
China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!

author:XFun Foodie Club
China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!

Recently I saw a series

Summarize the local dishes in one sentence

It's so incisive!!

Let's talk to you guys

Give the Shanxi people a bottle of vinegar

Can mix a whole life

China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!

Often see netizens ridicule what Shanxi people take vinegar as a drink to drink, a tap to open the flow is vinegar, thirsty with a bottle of vinegar tons tons tons to drink half a bottle and so on...

The news of "Shanxi & Vinegar" broke out on the Internet at every turn, I am afraid that everyone will forget.

China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!
China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!

In fact, Shanxi people like to eat vinegar is the result of a combination of many reasons, in simple terms, there are three points: (1) Most of Shanxi is saline and alkali land, the alkali content of water and soil is high, in order to neutralize too much alkali, they have developed the habit of eating vinegar. (2) Shanxi people like pasta, and eating more vinegar can help digestion. (3) Shanxi is rich in crops such as sorghum and barley, apricots, plums and other fruits, and sufficient raw materials for vinegar.

China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!

Shanxi vinegar is a lot, but the first to recommend is Shanxi old vinegar, it is one of the four famous vinegars in China (as well as Zhenjiang balsamic vinegar, Fujian Yongchun old vinegar, Langzhong Boryeong vinegar), there are more than 3,000 years, set color, incense, alcohol, thick, acid five characteristics, sitting firmly in the "world's first vinegar".

China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!

Shanxi people love vinegar not only reflected in eating, for them vinegar is a universal daily necessities! For example, in the past, when lighting a kerosene lamp, it would be soaked in vinegar, which would save oil and be bright; after washing her hair, women would also wash their hair with water mixed with vinegar, and their hair would be soft and shiny, and so on.

Give the Tianjin people a piece of cake

Can roll out an entire future

China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!

It's all because of a snack called flatbread rolls. Flatbread is a panacea, there are noodles + noodles of large bread roll fritters, noodles + noodles + vegetables of large cake rolls, noodles + eggs of large cake rolls eggs, and then the flatbread was played badly by the fried skewer stall, the flatbread roll chicken fillet, the flatbread roll loin, the flatbread roll sausage, the flatbread burrito beef, the flatbread roll all kinds of fried skewers.

China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!

Anyway, only you can't think of it, there is nothing you can't get involved in, if you want something, just wait until you finally get your hands on it to shock you!

China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!

Yes, there is another point to be uneven for Tianjin, before I saw someone say that Tianjin pancake roll everything, big mistake!! In the eyes of Tianjin people, pancakes can only have fruits, fruit grates, eggs, green onions, noodle sauce and tofu.

Give The Cantonese a pot

Can cook the whole of Fujian

China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!

I have to say that the Cantonese people's ability to cook soup is too strong! Flying in the sky, running on the ground, swimming in the water, as long as you can breathe, I can give you a pot! Yes! soup! What dragon tiger phoenix, crocodile soup, bull whip soup, chicken soup...

China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!

I will never forget the expression on my Face when my Guangdong roommate in the cafeteria in college watched me pick up a bowl of tomato and egg soup, like caring for the mentally retarded... Indeed, in their eyes, the soup that is not distracted in the north is like sprinkling some green onions in the water of the pot...

China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!

However, Cantonese people cook this soup is not blind cooking, pay attention to the season, pay attention to the combination of ingredients, pay attention to the heat. Guangdong is hot and humid all year round, living in this time is easy to get on the fire, drink more soup can just relieve the heat to get wet, slowly, Guangdong people can not do without soup.

Give a pot to the northeast

Can stew the whole world

China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!

Northeast stew seems simple and casual, in fact, it is quite interesting to think about carefully, such as "pork stew noodles", "chicken stewed mushrooms", "pork stewed sauerkraut", "pork stewed bean carob", typical stew, generally a meat and a vegetarian, two pairs, as the saying goes, "men and women match, work is not tired".

China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!

Of course, there are also a variety of materials stewed together, such as "Northeast Chaos Stew", Liu Ge said that it is also called a big harvest. Cook beans, potatoes, eggplant, green peppers, and bud rice (whatever you want) and simmer with meat. It sounds chaotic, but it is all about the season, which is very reasonable.

China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!

Northeasterners love stews, just like their personality, simple and rugged. No matter what the material, as long as you can eat it, throw it in a pot and stew, after a big fire grunt, you have me, I have you, completely zero distance. Focus on the praise of vegetable soup, can be under three bowls of rice!

Give Shaanxi a steamed bun

It can clamp the whole human world

China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!

Shaanxi, as the first steamed capital, really ate the steamed buns out of the flowers. There are quite a lot of ways to eat, what meat sandwich steamed buns, egg dish steamed buns, boiled steamed buns, fried steamed buns, give me a steamed bun, take you to eat for a week without repeating the sample!

China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!
China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!
China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!

But in fact, in addition to eating Faduo, people also have a lot of tricks!

Stone buns

China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!

Yellow buns

China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!

Pot helmet buns

China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!

Kang kang bun

China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!

Give the people of Chongqing a hot pot

Can sweep down the entire universe

China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!

At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, on the banks of the Jialing River, Chaotianmen and other docks, there was a group of porters, because of the limited living conditions, they usually ate, seasonings and raw material styles are very small, so they often put all the ingredients and some beef offal and other scraps together to cook, three or five people get together to eat and can also keep warm. This is the prototype of Chongqing hot pot.

China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!

Chongqing hot pot pays attention to fresh and spicy spicy, red soup, red oil, red pepper, hot pot three musketeers hair belly, duck intestine, yellow throat and other meat and dishes are each hot, with oil plates, for people who do not love spicy have considerable magic!

China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!

Bottom line: there is nothing that a hot pot can't solve, and nothing is bad after shabu!!

Give the Yunnan people a handful of mushrooms

Can create a fantasy world

China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!

Yunnan is also a veritable "magic" capital, a mushroom feast takes you through the magic world in minutes! What to see the stars and the sea, walk the galactic universe, watch the villains dance, let you sit and experience, want to become a beautiful girl warrior!

China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!

How important are mushrooms in the hearts of Yunnan people? It can be said that the taste of mountains and seas is not as fresh as the fungi!

Refuse to complete statistics, every Yunnan person has a friend who has been poisoned by mushrooms, but even so, Yunnan people still eat it without any ambiguity!


China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!


China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!

Charcoal grilled

China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!


China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!


China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!

Let you happily finish eating, confused and dizzy Gu Qi...

Give a slice of cake

Tianjin people say that with a big cake to roll out a future for you,

We Shandong people are not happy!

Since we have dipped in bread, don't say that we bully people, let's perform a "all the cake rolls and green onions" for everyone! In view of the fact that Shandong pancakes are too famous, I will not nag more, and introduce some other cakes


China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!

Native to Weifang, it is a soft and tough hot noodle pancake. Li Chun has to eat something on this day, also called biting spring, at this time the cake is also called spring cake. The predecessor of Beijing roast duck lotus leaf cake is the cake. Mexico also has a similar name called burritos.

Plate of silk cakes

China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!

From Yantai, it is a dessert that evolved from Fukuyama ramen. The outside is golden and crispy, and the inside is soft with silver. Sprinkle sugar when eating, and pay more attention to sprinkling rock sugar crumbs and rose petals.


China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!

Quack is a pie. Because it looks like a cow's tongue, it is also called a cow's tongue cake.

Broom cakes

China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!

Mainly popular in the Jiaodong area, because the batter is sticky, it will stick to the basin, and the batter must be swept into the pot with a tool called a cooking broom. It is particularly simple and rough, that is, flour, salt, green onions, eggs, stir and fry.

Daughter-in-law cake

China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!

Like the wife cake, there is no daughter-in-law in it. It is Jiaodong Wenden, Rushan and other places, when the family makes a dowry for the bride when getting married, and by the way, it is entertained at the wedding, also called happy cake. This kind of cake, pay attention to not mixing water, only use eggs, sugar, peanut oil and old yeast and noodles, and then use the flame to burn into two sides of brown and yellow, the taste is particularly soft, about equal to Shandong bread.

Mille-feuille/shallot oil cake

China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!

Mix the hot noodles with cold water noodles, roll out the dough into large sheets, coat with oil and salt, sprinkle with green onions and roll them into rolls, and then roll them into a whirlpool, and then roll them thin, after frying, you can't eat them first, you have to take out the cake and drop it several times, and then it is finished when it is layered.

And of course from you

China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!
China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!
China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!
China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!
China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!

China's major cuisines are not finished to be continued! Waiting for you to supplement the duck ~ can your hometown dishes be summed up in one sentence?

China's first "devil" is not Shanghai, it is this!