
The Xihu District Procuratorate, the Statistics Bureau and the Toudao Community jointly carried out the re-screening of COVID-19 vaccination

author:Liaoshen Evening News Benxi Moment

In order to do a good job in publicity and public opinion guidance, create a good public opinion atmosphere for vaccination work, eliminate the doubts of community residents about vaccination, and make residents fully and correctly understand the important role of vaccination in the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic. On August 20, 2021, the Xihu District Procuratorate, the Statistics Bureau and Toudao community workers jointly carried out the household publicity work on COVID-19 vaccination.

The Xihu District Procuratorate, the Statistics Bureau and the Toudao Community jointly carried out the re-screening of COVID-19 vaccination

In accordance with the principle of knowing and voluntarily, the vaccination publicity work strives to ensure that the key populations in the jurisdiction should be planted. At the event, the staff of the district procuratorate and the statistics bureau came to the homes of community residents, carried out scientific popularization on the requirements of the vaccination population, the matters that should be paid attention to in the new crown vaccine, etc., and made a detailed information registration, and also explained the contraindications to the new crown vaccine to the residents. The staff also reminded everyone to pay attention to personal hygiene, frequent hand washing, more ventilation, wearing masks when going out, reducing gatherings, and seeking medical treatment in time if there is any abnormality.

Through this publicity activity, the residents in the community have a better understanding of vaccination knowledge, enhance the confidence of unvaccinated residents in the jurisdiction, and lay the foundation for further building a health barrier.


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