
Uncle didn't lie to me, the strongest Assassin's Creed is coming! The big thing can't stop the police from catching Pokémon!

The police arrested Pokémon and were fired

In 2017, two Los Angeles police officers were fired while on duty playing Pokémon GO, and a California court recently dismissed their reinstatement appeals, according to foreign media reports.

Court documents show that there was a robbery in the patrol area of the two officers at that time, and they were nearby, but they chose to ignore it after hearing calls from other officers for help, and drove directly out of the area to catch the Kirby beast.

Asked later about the reason for ignoring the phone, two officers said it was too noisy nearby to hear. Supervisors were skeptical of their explanations and checked the dashcam, which showed the two had heard the call for help and deliberately ignored it. The supervisor reported the matter and launched a formal investigation.

After a thorough inspection of the dashcam, it was found that shortly after leaving the scene of the robbery, two officers discussed Pokémon GO because of the presence of the Kirby beast nearby, and they were discussing the best route to catch the Kirby beast.

In the face of the evidence, the two officers still denied playing Pokémon GO, explaining that they were just talking and trying to appeal on the grounds that the car recordings were not used to monitor the police's "private conversations," which violated their rights, but the judge ruled that the premise was "flawed" and dismissed the appeal.

Uncle didn't lie to me, the strongest Assassin's Creed is coming! The big thing can't stop the police from catching Pokémon!

What's new in Ghost Trickery?

The AMERICAN VERSION OF THE NDS MYSTERY GAME "GHOST TRICKER" USHERED IN ITS 11TH ANNIVERSARY, AND CAPCOM'S OFFICIAL TWEET CELEBRATED. Interestingly, Capcom has not mentioned anything about this work in the official tweet for many years, and today's sudden post can not help but make players think.

Uncle didn't lie to me, the strongest Assassin's Creed is coming! The big thing can't stop the police from catching Pokémon!

New project of The Island Brother

Famous game producer Hideo Kojima posted a photo on Twitter showing that a folder for Brother Shima's new project had been built.

Uncle didn't lie to me, the strongest Assassin's Creed is coming! The big thing can't stop the police from catching Pokémon!

This week's Famitong game ratings

RPG Golf Legends

(PS5, Xbox Series, PS4, Xbox One, Switch) – 7/6/8/7 [28/40]


(Steam) – 7/6/8/7 [28/40]

Uncle didn't lie to me, the strongest Assassin's Creed is coming! The big thing can't stop the police from catching Pokémon!

Here comes the Ezio collection

Ubisoft has announced that The Assassin's Creed Ezio Collection will land on the Switch on Feb. 17 for $39.99.

The collection contains three Assassin's Creed featuring "Ezio", namely Assassin's Creed 2, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, and Assassin's Creed Apocalypse. This collection will include all single-player DLC, supporting handheld mode, HD vibration, touch screen interface, optimized HUD and other enhancements. In addition to the 3 games, there are two short films, Assassin's Creed: Embers and Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines.

Minor season PS

Previously, Uncle Direct-Feed Games broke the news that this game will land on NS, originally thought that Ubisoft would disclose this matter on the TGA, but it backfired, and some players thought that this was a fake uncle breaking the news. Fortunately, now officially announced, these 3 games are also considered by many fans to be the best "Assassin's Creed", and it is strongly recommended that friends who have not played it experience it.

Gameplay videos

The new Kirby game went on sale on March 25

Hong Kong Ren released the Chinese PV2 of "Star Kirby: Exploration and Discovery", and confirmed that the game will land on Switch on March 25, support Chinese, and sell for 429 Hong Kong dollars (about 350 yuan).

This game changed the former 2D horizontal action to a 3D box design, which has a taste of "Mario Odyssey". Players can use Kirby's copying ability to freely explore areas of the game, and Kirby will also embark on a new adventure in a mysterious and dilapidated environment.

A whole new story that begins in the unknown

Kirby travels to an unknown "new world" where civilization and nature merge, and discovers the Wadouludis who have been captured by the mysterious enemy "Beast Legion".

Uncle didn't lie to me, the strongest Assassin's Creed is coming! The big thing can't stop the police from catching Pokémon!
Uncle didn't lie to me, the strongest Assassin's Creed is coming! The big thing can't stop the police from catching Pokémon!

In order to save the Wadou Rudi, Kirby embarks on an adventure with the magical creature "Affiling" encountered in the New World.

Uncle didn't lie to me, the strongest Assassin's Creed is coming! The big thing can't stop the police from catching Pokémon!

The goal is to rescue Wadou Rudi

At each venue, fight against the Legion of Beasts, unlock the traps, and aim to rescue Wadouludi, who was captured at the end.

Uncle didn't lie to me, the strongest Assassin's Creed is coming! The big thing can't stop the police from catching Pokémon!

In addition to the finish line, Wadou Rudi is also hidden in various other places, and it is important to explore all corners in the 360-degree panoramic field and try to rescue as much wazurudi as possible.

Uncle didn't lie to me, the strongest Assassin's Creed is coming! The big thing can't stop the police from catching Pokémon!

New copying capabilities are available

The familiar copying ability will be transformed into 3D, and the new replication capabilities "Drill" and "Scout" will also appear. Drill Strike can sneak underground and circle around the enemy, the ground inside the circle will crack, and a large number of flying debris will attack the enemy. The "Scout Patrol" can shoot a star bomb and aim it at enemies in the distance and snipe it.

Uncle didn't lie to me, the strongest Assassin's Creed is coming! The big thing can't stop the police from catching Pokémon!
Uncle didn't lie to me, the strongest Assassin's Creed is coming! The big thing can't stop the police from catching Pokémon!

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