
The 2021 Searchlight Annual Book List was released, and Guangzhou writer "Qi Peijia" "Super God Mechanic" was on the list

On January 12, the 2021 Searchlight Annual Book List Release and Reading Famous Artists Seminar Launch Meeting of "Literature Illuminates a Better Life" jointly sponsored by Literature and Art Daily, China Modern Literature Museum and Institute of Literature of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and co-organized by Tencent Group and Reading Group was held at the China Museum of Modern Literature.

At the event site, the searchlight book critic good book list announced the "Top Ten Chinese and Foreign Novels", "Top Ten Genre Novels", "Top Ten Non-fiction Translation Works", "Top Ten Non-fiction Original Works" 4 annual lists, at the same time, the project for the first time set up the "Top Ten Network Original Novels" list, "LinyuanXing", "Miss Table", "Dafeng Daren", "The Robbery of All Nationalities" and other works were selected.

The 2021 Searchlight Annual Book List was released, and Guangzhou writer "Qi Peijia" "Super God Mechanic" was on the list

It is understood that as a list of "literary critics and media book critics", the searchlight book critics' good book list is judged by 33 scholars, writers and media people active in the field of literary criticism across the country, and Pan Kaixiong, a famous critic and former vice president of China Publishing Group, serves as the director of the jury. Pan Kaixiong introduced the project of the searchlight to the audience and the selection rules of the annual list, "10 genre novels, 10 Chinese and foreign novels, 10 non-fiction translation works and 10 non-fiction original works will be selected every month, and the annual list is the best of the best on this basis."

The "Searchlight Book Critics Good Book List" set up the list of "Top Ten Online Original Novels" for the first time in the 2021 annual list. The 10 works on the list are "House Pig", "Linyuan Xing", "Eagle Eats Chicken", "Robbery of All Tribes", "Squeak" "Miss Table", "Winter Willow Leaf", "Feng Chun", "Selling Newspaper Xiaolang Jun", "Dafeng Da ren", "Qi Peijia", "Super God Mechanic", "Green Shirt Drunk", "The Richest Man Who Lost from the Game", "I Will Repair Air Conditioning", "I Have an Adventure House", "Fu Jiu", "Cross the Border", and "Liu Xia Waving" "Hunting".

According to reports, all of the 10 works on the list have aroused great attention in the reader group or led the new trend of online literary creation. For example, the work "Dafeng Fights More People" broke the record of the highest average set on the starting point Xianxia's own platform, and hit more than 100 million, becoming a phenomenon-level work in 2020. "Hunting Fakes" integrates antique restoration and identification techniques, historical materials and other cultural relics and antique knowledge into a relaxed and interesting story, which is both emotional, interesting and professional.

The 2021 Searchlight Annual Book List was released, and Guangzhou writer "Qi Peijia" "Super God Mechanic" was on the list

It is worth noting that Guangzhou writer "Qi Peijia" works "Super God Mechanic" on the list. The jury commented: "This is a work that depicts the future interstellar civilization in the context of a game. The plot of this book is very colorful, the characters in the book are constantly facing various crises and challenges, for the sake of a better life in the future, they strive to use the knowledge they have learned to spend one adventure after another, showing a life principle that should be optimistic and positive in the face of adversity, which is thought-provoking. ”

"Qi Peijia" delivered the acceptance speech through the video, he said: "Thank you for literature to illuminate a better life. I am very honored to receive this award. Nowadays, the team of online literature is getting stronger and stronger, and it is a very happy thing to be recognized by all walks of life on the road of writing, and I hope that the searchlight annual book list will be better and better. ”

Text/Guangzhou Daily, Xinhua City Reporter: Moschig

Guangzhou Daily New Flower City Editor: Liu Liqin

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