes in hormone levels in the body, the chest begins to prepare for breastfeeding, and there is a more obvious increase. However, after the end of the child's breastfeeding, the mother's estrogen level drops, and the chest will begin to relax and sag, which every breastfeeding mother cannot avoid.

The abdominal muscles become stretch marks

Pregnant women are very strong and elastic before pregnancy, protecting our internal organs. However, as the child grows up little by little, the muscles and skin of the mother's abdomen will expand little by little, and the gradually bulging stomach will separate the rectus abdominis muscles, the abdominal white line will become wider and wider, the skin will become very thin, and there will be a strip of dark pink or purple red lines, which is what everyone often calls stretch marks.

How much does a woman's body change before and after giving birth? After reading it, I basically understood

The hips become wider

Women who have given birth to children have such an experience, even if the weight does not increase after giving birth, the previous clothes can not be worn. The buttocks and hips, in particular, become wide and thick.

In the third trimester, for the smooth birth of the child, the pregnant woman's body will release the release of pubic relaxant, and the sacroiliac joint and the pubic joint become relaxed. In addition, the reserve of body fat content during pregnancy, so many mothers feel that they have become much wider.

Postpartum urinary leakage is embarrassing

Some women who have children will have a very embarrassing and difficult secret, that is, postpartum urinary leakage. When you cough, sneeze, or exercise more intensely, you can urinate uncontrollably.

The cause of postpartum urinary leakage is due to the excessive expansion of pelvic floor ligaments and muscles by fetal squeezing during childbirth, and the fetal compression of the bladder for too long, resulting in pain in the place where the bladder is pressed.

How much does a woman's body change before and after giving birth? After reading it, I basically understood

It's not easy to be a mother, that's why I say how great maternal love is. After the mother gives birth to the child, she needs to take good care of her body and have a healthy body to have a happy family.

Whether you have a caesarean section or a vaginal birth, pay more attention to these maintenance methods.

I. Pay attention to keep warm, do not get cold.

Our traditional confinement culture still has a certain scientific reason, pregnant women in the confinement, try not to blow cold wind. Because after a woman gives birth to a child, her body is particularly weak because of the loss of qi and blood. At this time, if you blow cold wind, you will let various diseases take advantage of it. Therefore, during the month, you should avoid the wind and keep warm.

How much does a woman's body change before and after giving birth? After reading it, I basically understood

II. Rest plenty to ensure adequate sleep.

Mothers are weak, and they should ensure adequate sleep time to restore their strength. Do not engage in physical labor for a short period of time after childbirth, stay in bed, recover well, and have a good mental state.

III. Eat a balanced diet and supplement nutrition.

After giving birth, pregnant women should consume more foods rich in protein and vitamins, such as eggs, lean meat, etc., and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.

How much does a woman's body change before and after giving birth? After reading it, I basically understood

There is also the addition of some foods that replenish qi and blood, such as guiyuan, red dates and so on. If you are a particularly weak mother, you can also use Chinese medicines such as angelica and sanchi to condition the body, of course, you must follow the doctor's advice.

IV. Breast care.

Postpartum breast care is necessary, for the mother's own figure, but also to ensure that the child has adequate nutrition. Postpartum breast care is also to prevent the occurrence of some diseases. Postpartum women should wear bras to prevent severe breast sagging, and should also do some breast massage and chest expansion exercises to prevent milk swelling, mastitis and other situations.

How much does a woman's body change before and after giving birth? After reading it, I basically understood

V: Pelvic floor muscle function restored.

If the mother has damage to the pelvic floor muscle during pregnancy and childbirth, affecting the normal function of the pelvic floor muscle, we can correct it through some postpartum pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation training. Also be careful in life to avoid frequent increases in abdominal pressure for relief.

The birth of every child is also the rebirth of the mother, paying tribute to the great mother.

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