
Knife line in the snow: chivalrous, keep your heart

The first season of "The Sword in the Snow" has been completed, the drama is based on the three rounds of royal assassination encountered by Xu Fengnian as the main line, interspersed with the old events of the divine powers of all parties, with Xu Fengnian's experience alone, to resolve the dangers of the eight directions, it seems that the wind and waves are eager to move the world, and there is a faint hint of light. If the assassin's purpose is to kill, then Xu Fengnian's purpose is to guard his heart with a cursed heart.

Knife line in the snow: chivalrous, keep your heart

In the play, Xu Fengnian experienced three rounds of assassinations from the royal family.

The first round of assassinations took place in the capital city, and the royal family was jealous of the strength of the Xu family and assassinated Xu Fengnian's mother in the imperial city. At that time, Xu Fengnian had not yet been born. Because the Xu family had the merits of the chaotic world, although the imperial family divided the Xu family into the king of the Northern Starlings with a different surname and guarded the border fortress, they were afraid that the Xu family would take advantage of the situation to oppose them. It happened that Xu Fengnian's mother was pregnant again, and the royal family was jealous that the Xu family had a male inheritance, and since then it has been unable to restrain the Xu family, so it secretly summoned assassins and set up a siege to kill Xu Fengnian's mother. Although Xu Fengnian was not born, he had already experienced the first assassination of him in his mother's womb.

Knife line in the snow: chivalrous, keep your heart

The second round of assassinations took place when Xu Feng was wading into the rivers and lakes at the beginning of the year. After the recurrence of his mother's old injuries and his death, Xu Fengnian had a gap with his father Xu Xiao, in order to avoid the eyes of the royal family and pursue and kill, Xu Fengnian hid his sharp edge and showed himself as a clumsy disciple. Obviously, the imperial family would not trust Xu Fengnian's disguises, so they tried to recruit him as a princess and horse, hoping to clamp down and wait for the opportunity to eradicate. Xu Fengnian, who has an uninhibited heart, chose to go out to avoid disasters, thus starting his first journey to the rivers and lakes, which was three years after he left. Just as Xu Fengnian embarked on the way home, the assassins followed one after another, one after the other, three groups of people and horses.

Knife line in the snow: chivalrous, keep your heart

The third round of assassination was when Xu Fengnian officially entered the world. Xu Fengnian, who traveled home, completed the adult crown ceremony and agreed to take over as the King of the Northern Starlings. This round of assassinations by the imperial family came in a surging force, Xu Fengnian's father Xu Xiao made a careful layout, one entered the imperial city to explore the virtual reality, and the other went down to the south of the river and overturned the sea, which seemed to be chaotic again, but it was actually Xu Fengnian's trip to keep his family and establish a career.

Knife line in the snow: chivalrous, keep your heart

In the face of three rounds of assassinations, Xu Fengnian was able to escape, but he also created a new pattern with sincerity. This pattern is "both". The poet Li Yannian once wrote in a poem: "There are beautiful people in the north. Unique and independent. A city of people. Look at the country of the people. Ning did not know the fall of the city and the fall of the country. Beauty is hard to come by. "Xu Fengnian did not believe in evil, bold, big enough to dare to fight with the heavens, dare to fight with the world's first martial arts master. Who said that winning or losing is difficult to win or lose, Xu Fengnian prefers to sword and sword to go to the peak of heavenly gate.

Knife line in the snow: chivalrous, keep your heart

Three rounds of assassinations, the first round gave Xu Fengnian a love-hate way to live, the second round made Xu Fengnian have the determination to learn martial arts, and the third round made Xu Fengnian hone his ambition to have the best of both worlds. Three rounds of assassination, earth-shattering, the world's masters have been linked, and Xu Fengnian's chivalrous travel is not in the big rivers and lakes, only in how to keep his heart. In the eyes of this white-clad teenager, there are not only bloody rain and wind in the rivers and lakes, but also willows and dark flowers.

Knife line in the snow: chivalrous, keep your heart

In the face of assassins, Xu Fengnian did not want to kill and then quickly, but step by step, seemingly uninhibited, but in fact delicate, killing people second, and cursing the heart. In the face of his family, Xu Fengnian is bent on returning to the road, but he is an ordinary man after all, even if he has the blessing of divine power, he cannot reverse the fate of others, but he is unwilling to obey the fate of heaven and wants to die. In the face of his best friend, he inserted a knife in both ribs and rushed to the sword mountain and the sea of fire, willing to humble himself, find life in the dark surge, and leave a hidden channel for himself and others. His heart is to be ashamed of the mountains and forests; his intention is to do both.

In this chess game of life, everyone wants to be a chess player, but they are each other's pawns, and the person who controls the chess game is not someone else, but only himself. Xu Fengnian's chess game is the heart of a teenager, the reward of ambition, the transformation of snow without a trace, and the sword splitting the world.

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Knife line in the snow: chivalrous, keep your heart

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