
In addition to directly saying like, these performances of women are actually a signal that they like you

author:The end of the small north
In addition to directly saying like, these performances of women are actually a signal that they like you

Wen 丨 the end of the small north

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Liking a person cannot be hidden, even if you hold your mouth, you will see it in your eyes; even if you close your eyes, you will overflow from the corners of your mouth.

People can hide their behavior for a while, but they cannot hide their subconscious at all times.

Compared with men, women's expression of feelings is more introverted and implicit, even if the heart is very fond of a person, as long as the other party does not take the initiative to express, it is difficult to suppress themselves.

In fact, women like a person, there will be a lot of clues, in addition to directly saying like, the following performances, are also like a person's signal.

If, the woman you like, has these signals, then be bold and pursue it.

In addition to directly saying like, these performances of women are actually a signal that they like you

01: There is nothing to ask you for help

A famous person once said:

If a woman likes a man, the best way to do that is to borrow books from the other person.

Books are nothing compared to anything else, and when they are borrowed, they must be repaid, and between this loan and repayment, and then borrow and repay, the reason for the exchange will come out.

To put it bluntly, a book is just a prop, a medium.

With the book as the medium, the feelings of the two people have a clue of righteousness and light, and the things in the future can be attacked, and the retreat can be defended, and the appropriate and perfect strategy is perfect.

In fact, in addition to borrowing books, it is the same for girls to find someone to help.

And finding someone to help out is better than borrowing a book.

Borrowing a book, at most, pretending to be careless in the book, carrying a note, euphemistically releasing a small snake, waiting for others to catch it.

In addition to directly saying like, these performances of women are actually a signal that they like you

And to find someone to help, you can naturally thank the other party, there are more ways to thank each other, you can be polite, you can thank verbally, you can thank you in practical action, you can send a small gift, you can invite each other to eat.

Because of thanks, the contact opportunities in the back are even more numerous.

Take a step back and say that if the other person feels inappropriate, you can also bring a friend.

At this time, friends are not decorations, they are all good at igniting and fanning, and shouting and cheering has accelerated the process.

In fact, girls are not born weak.

If there is no favorite boy, the girl can form a team alone, what to change the light bulb, move things, all without a word, can be done by themselves.

Only if you have a boy you like, you will become this and that will not be, it will not be, it is nothing more than trying to find an excuse to contact the boy you like alone.

If the girl frequently seeks help from a certain boy, and it is not a big deal, then, needless to say, she must like the boy, at least it is past her own inner passing line.

This is a sign of liking.

In addition to directly saying like, these performances of women are actually a signal that they like you

02: There is nothing to talk to you about

Finding someone to talk to seems simple, but it's actually quite difficult.

Many people, you and he can't say together, you say red is good-looking, he says how tacky; you say green water is ugly, he says how energetic; you just went to the hospital, afraid of being infected with the new crown, worried about being afraid, not only is it not comforting, but also say that you are worried about you, if you are infected, you can be troublesome.

You said that you were really happy to get the first place in the exam, and he said that this kind of exam is not important at all, the first place and the last place are the same.

You listened and wanted to leave him immediately, ran far away, and didn't want to say a word to him for a moment.

People who can't even talk together, to say like, how can it be?!

But some people, talking to him is comfortable.

What you approve of, he feels very good; what you oppose, he also feels excessive; you are worried and afraid, he will comfort and encourage you, you have joy to share, he will be happy for you wholeheartedly.

In addition to directly saying like, these performances of women are actually a signal that they like you

Such a person, for a long time, can't do it if he wants to hate it.

Girls, on the other hand, are born to like to talk.

Happy to want to share happiness with people, sad to find someone to comfort, encounter difficulties want to find someone to come up with ideas, most of the girls are more emotional,

If there is a man at this time, the way of speaking, the attitude, the content, make her feel comfortable, and it is very easy to like this boy.

The same is true of the reverse.

If a girl has nothing to do and always likes to find a boy to talk to and chat, 80% of them are also because they like it, and they all complement each other.

Because, no one wants to talk to someone they don't like.

In addition to directly saying like, these performances of women are actually a signal that they like you

03: There is nothing wrong with you

Seeing this small topic, will some people be surprised?

Is it a mistake?

Isn't it plainly disgusting to find something wrong, how can it be like?

People who have watched "Tianlong Eight Parts" know that when Zhao Min first looked at Zhang Wujie, because he did not find someone around, it was not less to find Zhang Wujie's stubble.

Almost as long as Zhang Wuji appeared, Zhao Min would come to make trouble. Zhao Min is the county lord and is extremely smart.

Finding fault is just to create an opportunity for Zhang Wuji to know himself and see himself.

As it turns out, it is.

In addition to directly saying like, these performances of women are actually a signal that they like you

There are countless beautiful women who like Zhang Wujie, and in the end, only Zhao Min got him.

In real life, there are many such examples.

Some girls who are more superior in their own conditions and are more proud in their bones, after liking a certain boy, will not play cards according to common sense, will not actively pursue boys, but may set up some small obstacles to find his stubble.

After this boy knows himself thoroughly, the beautiful side is displayed again, and finally conquers the boy by charm.

So, if you find that girl, always looking for the same boy's faults, don't think that she really hates this boy, the truth may be completely opposite.

If you don't believe me, just wait and see.

In addition to directly saying like, these performances of women are actually a signal that they like you

04: Conclusion

In fact, if a woman likes a man, a thousand people will have a thousand ways of expressing themselves.

Some people are bold and enthusiastic, some people are subtle and euphemistic, in addition to directly saying like, the above ways are all signs of like.

If, at this time, you are like the other party, you are single, and you have love for her, then hurry up and take action to seize the opportunity to be together.

Don't think that girls are making unreasonable trouble by doing this, because she likes you, so she will do this to you.

Imagine why she is not like this to others, but to you?

The woman's heart, in fact, is not a needle in the sea, as long as you look closely, you will find that in fact, she is easy to understand.


About the Author:

Su Xiaobei, a young writer and marriage counselor, has been engaged in psychological counseling for 13 years and has a wealth of experience to help you solve your questions. If you have a problem and don't know how to solve it, you can ask me a question and look forward to your consultation and message.

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