
BYD: Online rumors that BYD started a fire and ignited Tesla next door as false information

On January 12, the "BYD Network Reporting Center" WeChat public account issued a statement saying that recently, a Weibo user "Your Friend Xiao Zeng" posted a message on the platform, saying, "A Tesla owner who has just picked up the car for a month said that his car was parked there to charge well, and byBYD next to it suddenly burned and burned out his car", causing everyone's attention and discussion. After verification, this is false information, and the vehicle that caught fire is not a BYD brand. At present, for the relevant information has been collected in accordance with the law, we reserve the right to pursue the liability of the relevant infringers. I hope that the vast number of netizens who do not know the truth will not create rumors, do not spread rumors, and do not believe rumors.

BYD: Online rumors that BYD started a fire and ignited Tesla next door as false information

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