
The dialectical relationship between leg pain and weight loss

The dialectical relationship between leg pain and weight loss
The dialectical relationship between leg pain and weight loss

For patients with excessive squeezing of the lateral patella, many people are similar to the above patient, the first is a larger weight, and the second is a pain in the knee joint. So there is a contradiction, because it hurts when you exercise, so you dare not exercise, and then your weight increases, forming a vicious circle - the more painful the legs, the more you dare not move, and the greater the weight. Many of them have the problem of excessive squeezing of the lateral side of the patella, or the problem of early osteoarthritis, which can actually find the corresponding experienced doctor to help.

After our reasonable evaluation, if it is suitable for minimally invasive surgery of excessive compression of the lateral patella and joint cleansing surgery, it can actually obtain good results. For example, this patient, not only does her pain almost disappear, but because the pain is relieved, she can exercise, so that her weight will drop significantly, and the burden on the knee joint can be reduced. So the knee joint is getting better and better, which means that the operation broke her vicious circle.

Of course, not all patients with excessive squeezing of the lateral patella will come up and have surgery, or surgery as soon as they are diagnosed, but should first undergo three to six months of standardized conservative treatment, such as muscle strength training, the use of appropriate painkillers, ice and weight control, and so on. If the effect is really not good, you should combine physical examination and imaging examination, and then let a more experienced doctor help you decide whether you should operate. If appropriate, the surgical results are very good, just like this patient, she will get a good benefit, break the original vicious circle, and gradually enter the track of a virtuous circle, I believe she will get better and better.

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