
Heavy | Master Collection Words Yang Lian: Ru's Love, All Are 1 Please "Fu"

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Heavy | Master Collection Words Yang Lian: Ru's Love, All In 1 Please "Fu"

Posting the word "Fu" during the Spring Festival is a long-standing folk custom. The most beautiful thing in life is to ask for "blessings", no matter who, when and where, seeking blessings is everyone's good wish. If you invite "blessing", what do you want in life?

Open the door to welcome "Blessings"

According to the "Record of Dreams", "When the year is in the sky, the shop is shopped, the peach symbol of the door god, the spring card, the Shishu family, no matter how big or small, sprinkles sweep the door, remove the dust, clean the court household, change the door god, hang the bell, nail the peach symbol, paste the spring card, worship the ancestors."

"Sticking spring cards" is the "Blessing" written on red paper. The blessing word on the door must be posted correctly, which means "open the door to welcome the blessing", and the upside-down sticker will block the blessing outside the door.

Lucky "Fulu Shou"

Some paint two bats on the left and right corners of the "Fu" character, implying "blessing everywhere"; some have patterned the word "Fu" and combined it with auspicious patterns such as deer heads or birthday star heads or peaches, which are extremely interesting and artistic, implying people's pursuit and yearning for "Fulu Shou".

The "deer" is the blessing of the people. It means "Fulu is connected, rich and long"; the word "tian" represents the multi-layered meaning of field property, land, farming, etc., and its unchanging glyphs show people's yearning for and dependence on land ownership. This artistic "Fu" character expresses people's desire for a happy life of "blessing from the edge of the field, life rises from the ground, has a knighthood, and does not forget farming".

Kangxi Imperial Pen: The first blessing in the world

In 1673, Kangxi wrote "Blessings of Longevity" for his grandmother Empress Xiaozhuang, "Please Continue Life", which implies "many sons, many talents, many fields, many lives, and many blessings". Xiaozhuang "asked for blessings and blessings", and Kangxi "sent blessings to be blessed", so this "blessing" was called "the world's first blessing of spiritual experience". Fu has the seal of "the treasure of the Kangxi Imperial Pen" and the top, which means "the fortune is the head, and the lucky star is high".

The State Administration of Cultural Heritage repaired the "Fu" stele and designated it as one of the "Three Absolute Cultural Relics in China".

Red "Fu" Qi Tian

Heavy | Master Collection Words Yang Lian: Ru's Love, All Are 1 Please "Fu"
Heavy | Master Collection Words Yang Lian: Ru's Love, All Are 1 Please "Fu"
Heavy | Master Collection Words Yang Lian: Ru's Love, All Are 1 Please "Fu"

The most beautiful life is the "blessing"

Heavy | Master Collection Words Yang Lian: Ru's Love, All Are 1 Please "Fu"

And Fuku


Jade seal

Heavy | Master Collection Words Yang Lian: Ru's Love, All Are 1 Please "Fu"

Han "Ceremonial Stele"

Heavy | Master Collection Words Yang Lian: Ru's Love, All Are 1 Please "Fu"

Han "Ode to the West Narrow"

Heavy | Master Collection Words Yang Lian: Ru's Love, All Are 1 Please "Fu"
Heavy | Master Collection Words Yang Lian: Ru's Love, All Are 1 Please "Fu"

Han "Cao Quan Stele"

Heavy | Master Collection Words Yang Lian: Ru's Love, All Are 1 Please "Fu"

Northern Qi

Taishan "Jing Shiyu"


Tomonaga, Makusa Senji sentences

Heavy | Master Collection Words Yang Lian: Ru's Love, All Are 1 Please "Fu"
Heavy | Master Collection Words Yang Lian: Ru's Love, All Are 1 Please "Fu"
Heavy | Master Collection Words Yang Lian: Ru's Love, All Are 1 Please "Fu"
Heavy | Master Collection Words Yang Lian: Ru's Love, All Are 1 Please "Fu"
Heavy | Master Collection Words Yang Lian: Ru's Love, All Are 1 Please "Fu"

Tang Dynasty

Huai Ren's "Order of the Sacred Teachings of The Collected Kings"

Heavy | Master Collection Words Yang Lian: Ru's Love, All Are 1 Please "Fu"

Ouyang Inquiry "Jiucheng Palace Liquan Ming"

Heavy | Master Collection Words Yang Lian: Ru's Love, All Are 1 Please "Fu"

Yan Zhenqing's "Many Pagoda Tablets"

Heavy | Master Collection Words Yang Lian: Ru's Love, All Are 1 Please "Fu"
Heavy | Master Collection Words Yang Lian: Ru's Love, All Are 1 Please "Fu"

Liu Gongquan 'Mystery Tower Stele》

Heavy | Master Collection Words Yang Lian: Ru's Love, All Are 1 Please "Fu"
Heavy | Master Collection Words Yang Lian: Ru's Love, All Are 1 Please "Fu"
Heavy | Master Collection Words Yang Lian: Ru's Love, All Are 1 Please "Fu"
Heavy | Master Collection Words Yang Lian: Ru's Love, All Are 1 Please "Fu"
Heavy | Master Collection Words Yang Lian: Ru's Love, All Are 1 Please "Fu"
Heavy | Master Collection Words Yang Lian: Ru's Love, All Are 1 Please "Fu"

Chu Suiliang

The Sacred Order of the Wild Goose Pagoda

Heavy | Master Collection Words Yang Lian: Ru's Love, All Are 1 Please "Fu"

Li Yong's Monument to General Yunli


Huang Tingjian's "Teaching Trial Post"

Heavy | Master Collection Words Yang Lian: Ru's Love, All Are 1 Please "Fu"

Zhao Zhao's "Seven Laws of Writing Bai Juyi Poem"

Heavy | Master Collection Words Yang Lian: Ru's Love, All Are 1 Please "Fu"


Zhao Mengfu 《Hangzhou Fu Shen Guan Zhi Zhi》

Heavy | Master Collection Words Yang Lian: Ru's Love, All Are 1 Please "Fu"
Heavy | Master Collection Words Yang Lian: Ru's Love, All Are 1 Please "Fu"

Zhao Mengfu's "Epitaph of Qiu Yi"

Heavy | Master Collection Words Yang Lian: Ru's Love, All Are 1 Please "Fu"


The first blessing in the world

Kangxi Title Beijing "Gong Wangfu"

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