
39 years ago, 8 calligraphy masters brought calligraphy into the era of the Book Association

In November 1980, with the approval of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Preparatory Committee of the Chinese Calligraphers Association was established in Beijing on November 7 and the first meeting of the Preparatory Committee was held.

The 1981 National Congress of Chinese Calligraphers and the Inaugural Congress of the China Book Association were held in Beijing in the first half of 1981.

Shu Tong was the chairman of the first book association.

Zhao Puchu, Sha Menghai, Qi Gong, Zhou Erfu, Lin Lin, Chen Shuliang and Zhu Dan were the vice chairmen of the first book association.

These masters have left us one after another!

Shu Tong

(1905.11.25~1998.5.27), male, character wenzao, also known as Yilu. A native of Dongxiang County, Jiangxi Province. Master of calligraphy. Former First Secretary of the CPC Shandong Provincial Committee, Secretary of the Shaanxi Provincial CPC Committee, Vice President of the Academy of Military Sciences of the People's Liberation Army of Chinese, First Chairman of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, and Member of the Cpc Central Advisory Committee.

39 years ago, 8 calligraphy masters brought calligraphy into the era of the Book Association

Shu Tong founded the famous "Shu Body", which is highly respected at home and abroad. His calligraphy, broad and dignified, round and gentle, with a pen old and heavy, hidden head and tail, dots and thick and smooth, unique style, is one of the outstanding representatives of modern calligraphy art.

39 years ago, 8 calligraphy masters brought calligraphy into the era of the Book Association

The so-called Shu body is to start from the "two kings", take Yan and Liu Zhikai as the basis, take the strengths of each family, make the strength of the circle, use the work of the Tibetan feng, be clever in clumsiness, borrow the ancient from the present, and create a unique style

39 years ago, 8 calligraphy masters brought calligraphy into the era of the Book Association

Zhao Puchu

Born in Anqing on November 5, 1907, he is an outstanding Buddhist leader, a brilliant calligrapher, a famous social activist and a great patriot.

39 years ago, 8 calligraphy masters brought calligraphy into the era of the Book Association
39 years ago, 8 calligraphy masters brought calligraphy into the era of the Book Association

Sha Menghai

The titans of the twentieth century book scene. He has studied language, literature and history, archaeology, calligraphy, seal engraving, etc. Graduated from Zhejiang East Fourth Normal School. He was a professor in the Department of Chinese of Zhejiang University and a professor at Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts. President of Xiling Printing Society, President of Xiling Calligraphy and Painting Institute, Honorary Curator of Zhejiang Provincial Museum, Vice Chairman of Chinese Calligraphers Association.

39 years ago, 8 calligraphy masters brought calligraphy into the era of the Book Association

Sha Menghai has personally experienced the development of modern calligraphy since the Republic of China in his lifetime, before the age of 50, calligraphy was widely involved in seals, li, true, line, and grass, and in his later years, he was especially proficient in cursive writing, and he was strong and powerful, with a strong and powerful taste, a strong and vigorous taste, and a prominent family, known as the "titan of the book world". The book is called "full of true strength and exhaled like a rainbow".

39 years ago, 8 calligraphy masters brought calligraphy into the era of the Book Association


(1912-2005), self-proclaimed "surname QimingGong", the character Yuan Bai, also known as Yuan Bo, the number of yuan beiju shi, Beijing Manchu. The ninth grandson of the Yongzheng Emperor. He is a famous contemporary Chinese calligrapher, painter, educator, classical philologist, appraiser, red scholar, poet, and master of traditional Chinese studies.

39 years ago, 8 calligraphy masters brought calligraphy into the era of the Book Association

Appreciating his calligraphy works, we must always think of his in-depth study of the stele, because his study of the stele is inextricably linked to his calligraphy artistic achievements, and the study of stele is a discipline that arose in the Ming and Qing dynasties. He is one of the pioneers of this garden.

39 years ago, 8 calligraphy masters brought calligraphy into the era of the Book Association

And so on

Zhou Erfu, formerly known as Zhou Zushi, a native of Jingde, Anhui, was born on January 3, 1914 in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, and was trained in court since childhood, entered a private school, and was a former vice minister of culture, an honorary member of the Chinese Writers Association, an advisor to the Chinese Calligraphers Association, and a famous writer.

39 years ago, 8 calligraphy masters brought calligraphy into the era of the Book Association

Lin Lin

Lin Yinshan, born in 1910 in Qiaoyuan Village, Zhao'an County, Fujian Province, was originally named Lin Yangshan, "an old poet, old writer, diplomat, consultant of the Chinese Writers Association, vice president of the Chinese Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, president of the Chinese and Japanese Literature Research Association, and vice chairman of the Chinese Calligraphers Association." He died in Beijing on August 4, 2011 at the age of 101 due to illness.

39 years ago, 8 calligraphy masters brought calligraphy into the era of the Book Association
39 years ago, 8 calligraphy masters brought calligraphy into the era of the Book Association
39 years ago, 8 calligraphy masters brought calligraphy into the era of the Book Association

Chen Shuliang

Chen Shuliang (1901-1991.7), famous Shouyi, famous arts and crafts educator, calligrapher and painter, a native of Huangyan, Zhejiang. He graduated from Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts in the 1930s. He used to be a teacher in primary and secondary schools. After the "July 7" incident, he led some patriotic young people to Yan'an. In 1938, he went to Yan'an to teach at the Lu Xun Art Institute.

39 years ago, 8 calligraphy masters brought calligraphy into the era of the Book Association
39 years ago, 8 calligraphy masters brought calligraphy into the era of the Book Association
39 years ago, 8 calligraphy masters brought calligraphy into the era of the Book Association

Zhu Dan

(1916.4-1988.4), male, pen name Tianma, Weiran, from Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province. When he was studying at Nankai University in Tianjin, he participated in the student salvation movement, established the "Chinese National Liberation Vanguard", and organized the Tieliu Literary and Art Society and the Tianjin Comics Association. He joined the Communist Party of China in 1936. After being expelled from school, he transferred to the Art Department of Nanjing National Central University, became a leading member of CUHK and Nanjing Anti-Japanese National Salvation Federation, and vice chairman of the first China Book Association.

39 years ago, 8 calligraphy masters brought calligraphy into the era of the Book Association
39 years ago, 8 calligraphy masters brought calligraphy into the era of the Book Association

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