
This "family portrait", look at the crying...

This "family portrait", look at the crying...

This special "family portrait"

It's the beginning of a new year

The family of Chen Hongjun, the "hero of the patriotic state"

Received gifts from karakoram

"My sister-in-law asked us to help with 'family portraits'

Why can't it be done? ”

"I just came back from a business trip to Elder Chen Ying's house

My sister-in-law has a New Year's resolution,

Want to synthesize a 'family portrait'

The sister-in-law holds an electronic version of the 'Little Red Army' photo

I brought it back..."

Late on the night of January 3, in the camp of a border guard regiment

Guo Shuai, a lieutenant officer who was asleep, received it

The battalion where the martyr Chen Hongjun lived

A call from Guo Ziwei, deputy company commander of a certain company

Guo Shuai immediately raised his spirits

And Sergeant Chen Wei and the two carefully rummaged through the information

Chen Wei said: "The battalion commander does not like to take pictures

But I'm sure there will be."


They finally found the right photo


The "Family Portrait" was made

"The battalion commander, sister-in-law and the 'Little Red Army' are all well!"

This time, she asked us to help with the 'family portrait'

Why can't we? ”

Xiao Chiwen, wife of Chen Hongjun: With it

The child will feel the company of the father

After receiving the photo, Chen Hongjun's wife Xiao Chiwen

There was a call:

"With this 'family portrait',

will be able to make the child

Always engrave the way Dad looks in military uniform in his mind

Make him feel that his father has been 'accompanying' him."

This "family portrait", look at the crying...

At the beginning of 2020,

Chen Hongjun's wife Xiao Chiwen was pregnant

Upon learning of this news,

Chen Hongjun was overjoyed

Chen Wei recalled: "That day,

We are training on the plateau

The voice of Commander Chen giving the order

Obviously taller than usual

I could hear his joy from the bottom of my heart


He also asked many old non-commissioned officers for experience in educating children

I look forward to cooking for my children while on vacation..."

June 2020

Chen Hongjun died heroically

He is buried in Karakoram

At that time, the child was still more than 4 months old...

This "family portrait", look at the crying...

△ Chen Hongjun organizing armored vehicle training (file photo)

On October 25, 2020, the "Little Red Army" was born

It was the day of the Chinese Volunteer Army

The 70th anniversary of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea

Xiao Chiwen, Chen Hongjun's wife, said that this is a bloodline inheritance

"I'm going to raise my kids well

Let him be like Dad."

Netizen: Tearful eyes

Little babies should grow up healthy and happy

This "family portrait", look at the crying...
This "family portrait", look at the crying...
This "family portrait", look at the crying...
This "family portrait", look at the crying...
This "family portrait", look at the crying...

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