
The Day of The Evil Encounter with the Lingguang Divine King (Chapter 45 Deng Ming's Identity) is serialized

author:Meatloaf is the younger brother

Listening to the sound of the battlefield, Mia already had her own thoughts in her mind at this time, and she decided that this voice must come from Zhou Jiu'an, that is, Zhou Wang on the battlefield. She guessed that the sound of this immersive battlefield was from the Vietnamese battlefield.

It's just that although this sound sounds quite real and shocking, for them who have not personally experienced the battlefield, even if they try to distinguish it, they always can't really hear it.

Perhaps only those who had personally experienced that war could truly distinguish the voice behind it, which made Mia think of Zhuang Zheng and Zhao Shijing, who fought side by side with Zhou Wang, and perhaps this voice could evoke their memories.

Thinking of this, Mia pulled out her phone and turned on the recording button.

The sound did not last long and soon disappeared.

As the sound disappeared, Deng Ming turned on the light on the second floor. Instead, the crowd fell into a brief silence, or Bai Mo opened his mouth to break the silence: "This voice must be related to Zhou Wang, but I have just explored it, and his soul is not in this room." ”

"Exactly." Lu Liying and Bai Mo's words looked out the window at the old ginkgo tree that landed outside the window, and everyone's eyes also looked out the window with his gaze.

"I think there's one person who might know what really happened on the battlefield that year?" Tomorrow, I will go to zhao Shijing, and last time Elder Zhuang also mentioned the relationship between the three of them. Mia said with some urgency: "Perhaps, only by knowing what happened on the battlefield in those days can we solve today's mystery." ”

Therefore, Zhao Shijing's side is bound to go for a trip.

Okay,, it's late, so you can go back first. Seeing Mia's urgent look, Mixia qing was very calm, "No matter how anxious, you have to wait for the day, so go back first." Professor Lu, please help me send the girl home. ”

Hearing that her aunt actually asked Lu Li to send her home, Mia was a little confused: "What about you aunt?" ”

"Of course, I want to stay and talk to my old friends, and I still have some things to talk to Deng Ming alone." With that, Mixia Qing pushed Mia downstairs, and then rushed to the white ink while making eyes and said, "Namika still wants to please you for the time being." ”

Bai Mo was also very understanding, pulling Mi jia, before Lu Li and Mia could react, the two of them had already disappeared into everyone's sight with interest.

Watch as Mia gets into the car and makes sure they've gone far. Mi Xiaqing only then put away her smile, she did not look back, turned her back on Deng Ming and asked, "Do you know how long I have been looking for you?" ”

"I know, fifteen years." Deng Ming looked at Mi Xiaqing's trembling shoulders and walked over to put his hands lightly on her shoulders, trying to soothe her emotions.

But this could not soothe Mi Xiaqing's emotions at all, but made her more excited: "When my sister Michelle disappeared, I looked for you, but I never expected that even you disappeared." Later, I returned to China to take care of Mia, when she was too young to know anything, all these years, I have been inquiring about you and my sister, but whenever I hear about your news, I have gone to look for you, but you always disappeared before I found you. I can't figure it out, why? ”

With that, Mi Xiaqing turned around and looked at Deng Ming's eyes, as if she wanted to see through the person in front of her, she took a deep breath and asked, "But why did you suddenly come back?" Is it because of the. How many things are you hiding from me, and what really happened back then? ”

Deng Ming looked at Mi Xiaqing in front of him, feeling guilty and distressed from his heart, this secret he had kept alone for more than ten years, it was time for her to know. He helped Mi Xiaqing to sit down at the bar, then turned into the bar himself, poured a glass of lemonade and placed it in front of Mi Xiaqing: "Are you willing to listen to me tell the story before?" ”

Yes, Deng Ming was the training messenger of Mia's mother Michelle and aunt Mi Xiaqing. Although the relationship with Xueying and Xia Qing was not like Zhang Zhuo's, they were young plum bamboo horses, but since the two sisters began to take the path of the Soul Eater, Deng Ming had been with the two of them.

Deng Mingzhi, together with Michelle And Mi Xiaqing, are brother-like beings. When her sister Michelle disappeared, the first thing Mi Xiaqing thought of was Deng Ming, and when she wanted to contact Deng Ming to find help, she found that her best friend, who was like a brother, had also disappeared.

Therefore, Mi Xiaqing still had some resentment in her heart for Deng Ming. And these, Mi Xia Qing chose to bear alone, never let Mia's father Zhang Zhuo know.

Zhang Zhuo only knew that in the two years when Michelle Ying first disappeared, she was actually testing to become a high-level Soul Eater.

On the way to becoming a senior soul eater, the sisters have always been companions. Deng Ming, as the training messenger of Xueying and Xia Qing, has always been with them.

It's just that unlike the way Mi Xia Qing became a messenger, Xue Ying's road to becoming an exorcist was more difficult, so in the two years of the trial period, Michelle Ying was not less injured. It was precisely because he knew that it would be so difficult, so Mi Xueying would choose to leave Zhang Zhuo for a while. She didn't want Zhang Zhuo to know that she was doing such a dangerous thing, and she didn't want Zhang Zhuo to be hurt because of her, so she kept it a secret from Zhang Zhuo.

What she didn't expect was that Zhang Zhuo at that time still discovered this secret.

"It is impossible, Zhang Zhuo only learned this later when my sister Xueying disappeared again." Mi Xiaqing was a little incredulous when she heard Deng Ming say that Zhang Zhuo had known very early on that Mi Xueying was a Soul Eater.

Xia Qing recalled Zhang Zhuo's state before, and he didn't look like he knew their identities at all.

"Have you forgotten who I am?" Deng Ming asked rhetorically.

Deng Ming, male, is unknown in age, perhaps because he is a descendant of the Jiao people, and his youthful appearance makes it impossible to know his true age. Deng Ming's father was an exorcist, and his mother was a Jiao, and unlike the Jiao, although the Jiao people also lived in the water for a long time, they also had dragon blood flowing through their bodies.

At that time, Deng Ming's father personally saved her mother, so later there was him, he can be said to be the crystallization of a beautiful fairy tale. Therefore, half of Deng Ming's body was flowing with human blood, and half was flowing with the blood of the Jiao people. At the same time, he also continued the talent of the Jiao people.

According to legend, the tears of the Jiao people, the effect is like the other side of the flower, can make human beings forget the memory, so as a descendant of the Jiao people, he of course inherited this special skill, that is, he can eliminate human memories through his own tears.

"I once told Xue Ying that Zhang Zhuo would know their identities sooner or later, it was only a matter of time."

The Day of The Evil Encounter with the Lingguang Divine King (Chapter 45 Deng Ming's Identity) is serialized

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