
complaints! The newly bought car cannot be licensed in Lingshui, but it can be in Haikou. The owner questioned the dmas...

complaints! The newly bought car cannot be licensed in Lingshui, but it can be in Haikou. The owner questioned the dmas...


Inspectors said that the location of the vehicle identification code engraving did not comply with the regulations

complaints! The newly bought car cannot be licensed in Lingshui, but it can be in Haikou. The owner questioned the dmas...
complaints! The newly bought car cannot be licensed in Lingshui, but it can be in Haikou. The owner questioned the dmas...

Mr. Yang said: "We immediately communicated with inspector Guo Moushi and the person in charge of the vehicle management office, telling them that the same model had been successfully registered at the Lingshui County Vehicle Management Office on January 6, but they refused to register my vehicle on the grounds that they did not find this situation on January 6, and the withdrawal notice issued at that time only stamped Guo Moushi's private seal." After my strong request, Guo Moushi helped me contact the Lingshui County Government Service Public Security Sub-Center to stamp the business seal. ”

complaints! The newly bought car cannot be licensed in Lingshui, but it can be in Haikou. The owner questioned the dmas...

Mr. Yang said that he also issued a national certificate of conformity at that time, but the inspector said that in July last year, the same model in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, had the same problem and had an early warning, so he did not agree to register him. When he offered to look at the warning information, the inspector refused.


The different treatment results of the same model have aroused public doubts

Ms. Liu told reporters that after the incident, she and her husband drove back to Haikou, and on the afternoon of the same day, they successfully registered the information of Haikou motor vehicles.

Ms. Liu also said that according to the information of the riders, two days before and after her vehicle was rejected in Lingshui, two models of the same model went through the vehicle registration business at the Lingshui County Vehicle Management Office.

complaints! The newly bought car cannot be licensed in Lingshui, but it can be in Haikou. The owner questioned the dmas...

Ms. Liu said that this result is difficult for them to accept, and she hopes that lingshui county vehicle management can give an explanation.


Vehicle Management Office: Communicated with the staff of the 4S shop because of the problem of the other party and failed to succeed

The reporter learned that at 8:35 on January 12, the Lingshui County Vehicle Management Office replied to the matter through 12345. According to the Lingshui County Vehicle Management Office, at that time, the inspector found that the same car had been reported as a violation during the inspection, because the frame number was engraved in the luggage compartment, and the staff actively communicated with the staff of the 4S shop, but in the end there was no solution.

complaints! The newly bought car cannot be licensed in Lingshui, but it can be in Haikou. The owner questioned the dmas...

The vehicle management office also said that the owner of the same vehicle on January 8 provided a description issued by the manufacturer when he was licensed, and the car owner handled it according to the situation statement, which complied with the relevant regulations; as for the owner of the car that was successfully licensed on January 6, the vehicle management office will also actively communicate with it, and if the situation is the same, the owner will be required to complete the relevant materials.

complaints! The newly bought car cannot be licensed in Lingshui, but it can be in Haikou. The owner questioned the dmas...
complaints! The newly bought car cannot be licensed in Lingshui, but it can be in Haikou. The owner questioned the dmas...

The reply also wrote that when the vehicle management office handled business, it would not deliberately embarrass any of the masses, nor would there be any violations of discipline and law, but would only do what it was required to do.

Mr. Yang did not approve of this reply, believing that it was completely inconsistent with the reasons for not being able to be listed in the Notice of Withdrawal. After learning that he could not be licensed, he communicated with the director of the Lingshui County Vehicle Management Office and also contacted the 4S store, hoping to explain the situation of the car to the director through the staff of the 4S store. In the communication, perhaps the staff of the 4S store is more anxious, the two sides have some verbal conflicts, and the director told him that it does not meet the requirements of the license and cannot be handled.

Mr. Yang said: "We have communicated with the director and said that if you need to supplement materials, you can communicate with the manufacturer. During this period, I went to the Lingshui County Vehicle Management Office twice, and the reply I got was that I couldn't do it. ”

As for the license plate of the same model of vehicle handled on January 8, as far as he knows, the owner of the car provided the same model of vehicle identification code engraved location indication provided by SAIC Volkswagen, not FAW-Volkswagen, FAW and SAIC are basically two companies.


Traffic Police Brigade: A satisfactory answer will be given after a detailed investigation

On the morning of the same day, when the reporter consulted at the car inspection channel of the traffic management service station in Sancai Town, Lingshui County, on the matter of "whether the vehicle identification code can be registered and licensed in the trunk", a staff member told the reporter that the card can be listed, but it is necessary to provide a description of the situation issued by the manufacturer and a mandatory product certification vehicle consistency certificate to prove that the location of the identification code marked is consistent with the actual vehicle.

complaints! The newly bought car cannot be licensed in Lingshui, but it can be in Haikou. The owner questioned the dmas...

Wang Yimin, deputy captain of the traffic management brigade of the Lingshui County Public Security Bureau, said in an interview with reporters: "Ms. Liu's red Volkswagen new energy vehicle, the vehicle identification code is in the luggage compartment, which is not allowed. ”

Wang Yimin said: "According to the national standard "Motor Vehicle Operation Safety Technical Conditions" - (GB7258-2017) 4.1.3): The vehicle identification code of the passenger car should be engraved on the vehicle structural parts that can prevent replacement in the engine compartment, or engraved on the door column, if there is no engraving space due to structural restrictions, it can also be engraved on the other structural parts of the vehicle on the right side in addition to the luggage compartment. ”

"When we inspected the car, we inquired through the system that there was such a situation in the same car, not that it could not be done, we wanted to investigate it in detail, find out the real reason, and then give a satisfactory answer." Subjectively, there is no problem with the inspection procedure, including the inspector's handling process. From the perspective of objectivity, the structure of new energy vehicles is more complicated now, and we may not know enough about the situation of this car, and then we will study various situations in detail. When the reporter asked many times why the same model of car can be licensed on January 6 and January 8, while the same model cannot handle the vehicle registration business in Lingshui, but in Haikou? Wang Yimin avoided answering this question.

complaints! The newly bought car cannot be licensed in Lingshui, but it can be in Haikou. The owner questioned the dmas...

In response to the vehicle management office's response to "not being licensed due to the attitude of the 4S shop staff", Wang Yimin said that there was no such statement, and he said that there may be some misunderstanding during communication. Regarding Ms. Liu's suggestion that "inspectors stamped private seals on the withdrawal form and only stamped the official seal after strong request", Wang Yimin said: "Inspectors have qualifications, and the seal does not represent individuals, but can only represent the entire brigade. Strictly speaking, it should be stamped with a private seal and at the same time as the brigade's seal. In view of the lack of strict work, we will carry out rectification and strengthen the training of salesmen. ”

Finally, Wang Yimin told reporters: "For the situation that the identification code of the car and vehicle purchased by Ms. Liu is engraved in the luggage compartment, as long as the relevant information is provided, the situation can be clearly explained to handle the vehicle registration business, and the early warning problems have been reported to the provincial traffic police corps." ”

For the follow-up development of the incident, the Business Daily reporter will continue to track.

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complaints! The newly bought car cannot be licensed in Lingshui, but it can be in Haikou. The owner questioned the dmas...
complaints! The newly bought car cannot be licensed in Lingshui, but it can be in Haikou. The owner questioned the dmas...

Business Daily all-media coconut network / altitude information APP reporter Xie Jianning Li Sha photo report

Editor: Wu Yanying

Review: Long Yanting

Producer: Xie Qingpei

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